Problem: inconsistent return values from mtrie_t::rm

Solution: Return an enum from rm instead of a bool, and adapt existing uses
This commit is contained in:
Simon Giesecke 2018-03-02 11:23:46 +01:00
parent 36cdcc6c1a
commit 9cd01bb54f
4 changed files with 62 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -44,12 +44,18 @@ template <typename T> class generic_mtrie_t
typedef T value_t;
typedef const unsigned char *prefix_t;
enum rm_result
generic_mtrie_t ();
~generic_mtrie_t ();
// Add key to the trie. Returns true if it's a new entry
// rather than a duplicate (i.e. an entry with the same prefix
// and the same or different value already exists).
// Add key to the trie. Returns true iff no entry with the same prefix_
// and size_ existed before.
bool add (prefix_t prefix_, size_t size_, value_t *value_);
// Remove all entries with a specific value from the trie.
@ -63,11 +69,9 @@ template <typename T> class generic_mtrie_t
Arg arg_,
bool call_on_uniq_);
// Removes a specific entry from the trie. Return true if it was
// actually removed rather than de-duplicated.
// TODO this must be made clearer, and the case where the prefix/value
// pair was not found must be specified
bool rm (prefix_t prefix_, size_t size_, value_t *value_);
// Removes a specific entry from the trie.
// Returns the result of the operation.
rm_result rm (prefix_t prefix_, size_t size_, value_t *value_);
// Calls a callback function for all matching entries, i.e. any node
// corresponding to data_ or a prefix of it. The arg_ argument
@ -88,7 +92,7 @@ template <typename T> class generic_mtrie_t
void (*func_) (prefix_t data_, size_t size_, Arg arg_),
Arg arg_,
bool call_on_uniq_);
bool rm_helper (prefix_t prefix_, size_t size_, value_t *value_);
rm_result rm_helper (prefix_t prefix_, size_t size_, value_t *value_);
bool is_redundant () const;
typedef std::set<value_t *> pipes_t;

View File

@ -294,47 +294,39 @@ void zmq::generic_mtrie_t<T>::rm_helper(value_t *pipe_,
template <typename T>
bool zmq::generic_mtrie_t<T>::rm (prefix_t prefix_,
size_t size_,
value_t *pipe_)
typename zmq::generic_mtrie_t<T>::rm_result
zmq::generic_mtrie_t<T>::rm (prefix_t prefix_, size_t size_, value_t *pipe_)
return rm_helper (prefix_, size_, pipe_);
template <typename T>
bool zmq::generic_mtrie_t<T>::rm_helper (prefix_t prefix_,
size_t size_,
value_t *pipe_)
typename zmq::generic_mtrie_t<T>::rm_result zmq::generic_mtrie_t<T>::rm_helper (
prefix_t prefix_, size_t size_, value_t *pipe_)
if (!size_) {
// TODO pipes can only be NULL here, if we are at the top level, i.e.
// rm was already called with size_ == 0. This could be checked in rm,
// and here we could just have an assertion or naught
if (pipes) {
typename pipes_t::size_type erased = pipes->erase (pipe_);
// TODO this assertion prevents calling rm with a non-existent entry, but
// only if there is an entry with the same prefix but a different pipe;
// this appears inconsistent, see also unittest_mtrie. It might be
// removed (since pipes is a set, in cannot be more than 1), and an
// appropriate value must be returned.
if (!pipes)
return not_found;
typename pipes_t::size_type erased = pipes->erase (pipe_);
if (pipes->empty ()) {
zmq_assert (erased == 1);
if (pipes->empty ()) {
return last_value_removed;
return !pipes;
return (erased == 1) ? values_remain : not_found;
unsigned char c = *prefix_;
if (!count || c < min || c >= min + count)
return false;
return not_found;
generic_mtrie_t *next_node = count == 1 ? next.node : next.table[c - min];
if (!next_node)
return false;
return not_found;
bool ret = next_node->rm_helper (prefix_ + 1, size_ - 1, pipe_);
rm_result ret = next_node->rm_helper (prefix_ + 1, size_ - 1, pipe_);
if (next_node->is_redundant ()) {
LIBZMQ_DELETE (next_node);

