| `IsTrue()` | `argument` evaluates to `true` in a Boolean context. |
| `IsNull()` | `argument` is a `NULL` pointer (raw or smart). |
| `NotNull()` | `argument` is a non-null pointer (raw or smart). |
| `Optional(m)` | `argument` is `optional<>` that contains a value matching `m`. (For testing whether an `optional<>` is set, check for equality with `nullopt`. You may need to use `Eq(nullopt)` if the inner type doesn't have `==`.)|
| `VariantWith<T>(m)` | `argument` is `variant<>` that holds the alternative of type T with a value matching `m`. |
| `Ref(variable)` | `argument` is a reference to `variable`. |
| `TypedEq<type>(value)` | `argument` has type `type` and is equal to `value`. You may need to use this instead of `Eq(value)` when the mock function is overloaded. |
Except `Ref()`, these matchers make a *copy* of `value` in case it's modified or
destructed later. If the compiler complains that `value` doesn't have a public
copy constructor, try wrap it in `std::ref()`, e.g.
`Eq(std::ref(non_copyable_value))`. If you do that, make sure
`non_copyable_value` is not changed afterwards, or the meaning of your matcher
will be changed.
`IsTrue` and `IsFalse` are useful when you need to use a matcher, or for types
that can be explicitly converted to Boolean, but are not implicitly converted to
| `DoubleNear(a_double, max_abs_error)` | `argument` is a `double` value close to `a_double` (absolute error <= `max_abs_error`), treating two NaNs as unequal. |
| `FloatNear(a_float, max_abs_error)` | `argument` is a `float` value close to `a_float` (absolute error <= `max_abs_error`), treating two NaNs as unequal. |
| `NanSensitiveDoubleNear(a_double, max_abs_error)` | `argument` is a `double` value close to `a_double` (absolute error <= `max_abs_error`), treating two NaNs as equal. |
| `NanSensitiveFloatNear(a_float, max_abs_error)` | `argument` is a `float` value close to `a_float` (absolute error <= `max_abs_error`), treating two NaNs as equal. |
| `ContainsRegex(string)` | `argument` matches the given regular expression. |
| `EndsWith(suffix)` | `argument` ends with string `suffix`. |
| `HasSubstr(string)` | `argument` contains `string` as a sub-string. |
| `IsEmpty()` | `argument` is an empty string. |
| `MatchesRegex(string)` | `argument` matches the given regular expression with the match starting at the first character and ending at the last character. |
| `StartsWith(prefix)` | `argument` starts with string `prefix`. |
| `StrCaseEq(string)` | `argument` is equal to `string`, ignoring case. |
| `StrCaseNe(string)` | `argument` is not equal to `string`, ignoring case. |
| `StrEq(string)` | `argument` is equal to `string`. |
| `StrNe(string)` | `argument` is not equal to `string`. |
| `WhenBase64Unescaped(m)` | `argument` is a base-64 escaped string whose unescaped string matches `m`. The web-safe format from [RFC 4648](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4648#section-5) is supported. |
| `BeginEndDistanceIs(m)` | `argument` is a container whose `begin()` and `end()` iterators are separated by a number of increments matching `m`. E.g. `BeginEndDistanceIs(2)` or `BeginEndDistanceIs(Lt(2))`. For containers that define a `size()` method, `SizeIs(m)` may be more efficient. |
| `ContainerEq(container)` | The same as `Eq(container)` except that the failure message also includes which elements are in one container but not the other. |
| `Contains(e)` | `argument` contains an element that matches `e`, which can be either a value or a matcher. |
| `Contains(e).Times(n)` | `argument` contains elements that match `e`, which can be either a value or a matcher, and the number of matches is `n`, which can be either a value or a matcher. Unlike the plain `Contains` and `Each` this allows to check for arbitrary occurrences including testing for absence with `Contains(e).Times(0)`. |
| `Each(e)` | `argument` is a container where *every* element matches `e`, which can be either a value or a matcher. |
| `ElementsAre(e0, e1, ..., en)` | `argument` has `n + 1` elements, where the *i*-th element matches `ei`, which can be a value or a matcher. |
| `ElementsAreArray({e0, e1, ..., en})`, `ElementsAreArray(a_container)`, `ElementsAreArray(begin, end)`, `ElementsAreArray(array)`, or `ElementsAreArray(array, count)` | The same as `ElementsAre()` except that the expected element values/matchers come from an initializer list, STL-style container, iterator range, or C-style array. |
| `IsEmpty()` | `argument` is an empty container (`container.empty()`). |
| `IsSubsetOf({e0, e1, ..., en})`, `IsSubsetOf(a_container)`, `IsSubsetOf(begin, end)`, `IsSubsetOf(array)`, or `IsSubsetOf(array, count)` | `argument` matches `UnorderedElementsAre(x0, x1, ..., xk)` for some subset `{x0, x1, ..., xk}` of the expected matchers. |
| `IsSupersetOf({e0, e1, ..., en})`, `IsSupersetOf(a_container)`, `IsSupersetOf(begin, end)`, `IsSupersetOf(array)`, or `IsSupersetOf(array, count)` | Some subset of `argument` matches `UnorderedElementsAre(`expected matchers`)`. |
| `Pointwise(m, container)`, `Pointwise(m, {e0, e1, ..., en})` | `argument` contains the same number of elements as in `container`, and for all i, (the i-th element in `argument`, the i-th element in `container`) match `m`, which is a matcher on 2-tuples. E.g. `Pointwise(Le(), upper_bounds)` verifies that each element in `argument` doesn't exceed the corresponding element in `upper_bounds`. See more detail below. |
| `SizeIs(m)` | `argument` is a container whose size matches `m`. E.g. `SizeIs(2)` or `SizeIs(Lt(2))`. |
| `UnorderedElementsAre(e0, e1, ..., en)` | `argument` has `n + 1` elements, and under *some* permutation of the elements, each element matches an `ei` (for a different `i`), which can be a value or a matcher. |
| `UnorderedElementsAreArray({e0, e1, ..., en})`, `UnorderedElementsAreArray(a_container)`, `UnorderedElementsAreArray(begin, end)`, `UnorderedElementsAreArray(array)`, or `UnorderedElementsAreArray(array, count)` | The same as `UnorderedElementsAre()` except that the expected element values/matchers come from an initializer list, STL-style container, iterator range, or C-style array. |
| `UnorderedPointwise(m, container)`, `UnorderedPointwise(m, {e0, e1, ..., en})` | Like `Pointwise(m, container)`, but ignores the order of elements. |
| `WhenSorted(m)` | When `argument` is sorted using the `<` operator, it matches container matcher `m`. E.g. `WhenSorted(ElementsAre(1, 2, 3))` verifies that `argument` contains elements 1, 2, and 3, ignoring order. |
| `WhenSortedBy(comparator, m)` | The same as `WhenSorted(m)`, except that the given comparator instead of `<` is used to sort `argument`. E.g. `WhenSortedBy(std::greater(), ElementsAre(3, 2, 1))`. |
* These matchers can also match:
1. a native array passed by reference (e.g. in `Foo(const int (&a)[5])`),
2. an array passed as a pointer and a count (e.g. in `Bar(const T* buffer,
int len)` -- see [Multi-argument Matchers](#MultiArgMatchers)).
