
281 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import collections
import itertools
import json
import os
import os.path
import re
import shutil
import string
import subprocess
import sys
import cgi
class BuildDesc:
def __init__(self, prepend_envs=None, variables=None, build_type=None, generator=None):
self.prepend_envs = prepend_envs or [] # [ { "var": "value" } ]
self.variables = variables or []
self.build_type = build_type
self.generator = generator
def merged_with( self, build_desc ):
"""Returns a new BuildDesc by merging field content.
Prefer build_desc fields to self fields for single valued field.
return BuildDesc( self.prepend_envs + build_desc.prepend_envs,
self.variables + build_desc.variables,
build_desc.build_type or self.build_type,
build_desc.generator or self.generator )
def env( self ):
environ = os.environ.copy()
for values_by_name in self.prepend_envs:
for var, value in values_by_name.items():
var = var.upper()
if type(value) is unicode:
value = value.encode( sys.getdefaultencoding() )
if var in environ:
environ[var] = value + os.pathsep + environ[var]
environ[var] = value
return environ
def cmake_args( self ):
args = ["-D%s" % var for var in self.variables]
# skip build type for Visual Studio solution as it cause warning
if self.build_type and 'Visual' not in self.generator:
args.append( "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%s" % self.build_type )
if self.generator:
args.extend( ['-G', self.generator] )
return args
def __repr__( self ):
return "BuildDesc( %s, build_type=%s )" % (" ".join( self.cmake_args()), self.build_type)
class BuildData:
def __init__( self, desc, work_dir, source_dir ):
self.desc = desc
self.work_dir = work_dir
self.source_dir = source_dir
self.cmake_log_path = os.path.join( work_dir, 'batchbuild_cmake.log' )
self.build_log_path = os.path.join( work_dir, 'batchbuild_build.log' )
self.cmake_succeeded = False
self.build_succeeded = False
def execute_build(self):
print 'Build %s' % self.desc
self._make_new_work_dir( )
self.cmake_succeeded = self._generate_makefiles( )
if self.cmake_succeeded:
self.build_succeeded = self._build_using_makefiles( )
return self.build_succeeded
def _generate_makefiles(self):
print ' Generating makefiles: ',
cmd = ['cmake'] + self.desc.cmake_args( ) + [os.path.abspath( self.source_dir )]
succeeded = self._execute_build_subprocess( cmd, self.desc.env(), self.cmake_log_path )
print 'done' if succeeded else 'FAILED'
return succeeded
def _build_using_makefiles(self):
print ' Building:',
cmd = ['cmake', '--build', self.work_dir]
if self.desc.build_type:
cmd += ['--config', self.desc.build_type]
succeeded = self._execute_build_subprocess( cmd, self.desc.env(), self.build_log_path )
print 'done' if succeeded else 'FAILED'
return succeeded
def _execute_build_subprocess(self, cmd, env, log_path):
process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.work_dir,
env=env )
stdout, _ = process.communicate( )
succeeded = (process.returncode == 0)
with open( log_path, 'wb' ) as flog:
log = ' '.join( cmd ) + '\n' + stdout + '\nExit code: %r\n' % process.returncode
flog.write( fix_eol( log ) )
return succeeded
def _make_new_work_dir(self):
if os.path.isdir( self.work_dir ):
print ' Removing work directory', self.work_dir
shutil.rmtree( self.work_dir, ignore_errors=True )
if not os.path.isdir( self.work_dir ):
os.makedirs( self.work_dir )
def fix_eol( stdout ):
"""Fixes wrong EOL produced by cmake --build on Windows (\r\r\n instead of \r\n).
return re.sub( '\r*\n', os.linesep, stdout )
def load_build_variants_from_config( config_path ):
with open( config_path, 'rb' ) as fconfig:
data = json.load( fconfig )
variants = data[ 'cmake_variants' ]
build_descs_by_axis = collections.defaultdict( list )
for axis in variants:
axis_name = axis["name"]
build_descs = []
if "generators" in axis:
for generator_data in axis["generators"]:
for generator in generator_data["generator"]:
build_desc = BuildDesc( generator=generator,
prepend_envs=generator_data.get("env_prepend") )
build_descs.append( build_desc )
elif "variables" in axis:
for variables in axis["variables"]:
build_desc = BuildDesc( variables=variables )
build_descs.append( build_desc )
elif "build_types" in axis:
for build_type in axis["build_types"]:
build_desc = BuildDesc( build_type=build_type )
build_descs.append( build_desc )
build_descs_by_axis[axis_name].extend( build_descs )
return build_descs_by_axis
def generate_build_variants( build_descs_by_axis ):
"""Returns a list of BuildDesc generated for the partial BuildDesc for each axis."""
