builds/zos/cxxall: Defines ZMQ_HAVE_ZOS for platform portability;
define ZMQ_USE_POLL _instead_ of ZMQ_FORCE_POLL, due to change
in src/poller.hpp since ZeroMQ 4.0.x branch
src/metdata.hpp: Remove explicit "const" from key of std::map<>
because the key is implicitly const already (see
http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/map and
On some platforms (such as z/OS UNIX System Services) explicitly
declaring the map key as "const" causes template expansion errors
as it tries to create separate allocators for "const const std::string"
and "const std::string" only to find that they clash. (Presumably
some compilers collapse these into one earlier.)
There are no template expansion errors if the map key is left to be
implicitly const.
builds/zos/README.md: Outlined process to transfer source from
GitHub to z/OS UNIX System Services, including character set
conversion for the source
src/signaler.cpp: Add close_wait_ms() static function to loop
when receiving EAGAIN in response to close(), with ms long
sleeps, up to a maximum limit (default 2000ms == 2 seconds);
used in signaler_t::~signaler_t() destructor.
README.md: describes process of building/using DLL
makelibzmq: Build DLL as well as static library (unless BUILD_DLL=false)
maketests: Dynamically link to ../src/libzmq.so if present
runtests: Explicitly place ../src at start of LIBPATH
makeclean: Also remove files created for DLL
cxxall: Bumped updated date to reflect last edit
builds/zos includes:
README.md: Overview of z/OS UNIX System Services port (Markdown)
makelibzmq: Compile src/*.cpp and make libzmq.a
maketests: Compile tests/*.cpp and make test_* executables
runtests: Run tests/test_* executables and report results
makeclean: Remove built files
zc++: /bin/c++ wrapper supplying required build arguments
cxxall: run zc++ for all *.cpp files in directory
platform.hpp: pre-generated (and edited) src/platform.hpp for z/OS
test_fork.cpp: updated tests/test_fork.cpp that completes on z/OS