Solution: use compiler's alignment attributes instead which is
clearer and less of a hack.
Pointer alignment violations causing crashes on architectures
such as sparc64 and aarch64.
This also avoid triggering ABI checkers as the change is compatible
even though applications that suffer from the bug should rebuild to
take advantage of the fix.
Solution: zmq_poller_wait_all signals all events
allows signaling multiple events with one call to zmq_poller_wait_all
rather than emitting only one event.
this prepares for zmq_poll being based on zmq_poller,
which requires events for all sockets rather than just one.
As preparation for 4.2 release, move the zmq_sendiov and zmq_recviov API
methods under the Deprecated Methods section.
Note: the actual methods have NOT been deprecated yet, functionally speaking
however it is good to let API users know early. Moreover, these methods were
not ever considered stable, at least according to src/zmq.h, and have no
associated man pages.
Problem: Recent deprecation of the "zmq_utils.h" header file caused pedantic compilations (including czmq) to fail because non-portable #warning is used.
Solution: Limit the deprecation warnings to compilers known or assumed to support the "#pragma message" (GCC, MSVC, CLANG) and wrap with GCC directives to not treat these warnings as errors on paranoid builds.
And I'm on a reasonably sized laptop. I think allocating INT_MAX
memory is dangerous in a test case.
Solution: expose this as a context option. I've used ZMQ_MAX_MSGSZ
and documented it and implemented the API. However I don't know how
to get the parent context for a socket, so the code in zmq.cpp is
still unfinished.
These options are confusing and redundant. Their names suggest
they apply to the tcp:// transport, yet they are used for all
stream protocols. The methods zmq::set_tcp_receive_buffer and
zmq::set_tcp_send_buffer don't use these values at all, they use
Solution: merge these new options into ZMQ_SNDBUF and ZMQ_RCVBUF.
This means defaulting these two options to 8192, and removing the
new options. We now have ZMQ_SNDBUF and ZMQ_RCVBUF being used both
for TCP socket control, and for input/output buffering.
Note: the default for SNDBUF and RCVBUF are otherwise 4096.
This option has a few issues. The name is long and clumsy. The
functonality is not smooth: one must set both this and
ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSE at the same time, or things will break mysteriously.
Solution: rename to ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSER and make an atomic option.
That is, implicitly does ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSE.
Solution: add new [set|get]sockopt ZMQ_PRE_ALLOCATED_FD to allow
users to let ZMQ use a pre-allocated file descriptor instead of
allocating a new one. Update [set|get]sockopt documentation and
test accordingly.
The main use case for this feature is a socket-activated systemd
service. For more information about this feature see:
I hope restoring this from a previous version doesn't do any damage, it
is missing in the current version of this repository and is vital for
the lib to compile anywhere.
If we're going to add CLASS-like APIs we should use the proper
syntax; specifically 'destroy' instead of 'close', which is a
hangover from the 'ZeroMQ is like sockets' model we're slowly
moving away from.
Solution: change zmq_timers_close(p) to zmq_timers_destroy(&p)
VMCI transport allows fast communication between the Host
and a virtual machine, between virtual machines on the same host,
and within a virtual machine (like IPC).
It requires VMware to be installed on the host and Guest Additions
to be installed on a guest.