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@ -107,18 +107,23 @@ void zmq::xpub_t::xread_activated (pipe_t *pipe_)
pending_metadata.push_back (metadata);
pending_flags.push_back (0);
} else {
bool unique;
if (*data == 0)
unique = subscriptions.rm (data + 1, size - 1, pipe_);
unique = subscriptions.add (data + 1, size - 1, pipe_);
bool notify;
if (*data == 0) {
mtrie_t::rm_result rm_result =
subscriptions.rm (data + 1, size - 1, pipe_);
// TODO reconsider what to do if rm_result == mtrie_t::not_found
notify =
rm_result != mtrie_t::values_remain || verbose_unsubs;
} else {
bool first_added =
subscriptions.add (data + 1, size - 1, pipe_);
notify = first_added || verbose_subs;
// If the (un)subscription is not a duplicate store it so that it can be
// passed to the user on next recv call unless verbose mode is enabled
// which makes to pass always these messages.
if (options.type == ZMQ_XPUB
&& (unique || (*data == 1 && verbose_subs)
|| (*data == 0 && verbose_unsubs && verbose_subs))) {
// If the request was a new subscription, or the subscription
// was removed, or verbose mode is enabled, store it so that
// it can be passed to the user on next recv call.
if (options.type == ZMQ_XPUB && notify) {
pending_data.push_back (blob_t (data, size));
if (metadata)
metadata->add_ref ();

View File

@ -153,8 +153,9 @@ void test_add_rm_single_entry_match_exact ()
reinterpret_cast<zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::prefix_t> ("foo");
mtrie.add (test_name, getlen (test_name), &pipe);
bool res = mtrie.rm (test_name, getlen (test_name), &pipe);
zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::rm_result res =
mtrie.rm (test_name, getlen (test_name), &pipe);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::last_value_removed, res);
int count = 0;
mtrie.match (test_name, getlen (test_name), mtrie_count, &count);
@ -166,10 +167,8 @@ void test_rm_nonexistent_0_size_empty ()
int pipe;
zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int> mtrie;
// TODO why does this return true, but test_rm_nonexistent_empty returns false?
// or is this not a legal call at all?
bool res = mtrie.rm (0, 0, &pipe);
zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::rm_result res = mtrie.rm (0, 0, &pipe);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::not_found, res);
void test_rm_nonexistent_empty ()
@ -179,8 +178,9 @@ void test_rm_nonexistent_empty ()
const zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::prefix_t test_name =
reinterpret_cast<zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::prefix_t> ("foo");
bool res = mtrie.rm (test_name, getlen (test_name), &pipe);
zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::rm_result res =
mtrie.rm (test_name, getlen (test_name), &pipe);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::not_found, res);
int count = 0;
mtrie.match (test_name, getlen (test_name), mtrie_count, &count);
@ -198,8 +198,9 @@ void test_add_and_rm_other (const char *add_name, const char *rm_name)
mtrie.add (add_name_data, getlen (add_name_data), &addpipe);
bool res = mtrie.rm (rm_name_data, getlen (rm_name_data), &rmpipe);
zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::rm_result res =
mtrie.rm (rm_name_data, getlen (rm_name_data), &rmpipe);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::not_found, res);
int count = 0;
@ -248,7 +249,7 @@ void add_indexed_expect_unique (zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int> &mtrie,
reinterpret_cast<zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::prefix_t> (names[i]);
bool res = mtrie.add (name_data, getlen (name_data), &pipes[i]);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::last_value_removed, res);
void test_rm_nonexistent_between ()
@ -263,8 +264,9 @@ void test_rm_nonexistent_between ()
const zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::prefix_t name_data =
reinterpret_cast<zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::prefix_t> (names[1]);
bool res = mtrie.rm (name_data, getlen (name_data), &pipes[1]);
zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::rm_result res =
mtrie.rm (name_data, getlen (name_data), &pipes[1]);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::not_found, res);
template <size_t N>
@ -323,8 +325,9 @@ template <size_t N> void add_and_rm_entries (const char *(&names)[N])
const zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::prefix_t name_data =
reinterpret_cast<zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::prefix_t> (names[i]);
bool res = mtrie.rm (name_data, getlen (name_data), &pipes[i]);
zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::rm_result res =
mtrie.rm (name_data, getlen (name_data), &pipes[i]);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (zmq::generic_mtrie_t<int>::last_value_removed, res);
@ -434,13 +437,9 @@ int main (void)
RUN_TEST (test_rm_nonexistent_0_size_empty);
RUN_TEST (test_rm_nonexistent_empty);
#if 0
RUN_TEST (test_rm_nonexistent_nonempty_samename);
RUN_TEST (test_rm_nonexistent_nonempty_differentname);
#if 0
RUN_TEST (test_rm_nonexistent_nonempty_prefix);
RUN_TEST (test_rm_nonexistent_nonempty_prefixed);
RUN_TEST (test_rm_nonexistent_between);