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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */
#include "testutil.hpp"
#include "testutil_unity.hpp"
void test_basic ()
// Create a publisher
void *pub = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XPUB);
int manual = 1;
zmq_setsockopt (pub, ZMQ_XPUB_MANUAL, &manual, 4));
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_bind (pub, "inproc://soname"));
// Create a subscriber
void *sub = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XSUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_connect (sub, "inproc://soname"));
// Subscribe for A
const char subscription[] = {1, 'A', 0};
send_string_expect_success (sub, subscription, 0);
// Receive subscriptions from subscriber
recv_string_expect_success (pub, subscription, 0);
// Subscribe socket for B instead
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_setsockopt (pub, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "B", 1));
// Sending A message and B Message
send_string_expect_success (pub, "A", 0);
send_string_expect_success (pub, "B", 0);
recv_string_expect_success (sub, "B", ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
// Clean up.
test_context_socket_close (pub);
test_context_socket_close (sub);
void test_unsubscribe_manual ()
// Create a publisher
void *pub = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XPUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_bind (pub, "inproc://soname"));
// set pub socket options
int manual = 1;
zmq_setsockopt (pub, ZMQ_XPUB_MANUAL, &manual, sizeof (manual)));
// Create a subscriber
void *sub = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XSUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_connect (sub, "inproc://soname"));
// Subscribe for A
const uint8_t subscription1[] = {1, 'A'};
send_array_expect_success (sub, subscription1, 0);
// Subscribe for B
const uint8_t subscription2[] = {1, 'B'};
send_array_expect_success (sub, subscription2, 0);
char buffer[3];
// Receive subscription "A" from subscriber
recv_array_expect_success (pub, subscription1, 0);
// Subscribe socket for XA instead
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_setsockopt (pub, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "XA", 2));
// Receive subscription "B" from subscriber
recv_array_expect_success (pub, subscription2, 0);
// Subscribe socket for XB instead
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_setsockopt (pub, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "XB", 2));
// Unsubscribe from A
const uint8_t unsubscription1[2] = {0, 'A'};
send_array_expect_success (sub, unsubscription1, 0);
// Receive unsubscription "A" from subscriber
recv_array_expect_success (pub, unsubscription1, 0);
// Unsubscribe socket from XA instead
// Sending messages XA, XB
send_string_expect_success (pub, "XA", 0);
send_string_expect_success (pub, "XB", 0);
// Subscriber should receive XB only
recv_string_expect_success (sub, "XB", ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
// Close subscriber
test_context_socket_close (sub);
// Receive unsubscription "B"
const char unsubscription2[2] = {0, 'B'};
sizeof unsubscription2,
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_recv (pub, buffer, sizeof buffer, 0)));
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT8_ARRAY (unsubscription2, buffer,
sizeof unsubscription2);
// Unsubscribe socket from XB instead
// Clean up.
test_context_socket_close (pub);
void test_xpub_proxy_unsubscribe_on_disconnect ()
const uint8_t topic_buff[] = {"1"};
const uint8_t payload_buff[] = {"X"};
char my_endpoint_backend[MAX_SOCKET_STRING];
char my_endpoint_frontend[MAX_SOCKET_STRING];
int manual = 1;
// proxy frontend
void *xsub_proxy = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XSUB);
bind_loopback_ipv4 (xsub_proxy, my_endpoint_frontend,
sizeof my_endpoint_frontend);
// proxy backend
void *xpub_proxy = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XPUB);
zmq_setsockopt (xpub_proxy, ZMQ_XPUB_MANUAL, &manual, 4));
bind_loopback_ipv4 (xpub_proxy, my_endpoint_backend,
sizeof my_endpoint_backend);
// publisher
void *pub = test_context_socket (ZMQ_PUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_connect (pub, my_endpoint_frontend));
// first subscriber subscribes
void *sub1 = test_context_socket (ZMQ_SUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_connect (sub1, my_endpoint_backend));
zmq_setsockopt (sub1, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, topic_buff, 1));
// wait
msleep (SETTLE_TIME);
// proxy reroutes and confirms subscriptions
const uint8_t subscription[2] = {1, *topic_buff};
recv_array_expect_success (xpub_proxy, subscription, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
zmq_setsockopt (xpub_proxy, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, topic_buff, 1));
send_array_expect_success (xsub_proxy, subscription, 0);
// second subscriber subscribes
void *sub2 = test_context_socket (ZMQ_SUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_connect (sub2, my_endpoint_backend));
zmq_setsockopt (sub2, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, topic_buff, 1));
// wait
msleep (SETTLE_TIME);
// proxy reroutes
recv_array_expect_success (xpub_proxy, subscription, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
zmq_setsockopt (xpub_proxy, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, topic_buff, 1));
send_array_expect_success (xsub_proxy, subscription, 0);
// wait
msleep (SETTLE_TIME);
// let publisher send a msg
send_array_expect_success (pub, topic_buff, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
send_array_expect_success (pub, payload_buff, 0);
// wait
msleep (SETTLE_TIME);
