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synced 2025-03-10 09:16:48 +00:00
Makes some container matchers accept initializer lists in C++11 mode and work with stream-like containers that don't have size() or empty(); exposes StringMatchResultListener for defining composite matchers.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,8 +8,12 @@ Changes for 1.7.0:
* Improvement: Google Mock can now be built as a DLL.
* Improvement: when compiled by a C++11 compiler, matchers AllOf()
and AnyOf() can accept an arbitrary number of matchers.
* Improvement: when compiled by a C++11 compiler, matchers
ElementsAreArray() can accept an initializer list.
* Improvement: when exceptions are enabled, a mock method with no
default action now throws instead crashing the test.
* Improvement: added class testing::StringMatchResultListener to aid
definition of composite matchers.
* Improvement: function return types used in MOCK_METHOD*() macros can
now contain unprotected commas.
* Improvement (potentially breaking): EXPECT_THAT() and ASSERT_THAT()
@ -52,6 +52,10 @@
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <initializer_list> // NOLINT -- must be after gtest.h
namespace testing {
// To implement a matcher Foo for type T, define:
@ -76,7 +80,8 @@ namespace testing {
class MatchResultListener {
// Creates a listener object with the given underlying ostream. The
// listener does not own the ostream.
// listener does not own the ostream, and does not dereference it
// in the constructor or destructor.
explicit MatchResultListener(::std::ostream* os) : stream_(os) {}
virtual ~MatchResultListener() = 0; // Makes this class abstract.
@ -175,6 +180,23 @@ class MatcherInterface : public MatcherDescriberInterface {
// virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const;
// A match result listener that stores the explanation in a string.
class StringMatchResultListener : public MatchResultListener {
StringMatchResultListener() : MatchResultListener(&ss_) {}
// Returns the explanation accumulated so far.
internal::string str() const { return ss_.str(); }
// Clears the explanation accumulated so far.
void Clear() { ss_.str(""); }
::std::stringstream ss_;
namespace internal {
// A match result listener that ignores the explanation.
@ -198,20 +220,6 @@ class StreamMatchResultListener : public MatchResultListener {
// A match result listener that stores the explanation in a string.
class StringMatchResultListener : public MatchResultListener {
StringMatchResultListener() : MatchResultListener(&ss_) {}
// Returns the explanation heard so far.
internal::string str() const { return ss_.str(); }
::std::stringstream ss_;
// An internal class for implementing Matcher<T>, which will derive
// from it. We put functionalities common to all Matcher<T>
// specializations here to avoid code duplication.
@ -2911,37 +2919,69 @@ class ElementsAreMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<Container> {
virtual bool MatchAndExplain(Container container,
MatchResultListener* listener) const {
// To work with stream-like "containers", we must only walk
// through the elements in one pass.
const bool listener_interested = listener->IsInterested();
// explanations[i] is the explanation of the element at index i.
::std::vector<internal::string> explanations(count());
StlContainerReference stl_container = View::ConstReference(container);
const size_t actual_count = stl_container.size();
typename StlContainer::const_iterator it = stl_container.begin();
size_t exam_pos = 0;
bool mismatch_found = false; // Have we found a mismatched element yet?
// Go through the elements and matchers in pairs, until we reach
// the end of either the elements or the matchers, or until we find a
// mismatch.
for (; it != stl_container.end() && exam_pos != count(); ++it, ++exam_pos) {
bool match; // Does the current element match the current matcher?
if (listener_interested) {
StringMatchResultListener s;
match = matchers_[exam_pos].MatchAndExplain(*it, &s);
explanations[exam_pos] = s.str();
} else {
match = matchers_[exam_pos].Matches(*it);
if (!match) {
mismatch_found = true;
// If mismatch_found is true, 'exam_pos' is the index of the mismatch.
