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Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file
This file is part of 0MQ.
0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "session_base.hpp"
#include "i_engine.hpp"
#include "err.hpp"
#include "pipe.hpp"
#include "likely.hpp"
#include "tcp_connecter.hpp"
#include "ipc_connecter.hpp"
#include "pgm_sender.hpp"
#include "pgm_receiver.hpp"
#include "address.hpp"
#include "req.hpp"
#include "dealer.hpp"
#include "rep.hpp"
#include "router.hpp"
#include "pub.hpp"
#include "xpub.hpp"
#include "sub.hpp"
#include "xsub.hpp"
#include "push.hpp"
#include "pull.hpp"
#include "pair.hpp"
zmq::session_base_t *zmq::session_base_t::create (class io_thread_t *io_thread_,
bool connect_, class socket_base_t *socket_, const options_t &options_,
const address_t *addr_)
session_base_t *s = NULL;
switch (options_.type) {
case ZMQ_REQ:
s = new (std::nothrow) req_session_t (io_thread_, connect_,
socket_, options_, addr_);
s = new (std::nothrow) dealer_session_t (io_thread_, connect_,
socket_, options_, addr_);
case ZMQ_REP:
s = new (std::nothrow) rep_session_t (io_thread_, connect_,
socket_, options_, addr_);
s = new (std::nothrow) router_session_t (io_thread_, connect_,
socket_, options_, addr_);
case ZMQ_PUB:
s = new (std::nothrow) pub_session_t (io_thread_, connect_,
socket_, options_, addr_);
case ZMQ_XPUB:
s = new (std::nothrow) xpub_session_t (io_thread_, connect_,
socket_, options_, addr_);
case ZMQ_SUB:
s = new (std::nothrow) sub_session_t (io_thread_, connect_,
socket_, options_, addr_);
case ZMQ_XSUB:
s = new (std::nothrow) xsub_session_t (io_thread_, connect_,
socket_, options_, addr_);
case ZMQ_PUSH:
s = new (std::nothrow) push_session_t (io_thread_, connect_,
socket_, options_, addr_);
case ZMQ_PULL:
s = new (std::nothrow) pull_session_t (io_thread_, connect_,
socket_, options_, addr_);
case ZMQ_PAIR:
s = new (std::nothrow) pair_session_t (io_thread_, connect_,
socket_, options_, addr_);
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
alloc_assert (s);
return s;
zmq::session_base_t::session_base_t (class io_thread_t *io_thread_,
bool connect_, class socket_base_t *socket_, const options_t &options_,
const address_t *addr_) :
own_t (io_thread_, options_),
io_object_t (io_thread_),
connect (connect_),
pipe (NULL),
incomplete_in (false),
pending (false),
engine (NULL),
socket (socket_),
io_thread (io_thread_),
has_linger_timer (false),
addr (addr_)
zmq::session_base_t::~session_base_t ()
zmq_assert (!pipe);
// If there's still a pending linger timer, remove it.
if (has_linger_timer) {
cancel_timer (linger_timer_id);
has_linger_timer = false;
// Close the engine.
if (engine)
engine->terminate ();
if (addr)
delete addr;
void zmq::session_base_t::attach_pipe (pipe_t *pipe_)
zmq_assert (!is_terminating ());
zmq_assert (!pipe);
zmq_assert (pipe_);
pipe = pipe_;
pipe->set_event_sink (this);
int zmq::session_base_t::pull_msg (msg_t *msg_)
if (!pipe || !pipe->read (msg_)) {
errno = EAGAIN;
return -1;
incomplete_in = msg_->flags () & msg_t::more ? true : false;
return 0;
int zmq::session_base_t::push_msg (msg_t *msg_)
if (pipe && pipe->write (msg_)) {
int rc = msg_->init ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
return 0;
errno = EAGAIN;
return -1;
void zmq::session_base_t::reset ()
void zmq::session_base_t::flush ()
if (pipe)
pipe->flush ();
void zmq::session_base_t::clean_pipes ()
if (pipe) {
// Get rid of half-processed messages in the out pipe. Flush any
// unflushed messages upstream.
pipe->rollback ();
pipe->flush ();
// Remove any half-read message from the in pipe.
while (incomplete_in) {
msg_t msg;
int rc = msg.init ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
rc = pull_msg (&msg);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
rc = msg.close ();
errno_assert (rc == 0);
void zmq::session_base_t::terminated (pipe_t *pipe_)
// Drop the reference to the deallocated pipe if required.
zmq_assert (pipe == pipe_ || terminating_pipes.count (pipe_) == 1);
if (pipe == pipe_)
// If this is our current pipe, remove it
pipe = NULL;
// Remove the pipe from the detached pipes set
terminating_pipes.erase (pipe_);
if (!is_terminating () && options.raw_sock) {
if (engine) {
engine->terminate ();
engine = NULL;
terminate ();
// If we are waiting for pending messages to be sent, at this point
// we are sure that there will be no more messages and we can proceed
// with termination safely.
if (pending && !pipe && terminating_pipes.empty ())
proceed_with_term ();
void zmq::session_base_t::read_activated (pipe_t *pipe_)
// Skip activating if we're detaching this pipe
if (pipe != pipe_) {
zmq_assert (terminating_pipes.count (pipe_) == 1);
if (likely (engine != NULL))
engine->activate_out ();
pipe->check_read ();
void zmq::session_base_t::write_activated (pipe_t *pipe_)
// Skip activating if we're detaching this pipe
if (pipe != pipe_) {
zmq_assert (terminating_pipes.count (pipe_) == 1);
if (engine)
engine->activate_in ();
void zmq::session_base_t::hiccuped (pipe_t *)
// Hiccups are always sent from session to socket, not the other
// way round.
