/************************************************************************ * file name : blocks_graphics_view.cpp * ----------------- : * creation time : 2016/06/26 * copyright : (c) 2016 Victor Zarubkin * author : Victor Zarubkin * email : v.s.zarubkin@gmail.com * ----------------- : * description : The file contains implementation of GraphicsScene and GraphicsView and * : it's auxiliary classes for displyaing easy_profiler blocks tree. * ----------------- : * change log : * 2016/06/26 Victor Zarubkin: Moved sources from graphics_view.h * : and renamed classes from My* to Prof*. * : * : * 2016/06/27 Victor Zarubkin: Added text shifting relatively to it's parent item. * : Disabled border lines painting because of vertical lines painting bug. * : Changed height of blocks. Variable thread-block height. * : * : * 2016/06/29 Victor Zarubkin: Highly optimized painting performance and memory consumption. * : * : * 2016/06/30 Victor Zarubkin: Replaced doubles with floats (in ProfBlockItem) for less memory consumption. * : * : * * ----------------- : * license : TODO: add license text ************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "blocks_graphics_view.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const qreal SCALING_COEFFICIENT = 1.25; const qreal SCALING_COEFFICIENT_INV = 1.0 / SCALING_COEFFICIENT; const unsigned short GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE = 16; const unsigned short GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE_FULL = GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE + 2; const unsigned short ROW_SPACING = 4; const QRgb DEFAULT_COLOR = 0x00f0e094; const QRgb BORDERS_COLOR = 0x00a08080; const QRgb BACKGROUND_1 = 0x00f8f8f8; const QRgb BACKGROUND_2 = 0x00ffffff;// 0x00e0e0e0; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// auto const sign = [](int _value) { return _value < 0 ? -1 : 1; }; auto const absmin = [](int _a, int _b) { return abs(_a) < abs(_b) ? _a : _b; }; auto const clamp = [](qreal _minValue, qreal _value, qreal _maxValue) { return _value < _minValue ? _minValue : (_value > _maxValue ? _maxValue : _value); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QRgb BG1(); QRgb BG2(); QRgb (*GetBackgroundColor)() = BG1; QRgb BG1() { GetBackgroundColor = BG2; return BACKGROUND_1; } QRgb BG2() { GetBackgroundColor = BG1; return BACKGROUND_2; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QRgb toRgb(unsigned int _red, unsigned int _green, unsigned int _blue) { if (_red == 0 && _green == 0 && _blue == 0) return DEFAULT_COLOR; return (_red << 16) + (_green << 8) + _blue; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ProfBlockItem::setRect(qreal _x, float _y, float _w, float _h) { x = _x; y = _y; w = _w; h = _h; } qreal ProfBlockItem::left() const { return x; } float ProfBlockItem::top() const { return y; } float ProfBlockItem::width() const { return w; } float ProfBlockItem::height() const { return h; } qreal ProfBlockItem::right() const { return x + w; } float ProfBlockItem::bottom() const { return y + h; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ProfGraphicsItem::ProfGraphicsItem() : ProfGraphicsItem(false) { } ProfGraphicsItem::ProfGraphicsItem(bool _test) : QGraphicsItem(nullptr), m_bTest(_test), m_backgroundColor(0x00ffffff) { } ProfGraphicsItem::~ProfGraphicsItem() { } const ProfGraphicsView* ProfGraphicsItem::view() const { return static_cast(scene()->parent()); } QRectF ProfGraphicsItem::boundingRect() const { //const auto sceneView = view(); //return QRectF(m_rect.left() - sceneView->offset() / sceneView->scale(), m_rect.top(), m_rect.width() * sceneView->scale(), m_rect.height()); return m_rect; } QRgb ProfGraphicsItem::backgroundColor() const { return m_backgroundColor; } void ProfGraphicsItem::paint(QPainter* _painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* _option, QWidget* _widget) { if (m_levels.empty() || m_levels.front().empty()) { return; } const auto sceneView = view(); const auto currentScale = sceneView->scale(); // Current GraphicsView scale const auto visibleSceneRect = sceneView->visibleSceneRect(); // Current visible scene rect const auto offset = sceneView->offset(); const auto sceneLeft = offset, sceneRight = offset + visibleSceneRect.width() / currentScale; //printf("VISIBLE = {%lf, %lf}\n", sceneLeft, sceneRight); QRectF rect; QBrush brush; QRgb previousColor = 0; Qt::PenStyle previousPenStyle = Qt::SolidLine; brush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); _painter->save(); // Reset indices of first visible item for each layer const auto levelsNumber = levels(); for (unsigned short i = 1; i < levelsNumber; ++i) m_levelsIndexes[i] = -1; // Search for first visible top item auto& level0 = m_levels[0]; auto first = ::std::lower_bound(level0.begin(), level0.end(), sceneLeft, [](const ProfBlockItem& _item, double _value) { return _item.left() < _value; }); if (first != level0.end()) { m_levelsIndexes[0] = first - level0.begin(); if (m_levelsIndexes[0] > 0) m_levelsIndexes[0] -= 1; } else { m_levelsIndexes[0] = level0.size() - 1; } // Draw background -------------------------- brush.setColor(m_backgroundColor); _painter->setBrush(brush); _painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); rect.setRect(0, m_rect.top() - (ROW_SPACING >> 1), visibleSceneRect.width(), m_rect.height() + ROW_SPACING); _painter->drawRect(rect); // END. Draw background. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // This is to make _painter->drawText() work properly // (it seems there is a bug in Qt5.6 when drawText called for big coordinates, // drawRect at the same time called for actually same coordinates // works fine without using this additional shifting) const auto dx = level0[m_levelsIndexes[0]].left() * currentScale; // Shifting coordinates to current screen offset _painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromTranslate(dx - offset * currentScale, -y()), true); _painter->setPen(BORDERS_COLOR); // Iterate through layers and draw visible items for (unsigned short l = 0; l < levelsNumber; ++l) { auto& level = m_levels[l]; const auto next_level = l + 1; char state = 1; //bool changebrush = false; for (unsigned int i = m_levelsIndexes[l], end = level.size(); i < end; ++i) { auto& item = level[i]; if (item.state != 0) { state = item.state; } if (item.right() < sceneLeft || state == -1) { ++m_levelsIndexes[l]; continue; } auto w = ::std::max(item.width() * currentScale, 1.0); if (w < 20) { // Items which width is less than 20 will be painted as big rectangles which are hiding it's children if (item.left() > sceneRight) { break; } const auto x = item.left() * currentScale - dx; //if (previousColor != item.color) //{ // changebrush = true; // previousColor = item.color; // QLinearGradient gradient(x - dx, item.top(), x - dx, item.top() + item.totalHeight); // gradient.setColorAt(0, item.color); // gradient.setColorAt(1, 0x00ffffff); // brush = QBrush(gradient); // _painter->setBrush(brush); //} if (previousColor != item.color) { previousColor = item.color; brush.setColor(previousColor); _painter->setBrush(brush); } if (w < 3) { if (previousPenStyle != Qt::NoPen) { previousPenStyle = Qt::NoPen; _painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); } } else if (previousPenStyle != Qt::SolidLine) { previousPenStyle = Qt::SolidLine; _painter->setPen(BORDERS_COLOR); } rect.setRect(x, item.top(), w, item.totalHeight); _painter->drawRect(rect); if (next_level < levelsNumber && item.children_begin != -1) { m_levels[next_level][item.children_begin].state = -1; } continue; } if (next_level < levelsNumber && item.children_begin != -1) { if (m_levelsIndexes[next_level] == -1) { m_levelsIndexes[next_level] = item.children_begin; } m_levels[next_level][item.children_begin].state = 1; } if (item.left() > sceneRight) { break; } //if (changebrush) //{ // changebrush = false; // previousColor = item.color; // brush = QBrush(previousColor); // _painter->setBrush(brush); //} else if (previousColor != item.color) { previousColor = item.color; brush.setColor(previousColor); _painter->setBrush(brush); } const auto x = item.left() * currentScale - dx; rect.setRect(x, item.top(), w, item.height()); _painter->drawRect(rect); auto xtext = x; if (item.left() < sceneLeft) { w += (item.left() - sceneLeft) * currentScale; xtext = sceneLeft * currentScale - dx; } rect.setRect(xtext, item.top(), w, item.height()); auto textColor = 0x00ffffff - previousColor; if (textColor == previousColor) textColor = 0; _painter->setPen(textColor); // Text is painted