// Find how many elements the actual container has. We avoid
// calling size() s.t. this code works for stream-like "containers"
// that don't define size().
size_t actual_count = exam_pos;
for (; it != stl_container.end(); ++it) {
if (actual_count != count()) {
// The element count doesn't match. If the container is empty,
// there's no need to explain anything as Google Mock already
// prints the empty container. Otherwise we just need to show
// how many elements there actually are.
if (actual_count != 0 && listener->IsInterested()) {
if (listener_interested && (actual_count != 0)) {
*listener << "which has " << Elements(actual_count);
return false;
typename StlContainer::const_iterator it = stl_container.begin();
// explanations[i] is the explanation of the element at index i.
::std::vector<internal::string> explanations(count());
for (size_t i = 0; i != count(); ++it, ++i) {
StringMatchResultListener s;
if (matchers_[i].MatchAndExplain(*it, &s)) {
explanations[i] = s.str();
} else {
// The container has the right size but the i-th element
// doesn't match its expectation.
*listener << "whose element #" << i << " doesn't match";
PrintIfNotEmpty(s.str(), listener->stream());
return false;
if (mismatch_found) {
// The element count matches, but the exam_pos-th element doesn't match.
if (listener_interested) {
*listener << "whose element #" << exam_pos << " doesn't match";
PrintIfNotEmpty(explanations[exam_pos], listener->stream());
return false;
// Every element matches its expectation. We need to explain why
// (the obvious ones can be skipped).
if (listener_interested) {
bool reason_printed = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i != count(); ++i) {
const internal::string& s = explanations[i];
@ -2953,7 +2993,7 @@ class ElementsAreMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<Container> {
reason_printed = true;
return true;
@ -3273,21 +3313,14 @@ GTEST_API_ string FormatMatcherDescription(bool negation,
// ElementsAreArray(pointer, count)
// ElementsAreArray(array)
// ElementsAreArray(vector)
// ElementsAreArray({ e1, e2, ..., en })
// The ElementsAreArray() functions are like ElementsAre(...), except that
// they are given a homogeneous sequence rather than taking each element as
// a function argument. The sequence can be specified as an array, a
// pointer and count, a vector, or an STL iterator range. In each of these
// cases, the underlying sequence can be either a sequence of values or a
// sequence of matchers.
// * ElementsAreArray(array) deduces the size of the array.
// * ElementsAreArray(pointer, count) form takes a pointer and count.
// * ElementsAreArray(vector) takes a std::vector.
// * ElementsAreArray(first, last) takes any iterator range.
// The ElementsAreArray() functions are like ElementsAre(...), except
// that they are given a homogeneous sequence rather than taking each
// element as a function argument. The sequence can be specified as an
// array, a pointer and count, a vector, an initializer list, or an
// STL iterator range. In each of these cases, the underlying sequence
// can be either a sequence of values or a sequence of matchers.
// All forms of ElementsAreArray() make a copy of the input matcher sequence.
@ -3317,10 +3350,19 @@ inline internal::ElementsAreArrayMatcher<T> ElementsAreArray(
return ElementsAreArray(vec.begin(), vec.end());
template <typename T>
inline internal::ElementsAreArrayMatcher<T>
ElementsAreArray(::std::initializer_list<T> xs) {
return ElementsAreArray(xs.begin(), xs.end());
// UnorderedElementsAreArray(first, last)
// UnorderedElementsAreArray(pointer, count)
// UnorderedElementsAreArray(array)
// UnorderedElementsAreArray(vector)
// UnorderedElementsAreArray({ e1, e2, ..., en })
// The UnorderedElementsAreArray() functions are like
// ElementsAreArray(...), but allow matching the elements in any order.
@ -3350,6 +3392,13 @@ UnorderedElementsAreArray(const ::std::vector<T, A>& vec) {
return UnorderedElementsAreArray(vec.begin(), vec.end());
template <typename T>
inline internal::UnorderedElementsAreArrayMatcher<T>
UnorderedElementsAreArray(::std::initializer_list<T> xs) {
return UnorderedElementsAreArray(xs.begin(), xs.end());
// _ is a matcher that matches anything of any type.
