Solution: socket_base_t::in_event cannot do anything useful with
return status of process_commands. Asserting is the wrong solution,
as it is entirely valid to be interrupted or for the context to be
terminated, so discard the value.
Solution: remove statc initialization to NULL of thread.hpp pthread_t
descriptor. There is no portable way to statically initialize a
pthread_t variable.
Solution: The Coverity Static Code Analyzer was used on libzmq code and found
many issues with uninitialized member variables, some redefinition of variables
hidding previous instances of same variable name and a couple of functions
where return values were not checked, even though all other occurrences were
checked (e.g. init_size() return).
Solution: Corrected Toolset setting where needed and inprove compilation speed
by adding defintion of WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN prior to any Windows specific
include files, which skips non-essential definitions during compilation.
Solution: disable the warnings on this file only
We use pragmas wrapped in compiler conditionals. This will need
extending to non-gcc/msvc compilers. We could also fix the warnings
in the code, though I suspect it's not really possible.
libzmq used to switch off pedantic checks when using tweetnacl. As
this is now the default, that means pedantic checks are always off.
This is not good.
Solution: in tweetnacl.c alone, use a GCC pragma to disable sign
comparison warnings. We could also clean the code up yet this is
simpler. In other code, we still want those warnings, hence I've
used a pragma rather than global compile option.
Second, use -Wno-long-long all the time, as this warning does not
work with a pragma.
I removed code that set -wno-long-long, for MinGW and Solaris.
Related problem 2: --with-relaxed is badly named
This option switches off pedantic checks, so should be called
--disable-pedantic. 'with' is for optional packages.
Solution: always initialised zmq::options_t class variables arrays to
avoid reading uninitialised data when CURVE is not yet configured and
a getsockopt ZMQ_CURVE_{SERVER | PUBLIC | SECRET]KEY is issued.
It's all over the place.
Solution: remove duplicates and try to move main includes to start
of source. Also, include net/if.h always, so that the code will
compile if ZMQ_HAVE_IFADDRS isn't defined.
- they have no copyright / license statement
- they are in some randomish directory structure
- they are a mix of postable and non-portable files
- they do not conform to conditional compile environment
Overall, it makes it rather more work than needed, in build scripts.
Solution: clean up tweetnacl sauce.
- merged code into single tweetnacl.c and .h
- standard copyright header, DJB to AUTHORS
- moved into src/ along with all other source files
- all system and conditional compilation hidden in these files
- thus, they can be compiled and packaged in all cases
- ZMQ_USE_TWEETNACL is set when we're using built-in tweetnacl
- HAVE_LIBSODIUM is set when we're using external libsodium
It's unclear which we need and in the source code, conditional code
treats tweetnacl as a subclass of libsodium, which is inaccurate.
Solution: redesign the configure/cmake API for this:
* tweetnacl is present by default and cannot be enabled
* libsodium can be enabled using --with-libsodium, which replaces
the built-in tweetnacl
* CURVE encryption can be disabled entirely using --enable-curve=no
The macros we define in platform.hpp are:
ZMQ_HAVE_CURVE 1 // When CURVE is enabled
HAVE_LIBSODIUM 1 // When we are using libsodium
HAVE_TWEETNACL 1 // When we're using tweetnacl (default)
As of this patch, the default build of libzmq always has CURVE
security, and always uses tweetnacl.
And I'm on a reasonably sized laptop. I think allocating INT_MAX
memory is dangerous in a test case.
Solution: expose this as a context option. I've used ZMQ_MAX_MSGSZ
and documented it and implemented the API. However I don't know how
to get the parent context for a socket, so the code in zmq.cpp is
still unfinished.
These options are confusing and redundant. Their names suggest
they apply to the tcp:// transport, yet they are used for all
stream protocols. The methods zmq::set_tcp_receive_buffer and
zmq::set_tcp_send_buffer don't use these values at all, they use
Solution: merge these new options into ZMQ_SNDBUF and ZMQ_RCVBUF.
This means defaulting these two options to 8192, and removing the
new options. We now have ZMQ_SNDBUF and ZMQ_RCVBUF being used both
for TCP socket control, and for input/output buffering.
Note: the default for SNDBUF and RCVBUF are otherwise 4096.
This option has a few issues. The name is long and clumsy. The
functonality is not smooth: one must set both this and
ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSE at the same time, or things will break mysteriously.
Solution: rename to ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSER and make an atomic option.
That is, implicitly does ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSE.
Solution: be more explicit in the code, and in the zmq_recv man
page (which is the most unobvious case). Assert if length is not
zero and buffer is nonetheless null.