with inverse color if (m_bTest) { char text[128] = {0}; sprintf(text, "ITEM_%u", i); _painter->drawText(rect, 0, text); } else { _painter->drawText(rect, 0, item.block->node->getBlockName()); } if (previousPenStyle == Qt::NoPen) { _painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); } else { _painter->setPen(BORDERS_COLOR); // restore pen for rectangle painting } } } _painter->restore(); } void ProfGraphicsItem::setBackgroundColor(QRgb _color) { m_backgroundColor = _color; } void ProfGraphicsItem::setBoundingRect(qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h) { m_rect.setRect(x, y, w, h); } void ProfGraphicsItem::setBoundingRect(const QRectF& _rect) { m_rect = _rect; } unsigned short ProfGraphicsItem::levels() const { return static_cast(m_levels.size()); } void ProfGraphicsItem::setLevels(unsigned short _levels) { m_levels.resize(_levels); m_levelsIndexes.resize(_levels, -1); } void ProfGraphicsItem::reserve(unsigned short _level, size_t _items) { m_levels[_level].reserve(_items); } const ProfGraphicsItem::Children& ProfGraphicsItem::items(unsigned short _level) const { return m_levels[_level]; } const ProfBlockItem& ProfGraphicsItem::getItem(unsigned short _level, size_t _index) const { return m_levels[_level][_index]; } ProfBlockItem& ProfGraphicsItem::getItem(unsigned short _level, size_t _index) { return m_levels[_level][_index]; } size_t ProfGraphicsItem::addItem(unsigned short _level) { m_levels[_level].emplace_back(); return m_levels[_level].size() - 1; } size_t ProfGraphicsItem::addItem(unsigned short _level, const ProfBlockItem& _item) { m_levels[_level].emplace_back(_item); return m_levels[_level].size() - 1; } size_t ProfGraphicsItem::addItem(unsigned short _level, ProfBlockItem&& _item) { m_levels[_level].emplace_back(::std::forward(_item)); return m_levels[_level].size() - 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ProfGraphicsScene::ProfGraphicsScene(QGraphicsView* _parent, bool _test) : QGraphicsScene(_parent), m_beginTime(-1) { if (_test) { test(18000, 40000000, 5); } } ProfGraphicsScene::ProfGraphicsScene(const thread_blocks_tree_t& _blocksTree, QGraphicsView* _parent) : QGraphicsScene(_parent), m_beginTime(-1) { setTree(_blocksTree); } ProfGraphicsScene::~ProfGraphicsScene() { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void fillChildren(ProfGraphicsItem* _item, int _level, qreal _x, qreal _y, size_t _childrenNumber, size_t& _total_items) { size_t nchildren = _childrenNumber; _childrenNumber >>= 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) { size_t j = _item->addItem(_level); auto& b = _item->getItem(_level, j); b.color = toRgb(30 + rand() % 225, 30 + rand() % 225, 30 + rand() % 225); b.state = 0; if (_childrenNumber > 0) { const auto& children = _item->items(_level + 1); b.children_begin = static_cast(children.size()); fillChildren(_item, _level + 1, _x, _y + GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE_FULL, _childrenNumber, _total_items); const auto& last = children.back(); b.setRect(_x, _y, last.right() - _x, GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE); b.totalHeight = GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE_FULL + last.totalHeight; } else { b.setRect(_x, _y, 10 + rand() % 40, GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE); b.totalHeight = GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE; b.children_begin = -1; } _x = b.right(); ++_total_items; } } void ProfGraphicsScene::test(size_t _frames_number, size_t _total_items_number_estimate, int _depth) { static const qreal X_BEGIN = 50; static const qreal Y_BEGIN = 0; const auto children_per_frame = _total_items_number_estimate / _frames_number; const size_t first_level_children_count = sqrt(pow(2, _depth - 1)) * pow(children_per_frame, 1.0 / double(_depth)) + 0.5; auto item = new ProfGraphicsItem(true); item->setPos(0, Y_BEGIN); item->setLevels(_depth + 1); item->reserve(0, _frames_number); size_t chldrn = first_level_children_count; size_t tot = first_level_children_count; for (int i = 1; i <= _depth; ++i) { item->reserve(i, tot * _frames_number); chldrn >>= 1; tot *= chldrn; } size_t total_items = 0; qreal x = X_BEGIN; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _frames_number; ++i) { size_t j = item->addItem(0); auto& b = item->getItem(0, j); b.color = toRgb(30 + rand() % 225, 30 + rand() % 225, 30 + rand() % 225); b.state = 0; const auto& children = item->items(1); b.children_begin = static_cast(children.size()); fillChildren(item, 1, x, Y_BEGIN + GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE_FULL, first_level_children_count, total_items); const auto& last = children.back(); b.setRect(x, Y_BEGIN, last.right() - x, GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE); b.totalHeight = GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE_FULL + last.totalHeight; x += b.width() + 500; ++total_items; } const auto h = item->getItem(0, 0).totalHeight; item->setBoundingRect(0, 0, x, h); addItem(item); setSceneRect(0, 0, x, Y_BEGIN + h); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ProfGraphicsScene::clearSilent() { const QSignalBlocker b(this); // block all scene signals (otherwise clear() would be extremely slow!) clear(); m_beginTime = -1; } void ProfGraphicsScene::setTree(const thread_blocks_tree_t& _blocksTree) { // calculate scene size and fill it with items ::profiler::timestamp_t finish = 0; qreal y = 0; for (const auto& threadTree : _blocksTree) { const auto timestart = threadTree.second.children.front().node->block()->getBegin(); const auto timefinish = threadTree.second.children.back().node->block()->getEnd(); if (m_beginTime > timestart) m_beginTime = timestart; if (finish < timefinish) finish = timefinish; // fill scene with new items qreal h = 0, x = time2position(timestart); auto item = new ProfGraphicsItem(); item->setLevels(threadTree.second.depth); item->setPos(0, y); const auto children_duration = setTree(item, threadTree.second.children, h, y, 0); item->setBoundingRect(0, 0, children_duration + x, h); item->setBackgroundColor(GetBackgroundColor()); addItem(item); y += h + ROW_SPACING; } const qreal endX = time2position(finish + 1000000); setSceneRect(0, 0, endX, y); for (auto item : items()) { auto profilerItem = static_cast(item); profilerItem->setBoundingRect(0, 0, endX, profilerItem->boundingRect().height()); } } qreal ProfGraphicsScene::setTree(ProfGraphicsItem* _item, const BlocksTree::children_t& _children, qreal& _height, qreal _y, unsigned short _level) { if (_children.empty()) { return 0; } _item->reserve(_level, _children.size()); const auto next_level = _level + 1; qreal total_duration = 0, prev_end = 0, maxh = 0; qreal start_time = -1; for (const auto& child : _children) { auto xbegin = time2position(child.node->block()->getBegin()); if (start_time < 0) { start_time = xbegin; } auto duration = time2position(child.node->block()->getEnd()) - xbegin; const auto dt = xbegin - prev_end; if (dt < 0) { duration += dt; xbegin -= dt; } if (duration < 0.1) { duration = 0.1; } auto i = _item->addItem(_level); auto& b = _item->getItem(_level, i); if (next_level < _item->levels() && !child.children.empty()) { b.children_begin = static_cast(_item->items(next_level).size()); } else { b.children_begin = -1; } qreal h = 0; const auto children_duration = setTree(_item, child.children, h, _y + GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE_FULL, next_level); if (duration < children_duration) { duration = children_duration; } if (h > maxh) { maxh = h; } const auto color = child.node->block()->getColor(); b.block = &child; b.color = toRgb(::profiler::colors::get_red(color), ::profiler::colors::get_green(color), ::profiler::colors::get_blue(color)); b.setRect(xbegin, _y, duration, GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE); b.totalHeight = GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE + h; prev_end = xbegin + duration; total_duration = prev_end - start_time; } _height += GRAPHICS_ROW_SIZE_FULL + maxh; return total_duration; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ProfGraphicsView::ProfGraphicsView(bool _test) : QGraphicsView() , m_scale(1) , m_offset(0) , m_mouseButtons(Qt::NoButton) , m_pScrollbar(nullptr) , m_flickerSpeed(0) , m_bUpdatingRect(false) { initMode(); setScene(new ProfGraphicsScene(this, _test)); updateVisibleSceneRect(); } ProfGraphicsView::ProfGraphicsView(const thread_blocks_tree_t& _blocksTree) : QGraphicsView() , m_scale(1) , m_offset(0) , m_mouseButtons(Qt::NoButton) , m_pScrollbar(nullptr) , m_flickerSpeed(0) , m_bUpdatingRect(false) { initMode(); setScene(new