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ using testing::ElementsAreArray;
using testing::Eq;
using testing::Ge;
using testing::Gt;
using testing::Le;
using testing::Lt;
using testing::MakeMatcher;
using testing::Matcher;
@ -632,6 +633,44 @@ TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithVector) {
EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerList) {
const int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }));
EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({ 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 })));
EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 })));
TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfCStrings) {
const string a[5] = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" };
EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray({ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" }));
EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({ "a", "b", "c", "e", "d" })));
EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({ "a", "b", "c", "d", "ef" })));
TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfSameTypedMatchers) {
const int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray(
{ Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(5) }));
EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray(
{ Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(6) })));
TakesInitializerListOfDifferentTypedMatchers) {
const int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// The compiler cannot infer the type of the initializer list if its
// elements have different types. We must explicitly specify the
// unified element type in this case.
EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray<Matcher<int> >(
{ Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(5) }));
EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray<Matcher<int> >(
{ Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(6) })));
#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithMatcherVector) {
const int a[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
const Matcher<int> kMatchers[] = { Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3) };
@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ using testing::Ref;
using testing::ResultOf;
using testing::SizeIs;
using testing::StartsWith;
using testing::StringMatchResultListener;
using testing::StrCaseEq;
using testing::StrCaseNe;
using testing::StrEq;
@ -145,7 +146,6 @@ using testing::internal::JoinAsTuple;
using testing::internal::MatchMatrix;
using testing::internal::RE;
using testing::internal::StreamMatchResultListener;
using testing::internal::StringMatchResultListener;
using testing::internal::Strings;
using testing::internal::linked_ptr;
using testing::internal::scoped_ptr;
@ -222,6 +222,12 @@ TEST(MatchResultListenerTest, StreamingWorks) {
listener << "hi" << 5;
EXPECT_EQ("hi5", listener.str());
EXPECT_EQ("", listener.str());
listener << 42;
EXPECT_EQ("42", listener.str());
// Streaming shouldn't crash when the underlying ostream is NULL.
DummyMatchResultListener dummy;
dummy << "hi" << 5;
@ -4443,6 +4449,32 @@ TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForVectorConstRefMatcherOnStreamlike) {
EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(2, 1, 4, 5, 3))));
// Tests using ElementsAre() and ElementsAreArray() with stream-like
// "containers".
TEST(ElemensAreStreamTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
const int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Streamlike<int> s(a, a + GMOCK_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
EXPECT_THAT(s, ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(ElementsAre(2, 1, 4, 5, 3)));
TEST(ElemensAreArrayStreamTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
const int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Streamlike<int> s(a, a + GMOCK_ARRAY_SIZE_(a));
vector<int> expected;
EXPECT_THAT(s, ElementsAreArray(expected));
expected[3] = 0;
EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
// Tests for UnorderedElementsAreArray()
TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, SucceedsWhenExpected) {
@ -4484,6 +4516,42 @@ TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected)));
TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerList) {
const int a[5] = { 2, 1, 4, 5, 3 };
EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }));
EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 })));
TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfCStrings) {
const string a[5] = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" };
EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray({ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" }));
EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray({ "a", "b", "c", "d", "ef" })));
TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfSameTypedMatchers) {
const int a[5] = { 2, 1, 4, 5, 3 };
EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray(
{ Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(5) }));
EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray(
{ Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(6) })));
TakesInitializerListOfDifferentTypedMatchers) {
const int a[5] = { 2, 1, 4, 5, 3 };
// The compiler cannot infer the type of the initializer list if its
// elements have different types. We must explicitly specify the
// unified element type in this case.
EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray<Matcher<int> >(
{ Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(5) }));
EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray<Matcher<int> >(
{ Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(6) })));
#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
class UnorderedElementsAreTest : public testing::Test {
typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
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