0MQ version 3.2.0 (RC1), released on 2012/06/05 =============================================== Bug fixes --------- * Fixed issue 264 - Potential bug with linger, messages dropped during socket close. * Fixed issue 293 - libzmq doesn't follow the ZMTP/1.0 spec (did not set reserved bits to 0). * Fixed issue 303 - Assertion failure in pgm_sender.cpp:102. * Fixed issue 320 - Assertion failure in connect_session.cpp:96 when connecting epgm to an invalid endpoint. * Fixed issue 325 - Assertion failure in xrep.cpp:93, when two sockets connect using the same identity. * Fixed issue 327 - Assertion failure in mtrie.cpp:246, when unsubscribing from channel. * Fixed issue 346 - Assertion failure in signaler.cpp:155, when using a closed socket. * Fixed issue 328 - unsubscribe wrongly clears multiple subscriptions. * Fixed issue 330 - IPC listener does not remove unix domain stream file when terminated. * Fixed issue 334 - Memory leak in session_base.cpp:59. * Fixed issue 369 - ROUTER cannot close/reopen while DEALER connected. Operating systems ----------------- * Fixed issue 301 - HPUX 11iv2 - build fails, CLOCK_MONOTONIC undefined. * Fixed issue 324 - OS/X - build fails, ECANTROUTE undefined. * Fixed issue 368 - Solaris / Sun C++ - build fails, no insert method in multimap classes. * Fixed issue 366 - Windows - ports not freed after crash. * Fixed issue 355 - Windows - build fails, MSVC solution file is out of date. * Fixed issue 331 - FreeBSD 8 and 9 - getaddrinfo fails with EAI_BADFLAGS on AI_V4MAPPED flag. * Fixed issue xxx - Added support for WinCE. Performance ----------- * Fixed issue xxx - Implemented atomic operations for ARMv7a (runs 15-20% faster). API changes ----------- * Fixed issue 337 - Cleaned-up context API: zmq_ctx_new() - create new context (will deprecate zmq_init) zmq_ctx_destroy() - destroy context (will deprecate zmq_term) zmq_ctx_set() - set context property zmq_ctx_get() - get context property * Fixed issue xxx - Cleaned-up message API: zmq_msg_send() - send a message (will deprecate zmq_sendmsg) zmq_msg_recv() - receive a message (will deprecate zmq_recvmsg) zmq_msg_more() - indicate whether this is final part of message zmq_msg_get() - get message property zmq_msg_set() - set message property * Fixed issue xxx - Added context monitoring API: zmq_ctx_set_monitor() - configure monitor callback. * Fixed issue xxx - Added unbind/disconnect API: zmq_unbind() - unbind socket. zmq_disconnect() - disconnect socket. * Fixed issue xxx - Added ZMQ_TCP_ACCEPT_FILTER setsockopt() for listening TCP sockets. * Fixed issue 336 - Removed sys: transport. * Fixed issue 333 - Added zmq_device function back to API (was removed in 3.0). * Fixed issue 340 - Add support for MAX_SOCKETS to new context API. OMQ version 3.1.0 (beta), released on 2011/12/18 ================================================ General information ------------------- Based on community consensus, the 0MQ 3.1.x release reverts a number of features introduced in version 3.0. The major reason for these changes is improving backward compatibility with 0MQ 2.1.x. Development of the 0MQ 3.0.x series will be discontinued, and users are encouraged to upgrade to 3.1. The 0MQ 3.1.x releases use ABI version 3. Reverted functionality ---------------------- The following functionality present in 0MQ 3.0 has been reverted: * Wire format changes. The 0MQ 3.1 wire format is identical to that of 0MQ 2.1. * LABELs and COMMANDs have been removed. * Explicit identies are re-introduced, however they can be used only for explicit routing, not for durable sockets. * The ZMQ_ROUTER and ZMQ_DEALER socket types are once again aliases for ZMQ_XREQ and ZMQ_XREP. New functionality ----------------- * The zmq_getmsgopt() function has been introduced. * Experimental IPv6 support has been introduced. This is disabled by default, see the zmq_setsockopt() documentation for enabling it. Other changes ------------- * The default HWM for all socket types has been set to 1000. * Many bug fixes. Building -------- * The dependency on libuuid has been removed. * Support for building on Android, and with MSVC 10 has been added. 0MQ version 3.0.0 (alpha), released on 2011/07/12 ================================================= New functionality ----------------- * A zmq_ctx_set_monitor() API to register a callback / event sink for changes in socket state. * POSIX-compliant zmq_send and zmq_recv introduced (uses raw buffer instead of message object). * ZMQ_MULTICAST_HOPS socket option added. Sets the appropriate field in IP headers of PGM packets. * Subscription forwarding. Instead of filtering on consumer, the subscription is moved as far as possible towards the publisher and filtering is done there. * ZMQ_XPUB, ZMQ_XSUB introduced. Allow to create subscription- forwarding-friendly intermediate devices. * Add sockopt ZMQ_RCVTIMEO/ZMQ_SNDTIMEO. Allow to set timeout for blocking send/recv calls. * A new LABEL flag was added to the wire format. The flag distinguishes message parts used by 0MQ (labels) from user payload message parts. * There is a new wire format for the REQ/REP pattern. First, the empty bottom-of-the-stack message part is not needed any more, the LABEL flag is used instead. Secondly, peer IDs are 32-bit integers rather than 17-byte UUIDs. * The REQ socket now drops duplicate replies. * Outstanding requests & replies associated with a client are dropped when the clients dies. This is a performance optimisation. * Introduced ZMQ_ROUTER and ZMQ_DEALER sockets. These mimic the functionality of ZMQ_ROUTER and ZMQ_DEALER in 0MQ/2.1.x. Guarantees backward compatibility for exsiting code. * Removed dependency on OS socketpair buffer size. No more asserts in mailbox.cpp because of low system limit of sockepair buffer size. API improvements ---------------- * Obsolete constants ZMQ_UPSTREAM and ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM removed. Use ZMQ_PUSH and ZMQ_PULL instead. * Timeout in zmq_poll is in milliseconds instead of microseconds. This makes zmq_poll() compliant with POSIX poll() * ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP removed. There's no support for multicast over loopback any more. Use IPC or TCP isntead. * zmq_send/zmq_recv was renamed zmq_sendmsg/zmq_recvmsg. * ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL and ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL_MSEC reconciled. The new option is named ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL and the unit is milliseconds. * Option types changed. Most of the numeric types are now represented as 'int'. * ZMQ_HWM split into ZMQ_SNDHWM and ZMQ_RCVHWM. This makes it possible to control message flow separately for each direction. * ZMQ_NOBLOCK renamed ZMQ_DONTWAIT. That makes it POSIX-compliant. Less is More ------------ * Pre-built devices and zmq_device() removed. Should be made available as a separate project(s). * ZMQ_SWAP removed. Writing data to disk should be done on top of 0MQ, on inside it. * C++ binding removed from the core. Now it's a separate project, same as any other binding. Bug fixes --------- * Many. Building -------- * Make pkg-config dependency conditional. Distribution ------------ * Removed Debian packaging, which is now available at packages.debian.org or via apt-get. Older versions ============== * See NEWS in ZeroMQ 2.1.x repository at http://github.com/zeromq/zeromq2-1.