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"""Provides a fake @fuchsia_sdk implementation that's used when the real one isn't available.
GoogleTest can be used with the [Fuchsia](https://fuchsia.dev/) SDK. However,
because the Fuchsia SDK does not yet support bzlmod, GoogleTest's `MODULE.bazel`
file by default provides a "fake" Fuchsia SDK.
To override this and use the real Fuchsia SDK, you can add the following to your
project's `MODULE.bazel` file:
fake_fuchsia_sdk_extension =
use_extension("@com_google_googletest//:fake_fuchsia_sdk.bzl", "fuchsia_sdk")
override_repo(fake_fuchsia_sdk_extension, "fuchsia_sdk")
NOTE: The `override_repo` built-in is only available in Bazel 8.0 and higher.
See https://github.com/google/googletest/issues/4472 for more details of why the
fake Fuchsia SDK is needed.
def _fake_fuchsia_sdk_impl(repo_ctx):
for stub_target in repo_ctx.attr._stub_build_targets:
stub_package = stub_target
stub_target_name = stub_target.split("/")[-1]
repo_ctx.file("%s/BUILD.bazel" % stub_package, """
name = "%s",
""" % stub_target_name)
fake_fuchsia_sdk = repository_rule(
doc = "Used to create a fake @fuchsia_sdk repository with stub build targets.",
implementation = _fake_fuchsia_sdk_impl,
attrs = {
"_stub_build_targets": attr.string_list(
doc = "The stub build targets to initialize.",
default = [
_create_fake = tag_class()
def _fuchsia_sdk_impl(module_ctx):
create_fake_sdk = False
for mod in module_ctx.modules:
for _ in mod.tags.create_fake:
create_fake_sdk = True
if create_fake_sdk:
fake_fuchsia_sdk(name = "fuchsia_sdk")
return module_ctx.extension_metadata(reproducible = True)
fuchsia_sdk = module_extension(
implementation = _fuchsia_sdk_impl,
tag_classes = {"create_fake": _create_fake},