Added modifiers reflect the following properties:
- zmq_msg_gets () does not mutate property parameter
- zmq_msg_gets () returns a pointer to memory the caller should not
* zmq_event_t should not be used internally in libzmq, it was
meant to be an outward facing structure.
* In 4.x, zmq_event_t does not correspond to monitor events, so
I removed the structure entirely.
* man page for zmq_socket_monitor is incomplete and the example
code was particularly nasty.
* test_monitor.cpp needed rewriting, it was not clean.
The new options allows querying the maximum allowed number of sockets.
This is system dependent and cannot be encoded in the include file as a
preprocessor macro: for ZMQ_USE_SELECT, this depends on the FD_SETSIZE
macro at time of library compilation, not at time of include file use.
- renamed to ZMQ_CONNECT_RID
- fixed whitespace malformating around previous patch
- renamamed next_peer_id to next_rid in preparation for
larger rename of IDENTITY to ROUTING_ID
Note: ZMQ_CONNECT_RID has no test case and no entry in the man
page, as yet.
This change simply provides the user with a socket option that sets a user defined name of the next outbound connection:
if(0 > zmq_connect(routerSock,"tcp://")) return 1;
ret = zmq_send(routerSock,"myname",6,ZMQ_SNDMORE);
In this example, the socket is immediately given the name "myname", and is capable of immediately sending traffic.
This approach is more effective in three ways:
1) It prevents all sorts of malicious peer naming attacks that can cause undefined behavior in existing ROUTER connections. (Two connections are made that both transmit the same name to the ROUTER, the ROUTER behavior is undefined)
2) It allows immediate control of connections made to external parties for STREAM sockets. Something that is not possible right now. Before an outbound connection had no name for STREAM or ROUTER sockets because outbound connections cannot be sent to without first receiving traffic.
3) It is simpler and more general than expecting two ROUTER sockets to handshake on assigned connection names. Plus it allows inline sending to new connections on ROUTER.
- This seems redundant; is there a use case for NOT providing
the IPC credentials to the ZAP authenticator?
- More, why is IPC authentication done via libzmq instead of ZAP?
Is it because we're missing the transport type on the ZAP request?
Another take on LIBZMQ-568 to allow filtering IPC connections, this time
using ZAP. This change is backward compatible. If the
ZMQ_ZAP_IPC_CREDS option is set, the user, group, and process IDs of the
peer process are appended to the address (separated by colons) of a ZAP
request; otherwise, nothing changes. See LIBZMQ-568 and zmq_setsockopt
documentation for more information.
* ZMQ_REQ_STRICT was negative option (default 1) which goes against
the standard, where defaults are zero. I renamed this to
* ZMQ_REQ_REQUEST_IDS felt clumsy and describes the technical solution
rather than the problem/requirement. I changed to ZMQ_REQ_CORRELATE
which seems more explicit.
* Removed redundant Z85 code and include files from project
* Simplified use of headers in test cases (now they all just use testutil.hpp)
* Export zmq_z85_encode() and zmq_z85_decode() in API
* Added man pages for these two functions