axis_names = build_descs_by_axis.keys()
build_descs = []
for axis_name, axis_build_descs in build_descs_by_axis.items():
if len(build_descs):
# for each existing build_desc and each axis build desc, create a new build_desc
new_build_descs = []
for prototype_build_desc, axis_build_desc in itertools.product( build_descs, axis_build_descs):
new_build_descs.append( prototype_build_desc.merged_with( axis_build_desc ) )
build_descs = new_build_descs
build_descs = axis_build_descs
return build_descs
HTML_TEMPLATE = string.Template('''<html>
<style type="text/css">
td.failed {background-color:#f08080;}
td.ok {background-color:#c0eec0;}
<table border="1">
<th>Build type</th>
def generate_html_report( html_report_path, builds ):
report_dir = os.path.dirname( html_report_path )
# Vertical axis: generator
# Horizontal: variables, then build_type
builds_by_generator = collections.defaultdict( list )
variables = set()
build_types_by_variable = collections.defaultdict( set )
build_by_pos_key = {} # { (generator, var_key, build_type): build }
for build in builds:
builds_by_generator[build.desc.generator].append( build )
var_key = tuple(sorted(build.desc.variables))
variables.add( var_key )
build_types_by_variable[var_key].add( build.desc.build_type )
pos_key = (build.desc.generator, var_key, build.desc.build_type)
build_by_pos_key[pos_key] = build
variables = sorted( variables )
th_vars = []
th_build_types = []
for variable in variables:
build_types = sorted( build_types_by_variable[variable] )
nb_build_type = len(build_types_by_variable[variable])
th_vars.append( '<th colspan="%d">%s</th>' % (nb_build_type, cgi.escape( ' '.join( variable ) ) ) )
for build_type in build_types:
th_build_types.append( '<th>%s</th>' % cgi.escape(build_type) )
tr_builds = []
for generator in sorted( builds_by_generator ):
tds = [ '<td>%s</td>\n' % cgi.escape( generator ) ]
for variable in variables:
build_types = sorted( build_types_by_variable[variable] )
for build_type in build_types:
pos_key = (generator, variable, build_type)
build = build_by_pos_key.get(pos_key)
if build:
cmake_status = 'ok' if build.cmake_succeeded else 'FAILED'
build_status = 'ok' if build.build_succeeded else 'FAILED'
cmake_log_url = os.path.relpath( build.cmake_log_path, report_dir )
build_log_url = os.path.relpath( build.build_log_path, report_dir )
td = '<td class="%s"><a href="%s" class="%s">CMake: %s</a>' % (
build_status.lower(), cmake_log_url, cmake_status.lower(), cmake_status)
if build.cmake_succeeded:
td += '<br><a href="%s" class="%s">Build: %s</a>' % (
build_log_url, build_status.lower(), build_status)
td += '</td>'
td = '<td></td>'
tds.append( td )
tr_builds.append( '<tr>%s</tr>' % '\n'.join( tds ) )
html = HTML_TEMPLATE.substitute(
title='Batch build report',
th_vars=' '.join(th_vars),
th_build_types=' '.join( th_build_types),
tr_builds='\n'.join( tr_builds ) )
with open( html_report_path, 'wt' ) as fhtml:
fhtml.write( html )
print 'HTML report generated in:', html_report_path
def main():
Build a given CMake based project located in SOURCE_DIR with multiple generators/options.dry_run
as described in CONFIG_JSON_PATH building in WORK_DIR.
Example of call:
python devtools\batchbuild.py e:\buildbots\jsoncpp\build . devtools\agent_vmw7.json
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.allow_interspersed_args = True
# parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest="verbose", action='store_true',
# help="""Be verbose.""")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) < 3:
parser.error( "Missing one of WORK_DIR SOURCE_DIR CONFIG_JSON_PATH." )
work_dir = args[0]
source_dir = args[1].rstrip('/\\')
config_paths = args[2:]
for config_path in config_paths:
if not os.path.isfile( config_path ):
parser.error( "Can not read: %r" % config_path )
# generate build variants
build_descs = []
for config_path in config_paths:
build_descs_by_axis = load_build_variants_from_config( config_path )
build_descs.extend( generate_build_variants( build_descs_by_axis ) )
print 'Build variants (%d):' % len(build_descs)
# assign build directory for each variant
if not os.path.isdir( work_dir ):
os.makedirs( work_dir )
builds = []
with open( os.path.join( work_dir, 'matrix-dir-map.txt' ), 'wt' ) as fmatrixmap:
for index, build_desc in enumerate( build_descs ):
build_desc_work_dir = os.path.join( work_dir, '%03d' % (index+1) )
builds.append( BuildData( build_desc, build_desc_work_dir, source_dir ) )
fmatrixmap.write( '%s: %s\n' % (build_desc_work_dir, build_desc) )
for build in builds:
html_report_path = os.path.join( work_dir, 'batchbuild-report.html' )
generate_html_report( html_report_path, builds )
print 'Done'
if __name__ == '__main__':