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- prepared tool for eol conversion
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"""Tag the sandbox for release, make source and doc tarballs.
Requires Python 2.6
Example of invocation (use to test the script):
python makerelease.py --force --retag 0.5.0 0.6.0-dev
Example of invocation when doing a release:
python makerelease.py 0.5.0 0.6.0-dev
import os.path
import subprocess
import sys
import doxybuild
import subprocess
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
import shutil
SVN_ROOT = 'https://jsoncpp.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jsoncpp/'
SVN_TAG_ROOT = SVN_ROOT + 'tags/jsoncpp'
def set_version( version ):
with open('version','wb') as f:
f.write( version.strip() )
class SVNError(Exception):
def svn_command( command, *args ):
cmd = ['svn', '--non-interactive', command] + list(args)
print 'Running:', ' '.join( cmd )
process = subprocess.Popen( cmd,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT )
stdout = process.communicate()[0]
if process.returncode:
error = SVNError( 'SVN command failed:\n' + stdout )
error.returncode = process.returncode
raise error
return stdout
def check_no_pending_commit():
"""Checks that there is no pending commit in the sandbox."""
stdout = svn_command( 'status', '--xml' )
etree = ElementTree.fromstring( stdout )
msg = []
for entry in etree.getiterator( 'entry' ):
path = entry.get('path')
status = entry.find('wc-status').get('item')
if status != 'unversioned':
msg.append( 'File "%s" has pending change (status="%s")' % (path, status) )
if msg:
msg.insert(0, 'Pending change to commit found in sandbox. Commit them first!' )
return '\n'.join( msg )
def svn_join_url( base_url, suffix ):
if not base_url.endswith('/'):
base_url += '/'
if suffix.startswith('/'):
suffix = suffix[1:]
return base_url + suffix
def svn_check_if_tag_exist( tag_url ):
"""Checks if a tag exist.
Returns: True if the tag exist, False otherwise.
list_stdout = svn_command( 'list', tag_url )
except SVNError, e:
if e.returncode != 1 or not str(e).find('tag_url'):
raise e
# otherwise ignore error, meaning tag does not exist
return False
return True
def svn_tag_sandbox( tag_url, message ):
"""Makes a tag based on the sandbox revisions.
svn_command( 'copy', '-m', message, '.', tag_url )
def svn_remove_tag( tag_url, message ):
"""Removes an existing tag.
svn_command( 'delete', '-m', message, tag_url )
def svn_export( tag_url, export_dir ):
"""Exports the tag_url revision to export_dir.
Target directory, including its parent is created if it does not exist.
If the directory export_dir exist, it is deleted before export proceed.
if os.path.isdir( export_dir ):
shutil.rmtree( export_dir )
svn_command( 'export', tag_url, export_dir )
def main():
usage = """%prog release_version next_dev_version
Update 'version' file to release_version and commit.
Generates the document tarball.
Tags the sandbox revision with release_version.
Update 'version' file to next_dev_version and commit.
Performs an svn export of tag release version, and build a source tarball.
Must be started in the project top directory.
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.allow_interspersed_args = False
parser.add_option('--dot', dest="dot_path", action='store', default=doxybuild.find_program('dot'),
help="""Path to GraphViz dot tool. Must be full qualified path. [Default: %default]""")
parser.add_option('--doxygen', dest="doxygen_path", action='store', default=doxybuild.find_program('doxygen'),
help="""Path to Doxygen tool. [Default: %default]""")
parser.add_option('--force', dest="ignore_pending_commit", action='store_true', default=False,
help="""Ignore pending commit. [Default: %default]""")
parser.add_option('--retag', dest="retag_release", action='store_true', default=False,
help="""Overwrite release existing tag if it exist. [Default: %default]""")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) < 1:
parser.error( 'release_version missing on command-line.' )
release_version = args[0]
if options.ignore_pending_commit:
msg = ''
msg = check_no_pending_commit()
if not msg:
print 'Setting version to', release_version
set_version( release_version )
tag_url = svn_join_url( SVN_TAG_ROOT, release_version )
## if svn_check_if_tag_exist( tag_url ):
## if options.retag_release:
## svn_remove_tag( tag_url, 'Overwriting previous tag' )
## else:
## print 'Aborting, tag %s already exist. Use --retag to overwrite it!' % tag_url
## sys.exit( 1 )
## svn_tag_sandbox( tag_url, 'Release ' + release_version )
## print 'Generated doxygen document...'
## doxybuild.build_doc( options, make_release=True )
svn_export( tag_url, 'dist/distcheck' )
# fix-eol
# source tarball
# decompress source tarball
# ?compile & run & check
# ?upload documentation
sys.stderr.write( msg + '\n' )
if __name__ == '__main__':