mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 13:37:03 +08:00
(profiler GUI) Added plain vector of ProfBlocks (additional information for gui) for fast access; (ProfGraphicsView) Removed unnecessary methods; small refactoring; (ProfTreeWidget) Removed unnecessary map of tree items; (ProfGraphicsScrollbar) Added colorizing of minimap (green = low duration, red = long duration);
339 lines
12 KiB
339 lines
12 KiB
* file name : blocks_graphics_view.h
* ----------------- :
* creation time : 2016/06/26
* copyright : (c) 2016 Victor Zarubkin
* author : Victor Zarubkin
* email : v.s.zarubkin@gmail.com
* ----------------- :
* description : The file contains declaration of GraphicsScene and GraphicsView and
* : it's auxiliary classes for displyaing easy_profiler blocks tree.
* ----------------- :
* change log : * 2016/06/26 Victor Zarubkin: moved sources from graphics_view.h
* : and renamed classes from My* to Prof*.
* :
* : * 2016/06/29 Victor Zarubkin: Highly optimized painting performance and memory consumption.
* :
* : * 2016/06/30 Victor Zarubkin: Replaced doubles with floats (in ProfBlockItem) for less memory consumption.
* :
* : *
* ----------------- :
* license : TODO: add license text
#ifndef MY____GRAPHICS___VIEW_H
#define MY____GRAPHICS___VIEW_H
#include <QGraphicsView>
#include <QGraphicsScene>
#include <QGraphicsItem>
#include <QFont>
#include <QPoint>
#include <QTimer>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "graphics_scrollbar.h"
#include "profiler/reader.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "globals.h"
class ProfGraphicsView;
class ProfGraphicsItem : public QGraphicsItem
typedef ::profiler_gui::ProfItems Children;
typedef ::std::vector<unsigned int> DrawIndexes;
typedef ::std::vector<Children> Sublevels;
DrawIndexes m_levelsIndexes; ///< Indexes of first item on each level from which we must start painting
Sublevels m_levels; ///< Arrays of items for each level
QRectF m_boundingRect; ///< boundingRect (see QGraphicsItem)
const ::profiler::BlocksTreeRoot* m_pRoot; ///< Pointer to the root profiler block (thread block). Used by ProfTreeWidget to restore hierarchy.
QRgb m_backgroundColor; ///< Background color (to enable AlternateColors behavior like in QTreeWidget)
const bool m_bTest; ///< If true then we are running test()
ProfGraphicsItem(bool _test);
ProfGraphicsItem(const ::profiler::BlocksTreeRoot* _root);
virtual ~ProfGraphicsItem();
// Public virtual methods
QRectF boundingRect() const override;
void paint(QPainter* _painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* _option, QWidget* _widget = nullptr) override;
// Public non-virtual methods
void setBoundingRect(qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h);
void setBoundingRect(const QRectF& _rect);
void setBackgroundColor(QRgb _color);
::profiler::thread_id_t threadId() const;
///< Returns number of levels
unsigned short levels() const;
/** \brief Sets number of levels.
\note Must be set before doing anything else.
\param _levels Desired number of levels */
void setLevels(unsigned short _levels);
/** \brief Reserves memory for desired number of items on specified level.
\param _level Index of the level
\param _items Desired number of items on this level */
void reserve(unsigned short _level, unsigned int _items);
/**\brief Returns reference to the array of items of specified level.
\param _level Index of the level */
const Children& items(unsigned short _level) const;
/**\brief Returns reference to the item with required index on specified level.
\param _level Index of the level
\param _index Index of required item */
const ::profiler_gui::ProfBlockItem& getItem(unsigned short _level, unsigned int _index) const;
/**\brief Returns reference to the item with required index on specified level.
\param _level Index of the level
\param _index Index of required item */
::profiler_gui::ProfBlockItem& getItem(unsigned short _level, unsigned int _index);
/** \brief Adds new item to required level.
\param _level Index of the level
\retval Index of the new created item */
unsigned int addItem(unsigned short _level);
/** \brief Finds top-level blocks which are intersects with required selection zone.
\note Found blocks will be added into the array of selected blocks.
\param _left Left bound of the selection zone
\param _right Right bound of the selection zone
\param _blocks Reference to the array of selected blocks */
void getBlocks(qreal _left, qreal _right, ::profiler_gui::TreeBlocks& _blocks) const;
///< Returns pointer to the ProfGraphicsView widget.
const ProfGraphicsView* view() const;
}; // END of class ProfGraphicsItem.
class ProfChronometerItem : public QGraphicsItem
QFont m_font; ///< Font which is used to draw text
QRectF m_boundingRect; ///< boundingRect (see QGraphicsItem)
qreal m_left, m_right; ///< Left and right bounds of the selection zone
virtual ~ProfChronometerItem();
// Public virtual methods
QRectF boundingRect() const override;
void paint(QPainter* _painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* _option, QWidget* _widget = nullptr) override;
// Public non-virtual methods
void setBoundingRect(qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h);
void setBoundingRect(const QRectF& _rect);
void setLeftRight(qreal _left, qreal _right);
inline qreal left() const
return m_left;
inline qreal right() const
return m_right;
inline qreal width() const
return m_right - m_left;
///< Returns pointer to the ProfGraphicsView widget.