* The array being matched may be multi-dimensional (i.e. its elements can be
*`m` in `Pointwise(m, ...)` and `UnorderedPointwise(m, ...)` should be a
matcher for `::std::tuple<T, U>` where `T` and `U` are the element type of
the actual container and the expected container, respectively. For example,
to compare two `Foo` containers where `Foo` doesn't support `operator==`,
| `Field(&class::field, m)` | `argument.field` (or `argument->field` when `argument` is a plain pointer) matches matcher `m`, where `argument` is an object of type _class_. |
| `Field(field_name, &class::field, m)` | The same as the two-parameter version, but provides a better error message. |
| `Key(e)` | `argument.first` matches `e`, which can be either a value or a matcher. E.g. `Contains(Key(Le(5)))` can verify that a `map` contains a key `<= 5`. |
| `Pair(m1, m2)` | `argument` is an `std::pair` whose `first` field matches `m1` and `second` field matches `m2`. |
| `FieldsAre(m...)` | `argument` is a compatible object where each field matches piecewise with the matchers `m...`. A compatible object is any that supports the `std::tuple_size<Obj>`+`get<I>(obj)` protocol. In C++17 and up this also supports types compatible with structured bindings, like aggregates. |
| `Property(&class::property, m)` | `argument.property()` (or `argument->property()` when `argument` is a plain pointer) matches matcher `m`, where `argument` is an object of type _class_. The method `property()` must take no argument and be declared as `const`. |
| `Property(property_name, &class::property, m)` | The same as the two-parameter version, but provides a better error message.
| `Address(m)` | the result of `std::addressof(argument)` matches `m`. |
| `Pointee(m)` | `argument` (either a smart pointer or a raw pointer) points to a value that matches matcher `m`. |
| `Pointer(m)` | `argument` (either a smart pointer or a raw pointer) contains a pointer that matches `m`. `m` will match against the raw pointer regardless of the type of `argument`. |
| `WhenDynamicCastTo<T>(m)` | when `argument` is passed through `dynamic_cast<T>()`, it matches matcher `m`. |
| `AllOf(m1, m2, ..., mn)` | `argument` matches all of the matchers `m1` to `mn`. |
| `AllOfArray({m0, m1, ..., mn})`, `AllOfArray(a_container)`, `AllOfArray(begin, end)`, `AllOfArray(array)`, or `AllOfArray(array, count)` | The same as `AllOf()` except that the matchers come from an initializer list, STL-style container, iterator range, or C-style array. |
| `AnyOf(m1, m2, ..., mn)` | `argument` matches at least one of the matchers `m1` to `mn`. |
| `AnyOfArray({m0, m1, ..., mn})`, `AnyOfArray(a_container)`, `AnyOfArray(begin, end)`, `AnyOfArray(array)`, or `AnyOfArray(array, count)` | The same as `AnyOf()` except that the matchers come from an initializer list, STL-style container, iterator range, or C-style array. |
| `Not(m)` | `argument` doesn't match matcher `m`. |
| `MATCHER(IsEven, "") { return (arg % 2) == 0; }` | Defines a matcher `IsEven()` to match an even number. |
| `MATCHER_P(IsDivisibleBy, n, "") { *result_listener << "where the remainder is " << (arg % n); return (arg % n) == 0; }` | Defines a matcher `IsDivisibleBy(n)` to match a number divisible by `n`. |
| `MATCHER_P2(IsBetween, a, b, absl::StrCat(negation ? "isn't" : "is", " between ", PrintToString(a), " and ", PrintToString(b))) { return a <= arg && arg <= b; }` | Defines a matcher `IsBetween(a, b)` to match a value in the range [`a`, `b`]. |
1. The `MATCHER*` macros cannot be used inside a function or class.
2. The matcher body must be *purely functional* (i.e. it cannot have any side
effect, and the result must not depend on anything other than the value
being matched and the matcher parameters).
3. You can use `PrintToString(x)` to convert a value `x` of any type to a
4. You can use `ExplainMatchResult()` in a custom matcher to wrap another