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synced 2025-03-20 10:23:47 +00:00
There is an option to enable/disable libsodium via the Visual Studio UI. This is not practical for command-line usage (via msbuild). Solution: add configure.bat that searches for libsodium in sibling directory to libzmq; if it finds it, defines HAVE_LIBSODIUM 1. This is consistent with zproject, which has the same problem and is getting the same solution for all dependency resolution on Windows. Note that this approach also provides a way to support tweetnacl via a configure option. Also, removed duplicate props files and re-copy in configure.bat as it was an insane nightmare to update these by hand. (and not clear that they were identical. Now it's forced.)
79 lines
2.7 KiB
79 lines
2.7 KiB
REM Usage: [buildbase.bat ..\vs2013\mysolution.sln 12]
SET solution=%1
SET version=%2
SET log=build_%version%.log
SET tools=Microsoft Visual Studio %version%.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat
SET environment="%programfiles(x86)%\%tools%"
IF NOT EXIST %environment% SET environment="%programfiles%\%tools%"
IF NOT EXIST %environment% GOTO no_tools
SET packages=
IF EXIST "..\..\..\..\libsodium\builds/msvc/vs2015\libsodium.import.props" (
COPY /Y "..\..\..\..\libsodium\builds/msvc/vs2015\libsodium.import.props" . > %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
SET packages=%packages% /p:HAVE_LIBSODIUM=1
) ELSE (
ECHO Building without libsodium
ECHO Building %solution%... (%packages%)
CALL %environment% x86 > nul
ECHO Platform=x86
ECHO Configuration=DynDebug
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=DynDebug /p:Platform=Win32 %packages% %solution% > %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=DynRelease
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=DynRelease /p:Platform=Win32 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=LtcgDebug
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=LtcgDebug /p:Platform=Win32 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=LtcgRelease
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=LtcgRelease /p:Platform=Win32 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=StaticDebug
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=StaticDebug /p:Platform=Win32 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=StaticRelease
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=StaticRelease /p:Platform=Win32 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
CALL %environment% x86_amd64 > nul
ECHO Platform=x64
ECHO Configuration=DynDebug
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=DynDebug /p:Platform=x64 %packages% %solution% > %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=DynRelease
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=DynRelease /p:Platform=x64 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=LtcgDebug
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=LtcgDebug /p:Platform=x64 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=LtcgRelease
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=LtcgRelease /p:Platform=x64 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=StaticDebug
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=StaticDebug /p:Platform=x64 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=StaticRelease
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=StaticRelease /p:Platform=x64 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Complete: %solution%
GOTO end
ECHO *** ERROR, build terminated early, see: %log%
GOTO end
ECHO *** ERROR, build tools not found: %tools%