zmq_assert (false);
zmq::socket_base_t *zmq::session_base_t::get_socket ()
return socket;
void zmq::session_base_t::process_plug ()
if (connect)
start_connecting (false);
void zmq::session_base_t::process_attach (i_engine *engine_)
zmq_assert (engine_ != NULL);
// Create the pipe if it does not exist yet.
if (!pipe && !is_terminating ()) {
object_t *parents [2] = {this, socket};
pipe_t *pipes [2] = {NULL, NULL};
int hwms [2] = {options.rcvhwm, options.sndhwm};
bool delays [2] = {options.delay_on_close, options.delay_on_disconnect};
int rc = pipepair (parents, pipes, hwms, delays);
errno_assert (rc == 0);
// Plug the local end of the pipe.
pipes [0]->set_event_sink (this);
// Remember the local end of the pipe.
zmq_assert (!pipe);
pipe = pipes [0];
// Ask socket to plug into the remote end of the pipe.
send_bind (socket, pipes [1]);
// Plug in the engine.
zmq_assert (!engine);
engine = engine_;
engine->plug (io_thread, this);
void zmq::session_base_t::detach ()
// Engine is dead. Let's forget about it.
engine = NULL;
// Remove any half-done messages from the pipes.
clean_pipes ();
// Send the event to the derived class.
detached ();
// Just in case there's only a delimiter in the pipe.
if (pipe)
pipe->check_read ();
void zmq::session_base_t::process_term (int linger_)
zmq_assert (!pending);
// If the termination of the pipe happens before the term command is
// delivered there's nothing much to do. We can proceed with the
// stadard termination immediately.
if (!pipe) {
proceed_with_term ();
pending = true;
// If there's finite linger value, delay the termination.
// If linger is infinite (negative) we don't even have to set
// the timer.
if (linger_ > 0) {
zmq_assert (!has_linger_timer);
add_timer (linger_, linger_timer_id);
has_linger_timer = true;
// Start pipe termination process. Delay the termination till all messages
// are processed in case the linger time is non-zero.
pipe->terminate (linger_ != 0);
// TODO: Should this go into pipe_t::terminate ?
// In case there's no engine and there's only delimiter in the
// pipe it wouldn't be ever read. Thus we check for it explicitly.
pipe->check_read ();
void zmq::session_base_t::proceed_with_term ()
// The pending phase have just ended.
pending = false;
// Continue with standard termination.
own_t::process_term (0);
void zmq::session_base_t::timer_event (int id_)
// Linger period expired. We can proceed with termination even though
// there are still pending messages to be sent.
zmq_assert (id_ == linger_timer_id);
has_linger_timer = false;
// Ask pipe to terminate even though there may be pending messages in it.
zmq_assert (pipe);
pipe->terminate (false);
void zmq::session_base_t::detached ()
// Transient session self-destructs after peer disconnects.
if (!connect) {
terminate ();
// For delayed connect situations, terminate the pipe
// and reestablish later on
if (pipe && options.immediate == 1
&& addr->protocol != "pgm" && addr->protocol != "epgm") {
pipe->hiccup ();
pipe->terminate (false);
terminating_pipes.insert (pipe);
pipe = NULL;
reset ();
// Reconnect.
if (options.reconnect_ivl != -1)
start_connecting (true);
// For subscriber sockets we hiccup the inbound pipe, which will cause
// the socket object to resend all the subscriptions.
if (pipe && (options.type == ZMQ_SUB || options.type == ZMQ_XSUB))
pipe->hiccup ();
void zmq::session_base_t::start_connecting (bool wait_)
zmq_assert (connect);
// Choose I/O thread to run connecter in. Given that we are already
// running in an I/O thread, there must be at least one available.
io_thread_t *io_thread = choose_io_thread (options.affinity);
zmq_assert (io_thread);
// Create the connecter object.
if (addr->protocol == "tcp") {
tcp_connecter_t *connecter = new (std::nothrow) tcp_connecter_t (
io_thread, this, options, addr, wait_);
alloc_assert (connecter);
launch_child (connecter);
#if !defined ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS && !defined ZMQ_HAVE_OPENVMS
if (addr->protocol == "ipc") {
ipc_connecter_t *connecter = new (std::nothrow) ipc_connecter_t (
io_thread, this, options, addr, wait_);
alloc_assert (connecter);
launch_child (connecter);
// Both PGM and EPGM transports are using the same infrastructure.
if (addr->protocol == "pgm" || addr->protocol == "epgm") {
zmq_assert (options.type == ZMQ_PUB || options.type == ZMQ_XPUB
|| options.type == ZMQ_SUB || options.type == ZMQ_XSUB);
// For EPGM transport with UDP encapsulation of PGM is used.
bool const udp_encapsulation = addr->protocol == "epgm";
// At this point we'll create message pipes to the session straight
// away. There's no point in delaying it as no concept of 'connect'
// exists with PGM anyway.
if (options.type == ZMQ_PUB || options.type == ZMQ_XPUB) {
// PGM sender.
pgm_sender_t *pgm_sender = new (std::nothrow) pgm_sender_t (
io_thread, options);
alloc_assert (pgm_sender);
int rc = pgm_sender->init (udp_encapsulation, addr->address.c_str ());
errno_assert (rc == 0);
send_attach (this, pgm_sender);
else {
// PGM receiver.
pgm_receiver_t *pgm_receiver = new (std::nothrow) pgm_receiver_t (
io_thread, options);
alloc_assert (pgm_receiver);
int rc = pgm_receiver->init (udp_encapsulation, addr->address.c_str ());
errno_assert (rc == 0);
send_attach (this, pgm_receiver);
zmq_assert (false);