For the GNU Grep package version >= 3.8, the `egrep` command emits:
egrep: warning: egrep is obsolescent; using grep -E
which makes the `./` script very noisy.
builds/zos/runtests: Extract tests to run from tests/
at runtime, rather than hard coding tests list (to simplfy
later maintenance). test_*_tipc is excluded as BUILD_TIPC is
not defined on z/OS UNIX System Services. XFAIL_TESTS are also
excluded, following current logic in tests/
Updated: describes process of building/using DLL
makelibzmq: Build DLL as well as static library (unless BUILD_DLL=false)
maketests: Dynamically link to ../src/ if present
runtests: Explicitly place ../src at start of LIBPATH
makeclean: Also remove files created for DLL
cxxall: Bumped updated date to reflect last edit
builds/zos includes: Overview of z/OS UNIX System Services port (Markdown)
makelibzmq: Compile src/*.cpp and make libzmq.a
maketests: Compile tests/*.cpp and make test_* executables
runtests: Run tests/test_* executables and report results
makeclean: Remove built files
zc++: /bin/c++ wrapper supplying required build arguments
cxxall: run zc++ for all *.cpp files in directory
platform.hpp: pre-generated (and edited) src/platform.hpp for z/OS
test_fork.cpp: updated tests/test_fork.cpp that completes on z/OS