// proxy reroutes data messages to subscribers
recv_array_expect_success (xsub_proxy, topic_buff, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
recv_array_expect_success (xsub_proxy, payload_buff, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
send_array_expect_success (xpub_proxy, topic_buff, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
send_array_expect_success (xpub_proxy, payload_buff, 0);
// wait
msleep (SETTLE_TIME);
// each subscriber should now get a message
recv_array_expect_success (sub2, topic_buff, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
recv_array_expect_success (sub2, payload_buff, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
recv_array_expect_success (sub1, topic_buff, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
recv_array_expect_success (sub1, payload_buff, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
// Disconnect both subscribers
test_context_socket_close (sub1);
test_context_socket_close (sub2);
// wait
msleep (SETTLE_TIME);
// unsubscribe messages are passed from proxy to publisher
const uint8_t unsubscription[] = {0, *topic_buff};
recv_array_expect_success (xpub_proxy, unsubscription, 0);
zmq_setsockopt (xpub_proxy, ZMQ_UNSUBSCRIBE, topic_buff, 1));
send_array_expect_success (xsub_proxy, unsubscription, 0);
// should receive another unsubscribe msg
recv_array_expect_success (xpub_proxy, unsubscription, 0);
zmq_setsockopt (xpub_proxy, ZMQ_UNSUBSCRIBE, topic_buff, 1));
send_array_expect_success (xsub_proxy, unsubscription, 0);
// wait
msleep (SETTLE_TIME);
// let publisher send a msg
send_array_expect_success (pub, topic_buff, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
send_array_expect_success (pub, payload_buff, 0);
// wait
msleep (SETTLE_TIME);
// nothing should come to the proxy
char buffer[1];
EAGAIN, zmq_recv (xsub_proxy, buffer, sizeof buffer, ZMQ_DONTWAIT));
test_context_socket_close (pub);
test_context_socket_close (xpub_proxy);
test_context_socket_close (xsub_proxy);
void test_missing_subscriptions ()
const char *topic1 = "1";
const char *topic2 = "2";
const char *payload = "X";
char my_endpoint_backend[MAX_SOCKET_STRING];
char my_endpoint_frontend[MAX_SOCKET_STRING];
int manual = 1;
// proxy frontend
void *xsub_proxy = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XSUB);
bind_loopback_ipv4 (xsub_proxy, my_endpoint_frontend,
sizeof my_endpoint_frontend);
// proxy backend
void *xpub_proxy = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XPUB);
zmq_setsockopt (xpub_proxy, ZMQ_XPUB_MANUAL, &manual, 4));
bind_loopback_ipv4 (xpub_proxy, my_endpoint_backend,
sizeof my_endpoint_backend);
// publisher
void *pub = test_context_socket (ZMQ_PUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_connect (pub, my_endpoint_frontend));
// Here's the problem: because subscribers subscribe in quick succession,
// the proxy is unable to confirm the first subscription before receiving
// the second. This causes the first subscription to get lost.
// first subscriber
void *sub1 = test_context_socket (ZMQ_SUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_connect (sub1, my_endpoint_backend));
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_setsockopt (sub1, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, topic1, 1));
// wait
msleep (SETTLE_TIME);
// proxy now reroutes and confirms subscriptions
const uint8_t subscription1[] = {1, static_cast<uint8_t> (topic1[0])};
recv_array_expect_success (xpub_proxy, subscription1, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
zmq_setsockopt (xpub_proxy, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, topic1, 1));
send_array_expect_success (xsub_proxy, subscription1, 0);
// second subscriber
void *sub2 = test_context_socket (ZMQ_SUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_connect (sub2, my_endpoint_backend));
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_setsockopt (sub2, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, topic2, 1));
// wait
msleep (SETTLE_TIME);
const uint8_t subscription2[] = {1, static_cast<uint8_t> (topic2[0])};
recv_array_expect_success (xpub_proxy, subscription2, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
zmq_setsockopt (xpub_proxy, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, topic2, 1));
send_array_expect_success (xsub_proxy, subscription2, 0);
// wait
msleep (SETTLE_TIME);
// let publisher send 2 msgs, each with its own topic_buff
send_string_expect_success (pub, topic1, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
send_string_expect_success (pub, payload, 0);
send_string_expect_success (pub, topic2, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
send_string_expect_success (pub, payload, 0);
// wait
msleep (SETTLE_TIME);
// proxy reroutes data messages to subscribers
recv_string_expect_success (xsub_proxy, topic1, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
recv_string_expect_success (xsub_proxy, payload, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
send_string_expect_success (xpub_proxy, topic1, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
send_string_expect_success (xpub_proxy, payload, 0);
recv_string_expect_success (xsub_proxy, topic2, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
recv_string_expect_success (xsub_proxy, payload, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
send_string_expect_success (xpub_proxy, topic2, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
send_string_expect_success (xpub_proxy, payload, 0);
// wait
msleep (SETTLE_TIME);
// each subscriber should now get a message
recv_string_expect_success (sub2, topic2, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
