When Curve authentication is used, libsodium opens a file
descriptor to /dev/urandom to generate random bytes. When
the ZMQ context terminates, it should ensure that file gets
builds/zos/README.md: Outlined process to transfer source from
GitHub to z/OS UNIX System Services, including character set
conversion for the source
src/signaler.cpp: Add close_wait_ms() static function to loop
when receiving EAGAIN in response to close(), with ms long
sleeps, up to a maximum limit (default 2000ms == 2 seconds);
used in signaler_t::~signaler_t() destructor.
README.md: describes process of building/using DLL
makelibzmq: Build DLL as well as static library (unless BUILD_DLL=false)
maketests: Dynamically link to ../src/libzmq.so if present
runtests: Explicitly place ../src at start of LIBPATH
makeclean: Also remove files created for DLL
cxxall: Bumped updated date to reflect last edit
builds/zos includes:
README.md: Overview of z/OS UNIX System Services port (Markdown)
makelibzmq: Compile src/*.cpp and make libzmq.a
maketests: Compile tests/*.cpp and make test_* executables
runtests: Run tests/test_* executables and report results
makeclean: Remove built files
zc++: /bin/c++ wrapper supplying required build arguments
cxxall: run zc++ for all *.cpp files in directory
platform.hpp: pre-generated (and edited) src/platform.hpp for z/OS
test_fork.cpp: updated tests/test_fork.cpp that completes on z/OS
The list of error codes is taken from zmq::wsa_error_no(). Most of the
new WSA error codes result in EFAULT, but some return a more specific
value (even EAGAIN).
Backport of zeromq/libzmq#1072
There is a race condition when connect and bind on a new inproc
endpoint happen "simultaneously" in threads. Causes the error:
Assertion failed: ok (ctx.cpp:474)
This is a backport of libzmq:5cf74db6b
by Joe Eli McIlvain <joe.eli.mac@gmail.com>
See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=743508
The ABI in fact changed in two significant ways, one with inproc
connects, and one with socket monitoring
Solution: generate libzmq.so.4.0.0 library instead.
This change should be backported to zeromq-4.x
This bug is caused by fq which can terminate pipe before sending all
frames of a message first. So sometimes two messages were mixed and this
confused ZAP handler.
This patch just modifies one pipe parameter so that socket consumes all
messages before dropping the pipe.