## EventQueue enqueue and process -- single threading
<th>Queue size</th>
<th>Event count</th>
<th>Event Types</th>
<th>Listener count</th>
<th>Time of single threading</th>
<th>Time of multi threading</th>
Given `eventpp::EventQueue<int, void (int), Policies>`, which `Policies` is either single threading or multi threading, the benchmark adds `Listener count` listeners to the queue, each listener is an empty lambda. Then the benchmark starts timing. It loops `Iterations` times. In each loop, the benchmark puts `Queue size` events, then process the event queue.
There are `Event types` kinds of event type. `Event count` is `Iterations * Queue size`.
The EventQueue is processed in one thread. The Single/Multi threading in the table means the policies used.
## EventQueue enqueue and process -- multiple threading
<th>Enqueue threads</th>
<th>Process threads</th>
<th>Event count</th>
<th>Event Types</th>
<th>Listener count</th>
There are `Enqueue threads` threads enqueuing events to the queue, and `Process threads` threads processing the events. The total event count is `Event count`.
The multi threading version shows slower than previous single threading version, since the mutex locks cost time.