From 49387874efe790713f4a090e03a97212f4889163 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Martin Sustrik Date: Sun, 8 May 2011 09:03:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Async connect doesn't fail on EWSANETDOWN Signed-off-by: Martin Sustrik --- src/err.cpp | 112 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- src/err.hpp | 12 +++++ src/tcp_connecter.cpp | 10 ++-- 3 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/err.cpp b/src/err.cpp index 87a00064..8ac7dd96 100644 --- a/src/err.cpp +++ b/src/err.cpp @@ -66,119 +66,125 @@ const char *zmq::errno_to_string (int errno_) const char *zmq::wsa_error() { - int errcode = WSAGetLastError (); + int no = WSAGetLastError (); // TODO: This is not a generic way to handle this... - if (errcode == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) + if (no == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) return NULL; + return wsa_error_no (no); +} + +const char *zmq::wsa_error_no (int no_) +{ // TODO: It seems that list of Windows socket errors is longer than this. // Investigate whether there's a way to convert it into the string // automatically (wsaError->HRESULT->string?). return - (errcode == WSABASEERR) ? + (no_ == WSABASEERR) ? "No Error" : - (errcode == WSAEINTR) ? + (no_ == WSAEINTR) ? "Interrupted system call" : - (errcode == WSAEBADF) ? + (no_ == WSAEBADF) ? "Bad file number" : - (errcode == WSAEACCES) ? + (no_ == WSAEACCES) ? "Permission denied" : - (errcode == WSAEFAULT) ? + (no_ == WSAEFAULT) ? "Bad address" : - (errcode == WSAEINVAL) ? + (no_ == WSAEINVAL) ? "Invalid argument" : - (errcode == WSAEMFILE) ? + (no_ == WSAEMFILE) ? "Too many open files" : - (errcode == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) ? + (no_ == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) ? "Operation would block" : - (errcode == WSAEINPROGRESS) ? + (no_ == WSAEINPROGRESS) ? "Operation now in progress" : - (errcode == WSAEALREADY) ? + (no_ == WSAEALREADY) ? "Operation already in progress" : - (errcode == WSAENOTSOCK) ? + (no_ == WSAENOTSOCK) ? "Socket operation on non-socket" : - (errcode == WSAEDESTADDRREQ) ? + (no_ == WSAEDESTADDRREQ) ? "Destination address required" : - (errcode == WSAEMSGSIZE) ? + (no_ == WSAEMSGSIZE) ? "Message too long" : - (errcode == WSAEPROTOTYPE) ? + (no_ == WSAEPROTOTYPE) ? "Protocol wrong type for socket" : - (errcode == WSAENOPROTOOPT) ? + (no_ == WSAENOPROTOOPT) ? "Bad protocol option" : - (errcode == WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT) ? + (no_ == WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT) ? "Protocol not supported" : - (errcode == WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT) ? + (no_ == WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT) ? "Socket type not supported" : - (errcode == WSAEOPNOTSUPP) ? + (no_ == WSAEOPNOTSUPP) ? "Operation not supported on socket" : - (errcode == WSAEPFNOSUPPORT) ? + (no_ == WSAEPFNOSUPPORT) ? "Protocol family not supported" : - (errcode == WSAEAFNOSUPPORT) ? + (no_ == WSAEAFNOSUPPORT) ? "Address family not supported by protocol family" : - (errcode == WSAEADDRINUSE) ? + (no_ == WSAEADDRINUSE) ? "Address already in use" : - (errcode == WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL) ? + (no_ == WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL) ? "Can't assign requested address" : - (errcode == WSAENETDOWN) ? + (no_ == WSAENETDOWN) ? "Network is down" : - (errcode == WSAENETUNREACH) ? + (no_ == WSAENETUNREACH) ? "Network is unreachable" : - (errcode == WSAENETRESET) ? + (no_ == WSAENETRESET) ? "Net dropped connection or reset" : - (errcode == WSAECONNABORTED) ? + (no_ == WSAECONNABORTED) ? "Software caused connection abort" : - (errcode == WSAECONNRESET) ? + (no_ == WSAECONNRESET) ? "Connection reset by peer" : - (errcode == WSAENOBUFS) ? + (no_ == WSAENOBUFS) ? "No