diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 470df34e..0b6326e1 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -302,9 +302,32 @@ macro (zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend flag) endif () endmacro () +OPTION (ENABLE_ANALYSIS "Build with static analysis (make take very long)" OFF) if (MSVC) - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/W3") + if (ENABLE_ANALYSIS) + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/W4") + + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/analyze") + + # C++11/14/17-specific, but maybe possible via conditional defines + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/wd26440") # Function '...' can be declared 'noexcept' + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/wd26432") # If you define or delete any default operation in the type '...', define or delete them all + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/wd26439") # This kind of function may not throw. Declare it 'noexcept' + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/wd26447") # The function is declared 'noexcept' but calls function '...' which may throw exceptions + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/wd26433") # Function '...' should be marked with 'override' + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/wd26409") # Avoid calling new and delete explicitly, use std::make_unique instead + # Requires GSL + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/wd26429") # Symbol '...' is never tested for nullness, it can be marked as not_null + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/wd26446") # Prefer to use gsl::at() + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/wd26481") # Don't use pointer arithmetic. Use span instead + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/wd26472") # Don't use a static_cast for arithmetic conversions. Use brace initialization, gsl::narrow_cast or gsl::narow + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/wd26448") # Consider using gsl::finally if final action is intended + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/wd26400") # Do not assign the result of an allocation or a function call with an owner return value to a raw pointer, use owner instead + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/wd26485") # Expression '...': No array to pointer decay (bounds.3) + else() + zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend ("/W3") + endif() if (MSVC_IDE) set (MSVC_TOOLSET "-${CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_TOOLSET}") @@ -941,8 +964,17 @@ if (MSVC) set( CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS /ignore:4221 ) set (PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/bin") set (PDB_NAME "libzmq${MSVC_TOOLSET}-mt-gd-${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}") + function(enable_vs_guideline_checker target) + set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES + VS_GLOBAL_EnableCppCoreCheck true + VS_GLOBAL_CodeAnalysisRuleSet CppCoreCheckRules.ruleset + VS_GLOBAL_RunCodeAnalysis true) + endfunction() if (BUILD_SHARED) add_library (libzmq SHARED ${sources} ${public_headers} ${html-docs} ${readme-docs} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/NSIS.template.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/version.rc) + if(ENABLE_ANALYSIS) + enable_vs_guideline_checker (libzmq) + endif() set_target_properties (libzmq PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER "${public_headers}" RELEASE_POSTFIX "${MSVC_TOOLSET}-mt-${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}" diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml index f3a6858e..bf16a1e9 100644 --- a/appveyor.yml +++ b/appveyor.yml @@ -11,6 +11,15 @@ environment: MSVCVERSION: "v120" MSVCYEAR: "vs2013" matrix: + - platform: Win32 + configuration: Release + WITH_LIBSODIUM: ON + ENABLE_CURVE: ON + ENABLE_ANALYSIS: ON + APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 + CMAKE_GENERATOR: "Visual Studio 15 2017" + MSVCVERSION: "v141" + MSVCYEAR: "vs2017" - platform: Win32 configuration: Release WITH_LIBSODIUM: ON @@ -95,17 +104,41 @@ install: clone_folder: C:\projects\libzmq before_build: + - cmd: set LIBZMQ_SRCDIR=%cd% - cmd: set LIBZMQ_BUILDDIR=C:\projects\build_libzmq + # TODO this does not work with sonarcloud.io, as it misses the sonar-cxx plugin + # - cmd: curl -L https://sonarsource.bintray.com/Distribution/sonar-scanner-cli/sonar-scanner-cli- -o sonar-scanner-cli- + # - cmd: unzip sonar-scanner-cli- + # - cmd: set BUILDLOG="%LIBZMQ_SRCDIR%\build.log" - cmd: md "%LIBZMQ_BUILDDIR%" - cd "%LIBZMQ_BUILDDIR%" - - cmd: cmake -D CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH="%SODIUM_INCLUDE_DIR%" -D CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="%SODIUM_LIBRARY_DIR%" -D WITH_LIBSODIUM="%WITH_LIBSODIUM%" -D ENABLE_DRAFTS="ON" -D ENABLE_CURVE="%ENABLE_CURVE%" -D API_POLLER="%API_POLLER%" -D POLLER="%POLLER%" -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE="/MT" -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG="/MTd" -D WITH_LIBSODIUM="%WITH_LIBSODIUM%" -D LIBZMQ_WERROR="ON" -G "%CMAKE_GENERATOR%" "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%" + - cmd: cmake -D CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH="%SODIUM_INCLUDE_DIR%" -D CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="%SODIUM_LIBRARY_DIR%" -D WITH_LIBSODIUM="%WITH_LIBSODIUM%" -D ENABLE_DRAFTS="ON" -D ENABLE_ANALYSIS="%ENABLE_ANALYSIS%" -D ENABLE_CURVE="%ENABLE_CURVE%" -D API_POLLER="%API_POLLER%" -D POLLER="%POLLER%" -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE="/MT" -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG="/MTd" -D WITH_LIBSODIUM="%WITH_LIBSODIUM%" -G "%CMAKE_GENERATOR%" "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%" + - cmd: cd "%LIBZMQ_SRCDIR%" build: parallel: true project: C:\projects\build_libzmq\ZeroMQ.sln verbosity: minimal +# TODO this does not work with sonarcloud.io, as it misses the sonar-cxx plugin +# build_script: + # - cmd: msbuild %LIBZMQ_BUILDDIR%\ZeroMQ.sln /verbosity:detailed >%BUILDLOG% + after_build: + # TODO this does not work with sonarcloud.io, as it misses the sonar-cxx plugin + # - cmd: cd "%LIBZMQ_SRCDIR%" + # - cmd: dir + # - cmd: sonar-scanner-\bin\sonar-scanner + # -Dsonar.scm.provider=git + # -Dsonar.projectKey=libzmq-msvc + # -Dsonar.organization=sigiesec-github + # -Dsonar.sources=include,src,tests,unittests + # -Dsonar.host.url=https://sonarcloud.io + # -Dsonar.login=%SONARQUBE_TOKEN% + # -Dsonar.cxx.compiler.parser="Visual C++" + # -Dsonar.cxx.compiler.reportPath=build.log + # -Dsonar.cxx.compiler.charset=UTF-8 + # -Dsonar.cxx.compiler.regex=^(?.*)\\((?[0-9]+)\\):\\x20warning\\x20(?C\\d\\d\\d\\d):(?.*)$ - cmd: cd %LIBZMQ_BUILDDIR%\bin\%Configuration%" - cmd: if "%WITH_LIBSODIUM%"=="ON" copy "%SODIUM_LIBRARY_DIR%\libsodium.dll" . - cmd: 7z a -y -bd -mx=9 libzmq.zip *.exe *.dll