recv_string_expect_success (sub2, payload, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
recv_string_expect_success (sub1, topic1, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
recv_string_expect_success (sub1, payload, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
// Clean up
test_context_socket_close (sub1);
test_context_socket_close (sub2);
test_context_socket_close (pub);
test_context_socket_close (xpub_proxy);
test_context_socket_close (xsub_proxy);
void test_unsubscribe_cleanup ()
char my_endpoint[MAX_SOCKET_STRING];
// Create a publisher
void *pub = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XPUB);
int manual = 1;
zmq_setsockopt (pub, ZMQ_XPUB_MANUAL, &manual, 4));
bind_loopback_ipv4 (pub, my_endpoint, sizeof my_endpoint);
// Create a subscriber
void *sub = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XSUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_connect (sub, my_endpoint));
// Subscribe for A
const uint8_t subscription1[2] = {1, 'A'};
send_array_expect_success (sub, subscription1, 0);
// Receive subscriptions from subscriber
recv_array_expect_success (pub, subscription1, 0);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_setsockopt (pub, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "XA", 2));
// send 2 messages
send_string_expect_success (pub, "XA", 0);
send_string_expect_success (pub, "XB", 0);
// receive the single message
recv_string_expect_success (sub, "XA", 0);
// should be nothing left in the queue
char buffer[2];
EAGAIN, zmq_recv (sub, buffer, sizeof buffer, ZMQ_DONTWAIT));
// close the socket
test_context_socket_close (sub);
// closing the socket will result in an unsubscribe event
const uint8_t unsubscription[2] = {0, 'A'};
recv_array_expect_success (pub, unsubscription, 0);
// this doesn't really do anything
// there is no last_pipe set it will just fail silently
// reconnect
sub = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XSUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_connect (sub, my_endpoint));
// send a subscription for B
const uint8_t subscription2[2] = {1, 'B'};
send_array_expect_success (sub, subscription2, 0);
// receive the subscription, overwrite it to XB
recv_array_expect_success (pub, subscription2, 0);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_setsockopt (pub, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "XB", 2));
// send 2 messages
send_string_expect_success (pub, "XA", 0);
send_string_expect_success (pub, "XB", 0);
// receive the single message
recv_string_expect_success (sub, "XB", 0);
// should be nothing left in the queue
EAGAIN, zmq_recv (sub, buffer, sizeof buffer, ZMQ_DONTWAIT));
// Clean up.
test_context_socket_close (pub);
test_context_socket_close (sub);
void test_user_message ()
// Create a publisher
void *pub = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XPUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_bind (pub, "inproc://soname"));
// Create a subscriber
void *sub = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XSUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_connect (sub, "inproc://soname"));
// Send some data that is neither sub nor unsub
const char subscription[] = {2, 'A', 0};
send_string_expect_success (sub, subscription, 0);
// Receive subscriptions from subscriber
recv_string_expect_success (pub, subscription, 0);
// Clean up.
test_context_socket_close (pub);
test_context_socket_close (sub);
void test_user_message_multi ()
const int only_first_subscribe = 1;
// Create a publisher
void *pub = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XPUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_bind (pub, "inproc://soname"));
sizeof (only_first_subscribe)));
// Create a subscriber
void *sub = test_context_socket (ZMQ_XSUB);
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (zmq_connect (sub, "inproc://soname"));
sizeof (only_first_subscribe)));
// Send some data that is neither sub nor unsub
const uint8_t msg_common[] = {'A', 'B', 'C'};
// Message starts with 0 but should still treated as user
const uint8_t msg_0a[] = {0, 'B', 'C'};
const uint8_t msg_0b[] = {0, 'C', 'D'};
// Message starts with 1 but should still treated as user
const uint8_t msg_1a[] = {1, 'B', 'C'};
const uint8_t msg_1b[] = {1, 'C', 'D'};
// Test second message starting with 0
send_array_expect_success (sub, msg_common, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
send_array_expect_success (sub, msg_0a, 0);
// Receive messages from subscriber
recv_array_expect_success (pub, msg_common, 0);
recv_array_expect_success (pub, msg_0a, 0);
// Test second message starting with 1
send_array_expect_success (sub, msg_common, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
send_array_expect_success (sub, msg_1a, 0);
// Receive messages from subscriber
recv_array_expect_success (pub, msg_common, 0);
recv_array_expect_success (pub, msg_1a, 0);
// Test first message starting with 1
send_array_expect_success (sub, msg_1a, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
send_array_expect_success (sub, msg_1b, 0);
recv_array_expect_success (pub, msg_1a, 0);
recv_array_expect_success (pub, msg_1b, 0);
send_array_expect_success (sub, msg_0a, ZMQ_SNDMORE);
send_array_expect_success (sub, msg_0b, 0);
recv_array_expect_success (pub, msg_0a, 0);
recv_array_expect_success (pub, msg_0b, 0);
// Clean up.
test_context_socket_close (pub);
test_context_socket_close (sub);
int main ()
setup_test_environment ();
RUN_TEST (test_basic);
RUN_TEST (test_unsubscribe_manual);
RUN_TEST (test_xpub_proxy_unsubscribe_on_disconnect);
RUN_TEST (test_missing_subscriptions);
RUN_TEST (test_unsubscribe_cleanup);
RUN_TEST (test_user_message);
RUN_TEST (test_user_message_multi);
return UNITY_END ();