buffer space available" : - (errcode == WSAEISCONN) ? + (no_ == WSAEISCONN) ? "Socket is already connected" : - (errcode == WSAENOTCONN) ? + (no_ == WSAENOTCONN) ? "Socket is not connected" : - (errcode == WSAESHUTDOWN) ? + (no_ == WSAESHUTDOWN) ? "Can't send after socket shutdown" : - (errcode == WSAETOOMANYREFS) ? + (no_ == WSAETOOMANYREFS) ? "Too many references can't splice" : - (errcode == WSAETIMEDOUT) ? + (no_ == WSAETIMEDOUT) ? "Connection timed out" : - (errcode == WSAECONNREFUSED) ? + (no_ == WSAECONNREFUSED) ? "Connection refused" : - (errcode == WSAELOOP) ? + (no_ == WSAELOOP) ? "Too many levels of symbolic links" : - (errcode == WSAENAMETOOLONG) ? + (no_ == WSAENAMETOOLONG) ? "File name too long" : - (errcode == WSAEHOSTDOWN) ? + (no_ == WSAEHOSTDOWN) ? "Host is down" : - (errcode == WSAEHOSTUNREACH) ? + (no_ == WSAEHOSTUNREACH) ? "No Route to Host" : - (errcode == WSAENOTEMPTY) ? + (no_ == WSAENOTEMPTY) ? "Directory not empty" : - (errcode == WSAEPROCLIM) ? + (no_ == WSAEPROCLIM) ? "Too many processes" : - (errcode == WSAEUSERS) ? + (no_ == WSAEUSERS) ? "Too many users" : - (errcode == WSAEDQUOT) ? + (no_ == WSAEDQUOT) ? "Disc Quota Exceeded" : - (errcode == WSAESTALE) ? + (no_ == WSAESTALE) ? "Stale NFS file handle" : - (errcode == WSAEREMOTE) ? + (no_ == WSAEREMOTE) ? "Too many levels of remote in path" : - (errcode == WSASYSNOTREADY) ? + (no_ == WSASYSNOTREADY) ? "Network SubSystem is unavailable" : - (errcode == WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED) ? + (no_ == WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED) ? "WINSOCK DLL Version out of range" : - (errcode == WSANOTINITIALISED) ? + (no_ == WSANOTINITIALISED) ? "Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed" : - (errcode == WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND) ? + (no_ == WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND) ? "Host not found" : - (errcode == WSATRY_AGAIN) ? + (no_ == WSATRY_AGAIN) ? "Non-Authoritative Host not found" : - (errcode == WSANO_RECOVERY) ? + (no_ == WSANO_RECOVERY) ? "Non-Recoverable errors: FORMERR REFUSED NOTIMP" : - (errcode == WSANO_DATA) ? + (no_ == WSANO_DATA) ? "Valid name no data record of requested" : "error not defined"; } + void zmq::win_error (char *buffer_, size_t buffer_size_) { DWORD errcode = GetLastError (); diff --git a/src/err.hpp b/src/err.hpp index 6289a088..9558a102 100644 --- a/src/err.hpp +++ b/src/err.hpp @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ namespace zmq namespace zmq { const char *wsa_error (); + const char *wsa_error_no (int no_); void win_error (char *buffer_, size_t buffer_size_); void wsa_error_to_errno (); } @@ -66,6 +67,17 @@ namespace zmq }\ } while (false) +// Provides convenient way to assert on WSA-style errors on Windows. +#define wsa_assert_no(no) \ + do {\ + const char *errstr = zmq::wsa_error_no (no);\ + if (errstr != NULL) {\ + fprintf (stderr, "Assertion failed: %s (%s:%d)\n", errstr, \ + __FILE__, __LINE__);\ + abort ();\ + }\ + } while (false) + // Provides convenient way to check GetLastError-style errors on Windows. #define win_assert(x) \ do {\ diff --git a/src/tcp_connecter.cpp b/src/tcp_connecter.cpp index 01463c02..94891b52 100644 --- a/src/tcp_connecter.cpp +++ b/src/tcp_connecter.cpp @@ -116,12 +116,12 @@ zmq::fd_t zmq::tcp_connecter_t::connect () // Assert that the error was caused by the networking problems // rather than 0MQ bug. - errno = err; - errno_assert (errno == WSAECONNREFUSED || errno == WSAETIMEDOUT || - errno == WSAECONNABORTED || errno == WSAEHOSTUNREACH || - errno == WSAENETUNREACH); + if (err == WSAECONNREFUSED || err == WSAETIMEDOUT || + err == WSAECONNABORTED || err == WSAEHOSTUNREACH || + err == WSAENETUNREACH || err == WSAENETDOWN) + return retired_fd; - return retired_fd; + wsa_assert_no (err); } // Return the newly connected socket.