As libzmq is compiled with optional transports and security mechanisms,
there is no clean way for applications to determine what capabilities
are actually available in a given libzmq instance.
Solution: provide an API specifically for capability reporting. The
zmq_has () method is meant to be open ended. It accepts a string so
that we can add arbitrary capabilities without breaking existing
zmq.h also defines ZMQ_HAS_CAPABILITIES when this method is provided.
The ABI in fact changed in two significant ways, one with inproc
connects, and one with socket monitoring
Solution: generate library instead.
This change should be backported to zeromq-4.x
- renamed test_stream_disconnect_notifications (too long!)
- removed print statements in that test case
- fixed for test_zap_ipc_creds (was not building)
- This seems redundant; is there a use case for NOT providing
the IPC credentials to the ZAP authenticator?
- More, why is IPC authentication done via libzmq instead of ZAP?
Is it because we're missing the transport type on the ZAP request?
* ZMQ_REQ_STRICT was negative option (default 1) which goes against
the standard, where defaults are zero. I renamed this to
* ZMQ_REQ_REQUEST_IDS felt clumsy and describes the technical solution
rather than the problem/requirement. I changed to ZMQ_REQ_CORRELATE
which seems more explicit.
- tests that system can provide at least 1,000 sockets
- we could expand on this but this covers the main case of OS/X
having a too-low default limit of 256 handles per process
- Split off NULL security check from PLAIN
- Cleaned up test_linger code a little
- Got all tests to pass, added TODOs for outstanding issues
- Added ZAP authentication for NULL test case
- NULL mechanism was not passing server identity - fixed
- cleaned up test_security_plain and removed option double-checks (made code ugly)
- lowered timeout on expect_bounce_fail to 150 msec to speed up checks
- removed all sleeps from test_fork and simplified code (it still passes :-)
This allows making a new request on a REQ socket by sending a new
message. Without the option set, calling send() after the first message
is done will continue to return an EFSM error.
It's useful for when a REQ is not getting a response. Previously that
meant creating a new socket or switching to DEALER.
* Documentation:
The default behavior of REQ sockets is to rely on the ordering of messages
to match requests and responses and that is usually sufficient. When this option
is set to 1, the REQ socket will prefix outgoing messages with an extra frame
containing a request id. That means the full message is (request id, 0,
user frames...). The REQ socket will discard all incoming messages that don't
begin with these two frames.
* Behavior change: When a REQ socket gets an invalid reply, it used to
discard the message and return EAGAIN. REQ sockets still discard
invalid messages, but keep looking at the next one automatically
until a good one is found or there are no more messages.
* Add test_req_request_ids.
* disabled the specific tests that do not work (yet) on libzmq
* cleaned up one source (test_spec_rep.c) but the others need similar work
* added sleep in test_spec_rep to allow connects time to happen; this would
not be needed if we connected out to the REP peers instead in from them,
but I didn't want to change the logic of the test code.
- designed for TCP clients and servers
- added HTTP client / server example in tests/test_stream.cpp
- includes b893ce set ZMQ_IDENTITY on outgoing connect
- deprecates ZMQ_ROUTER_RAW
- ZMQ_CURVE_PUBLICKEY for clients and servers
- ZMQ_CURVE_SERVER for servers
- added tools/curve_keygen.c as example
- updated man pages