syntax: glob # for hg-git users # Generated build scripts and IDE generating files ## autotools /Makefile builds/Makefile builds/deprecated-msvc/Makefile doc/Makefile libtool ### automake .deps/ .dirstamp ### autoconf autom4te.cache aclocal.m4 config config.status config.log configure stamp-h1 ## CMake cmake-build-debug/ build/ ## Android builds/android/prefix ## IntelliJ .idea/ ## other results-like folders bin/ lib/ obj/ ## Doxygen doxygen/ ## Packaging packaging/nuget/*.nupkg # Test related build files libtestutil.a libunity.a # Some build outputs and temporal files *.o *.gcno *.gcda *.gcov *.ncb *.lo *.loT *.la *.exe *.html *.pdf *.ps *~ .*~ .libs # /src ## Ignore generated files in configuration process src/platform.hpp* src/libzmq.pc # /tools ## Executable binaries are ignored tools/curve_keygen ## Executable source files must be tracked tools/*.[ch] tools/*.[ch]pp # /tests ## Test binaries and logs are ignored tests/test* tests/test*.log tests/test*.trs ## Test source files must be tracked !tests/test*.[ch] !tests/test*.[ch]pp ## Build script and documentations must be tracked !tests/CMakeLists.txt !tests/ # /unittests ## Unit test binaries and logs are ignored unittests/unittest_* unittests/unittest*.log unittests/unittest*.trs ## Unit test source files must be tracked !unittests/unittest*.[ch] !unittests/unittest*.[ch]pp ## Build script and documentations must be tracked !unittests/CMakeLists.txt !unittests/ # check test log files test-suite*.log # /perf ## Benchmarking binaries and result files are ignored perf/*_lat perf/*_thr perf/benchmark_* perf/results ## Benchmarking source files must be tracked !perf/*.[ch] !perf/*.[ch]pp ## Benchmarking tool scripts must be tracked !perf/*.py !perf/*.sh # /doc ## Generated document files doc/*.[137] doc/*.html doc/*.xml # external libraries and release archive files foreign/openpgm/* !foreign/openpgm/*.tar.bz2 !foreign/openpgm/*.tar.gz !foreign/openpgm/ zeromq-*.tar.gz zeromq-*.zip core