2010-03-13 14:40:10 +01:00

175 lines
6.4 KiB

Copyright (c) 2007-2010 iMatix Corporation
This file is part of 0MQ.
0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "../include/zmq.h"
#include "i_endpoint.hpp"
#include "object.hpp"
#include "yarray_item.hpp"
#include "mutex.hpp"
#include "options.hpp"
#include "stdint.hpp"
#include "atomic_counter.hpp"
#include "stdint.hpp"
#include "blob.hpp"
namespace zmq
class socket_base_t :
public object_t, public i_endpoint, public yarray_item_t
socket_base_t (class app_thread_t *parent_);
// Interface for communication with the API layer.
int setsockopt (int option_, const void *optval_,
size_t optvallen_);
int bind (const char *addr_);
int connect (const char *addr_);
int send (zmq_msg_t *msg_, int flags_);
int recv (zmq_msg_t *msg_, int flags_);
int close ();
// When another owned object wants to send command to this object
// it calls this function to let it know it should not shut down
// before the command is delivered.
void inc_seqnum ();
// This function is used by the polling mechanism to determine
// whether the socket belongs to the application thread the poll
// is called from.
class app_thread_t *get_thread ();
// These functions are used by the polling mechanism to determine
// which events are to be reported from this socket.
bool has_in ();
bool has_out ();
// The list of sessions cannot be accessed via inter-thread
// commands as it is unacceptable to wait for the completion of the
// action till user application yields control of the application
// thread to 0MQ. Locking is used instead.
// There are two distinct types of sessions: those identified by name
// and those identified by ordinal number. Thus two sets of session
// management functions.
bool register_session (const blob_t &peer_identity_,
class session_t *session_);
void unregister_session (const blob_t &peer_identity_);
class session_t *find_session (const blob_t &peer_identity_);
uint64_t register_session (class session_t *session_);
void unregister_session (uint64_t ordinal_);
class session_t *find_session (uint64_t ordinal_);
// i_endpoint interface implementation.
void attach_pipes (class reader_t *inpipe_, class writer_t *outpipe_,
const blob_t &peer_identity_);
void detach_inpipe (class reader_t *pipe_);
void detach_outpipe (class writer_t *pipe_);
void kill (class reader_t *pipe_);
void revive (class reader_t *pipe_);
void revive (class writer_t *pipe_);
// Destructor is protected. Socket is closed using 'close' function.
virtual ~socket_base_t ();
// Pipe management is done by individual socket types.
virtual void xattach_pipes (class reader_t *inpipe_,
class writer_t *outpipe_, const blob_t &peer_identity_) = 0;
virtual void xdetach_inpipe (class reader_t *pipe_) = 0;
virtual void xdetach_outpipe (class writer_t *pipe_) = 0;
virtual void xkill (class reader_t *pipe_) = 0;
virtual void xrevive (class reader_t *pipe_) = 0;
virtual void xrevive (class writer_t *pipe_) = 0;
// Actual algorithms are to be defined by individual socket types.
virtual int xsetsockopt (int option_, const void *optval_,
size_t optvallen_) = 0;
virtual int xsend (zmq_msg_t *msg_, int options_) = 0;
virtual int xrecv (zmq_msg_t *msg_, int options_) = 0;
virtual bool xhas_in () = 0;
virtual bool xhas_out () = 0;
// Socket options.
options_t options;
// Handlers for incoming commands.
void process_own (class owned_t *object_);
void process_bind (class reader_t *in_pipe_, class writer_t *out_pipe_,
const blob_t &peer_identity_);
void process_term_req (class owned_t *object_);
void process_term_ack ();
void process_seqnum ();
// List of all I/O objects owned by this socket. The socket is
// responsible for deallocating them before it quits.
typedef std::set <class owned_t*> io_objects_t;
io_objects_t io_objects;
// Number of I/O objects that were already asked to terminate
// but haven't acknowledged it yet.
int pending_term_acks;
// Number of messages received since last command processing.
int ticks;
// Application thread the socket lives in.
class app_thread_t *app_thread;
// If true, socket is already shutting down. No new work should be
// started.
bool shutting_down;
// Sequence number of the last command sent to this object.
atomic_counter_t sent_seqnum;
// Sequence number of the last command processed by this object.
uint64_t processed_seqnum;
// Lists of existing sessions. This lists are never referenced from
// within the socket, instead they are used by I/O objects owned by
// the socket. As those objects can live in different threads,
// the access is synchronised by mutex.
typedef std::map <blob_t, session_t*> named_sessions_t;
named_sessions_t named_sessions;
typedef std::map <uint64_t, session_t*> unnamed_sessions_t;
unnamed_sessions_t unnamed_sessions;
uint64_t next_ordinal;
mutex_t sessions_sync;
socket_base_t (const socket_base_t&);
void operator = (const socket_base_t&);