Its default implementation `OrderedQueueListCompare` looks like,
struct OrderedQueueListCompare
template <typenameT>
bool operator() (const T & a, const T & b) const {
return a.event <b.event;
The typename T is actually the `EventQueue::QueuedEvent`. But since `OrderedQueueList` is used in the policies that are used to construct the EventQueue, it's not possible to specify the actual type in `OrderedQueueListCompare`, so here we use a template operator.
`EventQueue::QueuedEvent` is declared as,
struct QueuedEvent
EventType event;
std::tuple<Args> arguments;
`event` is the event sent to the queue.
`arguments` are the arguments that passed to `EventQueue::enqueue`.
### Sample code
// First let's define the event struct. e is the event type, priority determines the priority.
struct MyEvent
int e;
int priority;
// The comparison function object used by eventpp::OrderedQueueList.
// The function compares the event by priority.
struct MyCompare
template <typenameT>
bool operator() (const T & a, const T & b) const {