const ProfGraphicsView* view() const;
}; // END of class ProfChronometerItem.
class ProfGraphicsView : public QGraphicsView
typedef ProfGraphicsView This;
typedef ::std::vector<ProfGraphicsItem*> Items;
Items m_items; ///< Array of all ProfGraphicsItem items
::profiler_gui::TreeBlocks m_selectedBlocks; ///< Array of items which were selected by selection zone (ProfChronometerItem)
QTimer m_flickerTimer; ///< Timer for flicking behavior
QRectF m_visibleSceneRect; ///< Visible scene rectangle
::profiler::timestamp_t m_beginTime; ///< Begin time of profiler session. Used to reduce values of all begin and end times of profiler blocks.
qreal m_scale; ///< Current scale
qreal m_offset; ///< Have to use manual offset for all scene content instead of using scrollbars because QScrollBar::value is 32-bit integer :(
QPoint m_mousePressPos; ///< Last mouse global position (used by mousePressEvent and mouseMoveEvent)
Qt::MouseButtons m_mouseButtons; ///< Pressed mouse buttons
ProfGraphicsScrollbar* m_pScrollbar; ///< Pointer to the graphics scrollbar widget
ProfChronometerItem* m_chronometerItem; ///< Pointer to the ProfChronometerItem which is displayed when you press right mouse button and move mouse left or right
int m_flickerSpeed; ///< Current flicking speed
bool m_bUpdatingRect; ///< Stub flag which is used to avoid excess calculations on some scene update (flicking, scaling and so on)
bool m_bTest; ///< Testing flag (true when test() is called)
bool m_bEmpty; ///< Indicates whether scene is empty and has no items
bool m_bStrictSelection; ///< Strict selection flag used by ProfTreeWidget to interpret left and right bounds of selection zone in different ways
ProfGraphicsView(bool _test = false);
ProfGraphicsView(const ::profiler::thread_blocks_tree_t& _blocksTree);
virtual ~ProfGraphicsView();
// Public virtual methods
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* _event) override;
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* _event) override;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* _event) override;
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* _event) override;
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* _event) override;
// Public non-virtual methods
void setScrollbar(ProfGraphicsScrollbar* _scrollbar);
void clearSilent();
void test(unsigned int _frames_number, unsigned int _total_items_number_estimate, int _rows);
void setTree(const ::profiler::thread_blocks_tree_t& _blocksTree);
// Signals
void intervalChanged(const ::profiler_gui::TreeBlocks& _blocks, ::profiler::timestamp_t _session_begin_time, ::profiler::timestamp_t _left, ::profiler::timestamp_t _right, bool _strict);
// Private non-virtual methods
void initMode();
void updateVisibleSceneRect();
void updateScene();
void scaleTo(qreal _scale);
qreal setTree(ProfGraphicsItem* _item, const ::profiler::BlocksTree::children_t& _children, qreal& _height, qreal _y, unsigned short _level);
void fillTestChildren(ProfGraphicsItem* _item, const int _maxlevel, int _level, qreal _x, qreal _y, unsigned int _childrenNumber, unsigned int& _total_items);
private slots:
// Private Slots
void onScrollbarValueChange(int);
void onGraphicsScrollbarValueChange(qreal);
void onFlickerTimeout();
void onSelectedThreadChange(::profiler::thread_id_t _id);
// Public inline methods
inline qreal scale() const
return m_scale;
inline qreal offset() const
return m_offset;
inline const QRectF& visibleSceneRect() const
return m_visibleSceneRect;
// Private inline methods
inline qreal time2position(const profiler::timestamp_t& _time) const
return PROF_MICROSECONDS(qreal(_time - m_beginTime));
//return PROF_MILLISECONDS(qreal(_time - m_beginTime));
inline ::profiler::timestamp_t position2time(qreal _pos) const
inline qreal to_microseconds(qreal _value) const
return _value;
//return _value * 1e-3;
inline qreal to_milliseconds(qreal _value) const
return _value * 1e3;
//return _value;
}; // END of class ProfGraphicsView.
class ProfGraphicsViewWidget : public QWidget
ProfGraphicsView* m_view;
ProfGraphicsScrollbar* m_scrollbar;
ProfGraphicsViewWidget(bool _test = false);
ProfGraphicsViewWidget(const ::profiler::thread_blocks_tree_t& _blocksTree);
virtual ~ProfGraphicsViewWidget();
ProfGraphicsView* view();
}; // END of class ProfGraphicsViewWidget.
#endif // MY____GRAPHICS___VIEW_H