Solution: change setsockopts on printable keys to expect 41, nor 40
bytes. Code still accepts 40 bytes for compatibility, and copies the
key to a well-terminated string before using it.
Users who need e.g. zmq_curve_keypair() have to remember to include
zmq_utils.h, which is counter-intuitive. The whole library should be
represented by a single include file.
Solution: merge all contents of zmq_utils.h into zmq.h, and deprecate
zmq_utils.h. Existing apps can continue unchanged. New apps can ignore
zmq_utils.h completely.
Since, TCP addresses
get resolved asynchronously, so zmq_connect no longer returned an
error on incorrect addresses.
This is troublesome since we rely on some error checking to catch
blatant errors.
Solution add some upfront syntax checking that catches at least the
obvious kinds of errors (invalid characters, wrong or missing port
As libzmq is compiled with optional transports and security mechanisms,
there is no clean way for applications to determine what capabilities
are actually available in a given libzmq instance.
Solution: provide an API specifically for capability reporting. The
zmq_has () method is meant to be open ended. It accepts a string so
that we can add arbitrary capabilities without breaking existing
zmq.h also defines ZMQ_HAS_CAPABILITIES when this method is provided.
The expect_bounce_fail () helper assumed that messages could always
be sent. However in some cases zmq_send() blocks, due to there not
being any outgoing pipe. This changed in 77f5f7, where previously
there would be a pipe that kept trying to reconnect forever.
Solution: use a send timeout and check for EAGAIN if sending failed.
There is a race condition when connect and bind on a new inproc
endpoint happen "simultaneously" in threads. Causes the error:
Assertion failed: ok (ctx.cpp:474)
Using 'ipc://@abstract-socket' on non-Linux platforms yields inconsistent
behaviour. Abstract sockets don't exist, so the literal file is created.
The test previously failed, but for a different reason: this is not the
directory you are looking for. Now, zmq_bind() will fail for the right
reason: the socket can't be created. Put the XFAIL back.