ProfGraphicsScene(_blocksTree, this)); updateVisibleSceneRect(); } ProfGraphicsView::~ProfGraphicsView() { } void ProfGraphicsView::setScrollbar(GraphicsHorizontalScrollbar* _scrollbar) { if (m_pScrollbar) { disconnect(m_pScrollbar, &GraphicsHorizontalScrollbar::valueChanged, this, &This::onGraphicsScrollbarValueChange); } m_pScrollbar = _scrollbar; m_pScrollbar->setRange(0, scene()->width()); m_pScrollbar->setSliderWidth(m_visibleSceneRect.width()); m_pScrollbar->setValue(0); connect(m_pScrollbar, &GraphicsHorizontalScrollbar::valueChanged, this, &This::onGraphicsScrollbarValueChange); } void ProfGraphicsView::updateVisibleSceneRect() { m_visibleSceneRect = mapToScene(rect()).boundingRect(); } void ProfGraphicsView::updateScene() { scene()->update(m_visibleSceneRect); } void ProfGraphicsView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* _event) { const decltype(m_scale) scaleCoeff = _event->delta() > 0 ? SCALING_COEFFICIENT : SCALING_COEFFICIENT_INV; // Remember current mouse position const auto mouseX = mapToScene(_event->pos()).x(); const auto mousePosition = m_offset + mouseX / m_scale; m_bUpdatingRect = true; // To be sure that updateVisibleSceneRect will not be called by scrollbar change m_scale *= scaleCoeff; m_bUpdatingRect = false; updateVisibleSceneRect(); // Update scene rect // Update slider width for scrollbar const auto windowWidth = m_visibleSceneRect.width() / m_scale; m_pScrollbar->setSliderWidth(windowWidth); // Calculate new offset to simulate QGraphicsView::AnchorUnderMouse scaling behavior m_offset = clamp(0., mousePosition - mouseX / m_scale, scene()->width() - windowWidth); // Update slider position m_bUpdatingRect = true; m_pScrollbar->setValue(m_offset); m_bUpdatingRect = false; updateScene(); // repaint scene _event->accept(); } void ProfGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* _event) { m_mouseButtons = _event->buttons(); if (m_mouseButtons & Qt::LeftButton) { m_mousePressPos = _event->globalPos(); } _event->accept(); } void ProfGraphicsView::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* _event) { m_mouseButtons = _event->buttons(); _event->accept(); } void ProfGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* _event) { if (m_mouseButtons & Qt::LeftButton) { const auto pos = _event->globalPos(); const auto delta = pos - m_mousePressPos; m_mousePressPos = pos; auto vbar = verticalScrollBar(); m_bUpdatingRect = true; // Block scrollbars from updating scene rect to make it possible to do it only once vbar->setValue(vbar->value() - delta.y()); m_pScrollbar->setValue(m_pScrollbar->value() - delta.x() / m_scale); m_bUpdatingRect = false; // Seems like an ugly stub, but QSignalBlocker is also a bad decision // because if scrollbar does not emit valueChanged signal then viewport does not move updateVisibleSceneRect(); // Update scene visible rect only once // Update flicker speed m_flickerSpeed += delta.x() >> 1; if (!m_flickerTimer.isActive()) { // If flicker timer is not started, then start it m_flickerTimer.start(20); } updateScene(); // repaint scene } _event->accept(); } void ProfGraphicsView::initMode() { // TODO: find mode with least number of bugs :) // There are always some display bugs... setCacheMode(QGraphicsView::CacheNone); setTransformationAnchor(QGraphicsView::AnchorUnderMouse); setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::FullViewportUpdate); setOptimizationFlag(QGraphicsView::DontSavePainterState, true); setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); connect(verticalScrollBar(), &QScrollBar::valueChanged, this, &This::onScrollbarValueChange); connect(&m_flickerTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &This::onFlickerTimeout); } void ProfGraphicsView::setTree(const thread_blocks_tree_t& _blocksTree) { // clear scene clearSilent(); // set new blocks tree static_cast(scene())->setTree(_blocksTree); // center view on the beginning of the scene m_offset = 0; updateVisibleSceneRect(); setScrollbar(m_pScrollbar); } void ProfGraphicsView::clearSilent() { // block all signals for faster scene recreation const QSignalBlocker b(this); // clear scene static_cast(scene())->clearSilent(); // scale back to initial 100% scale m_scale = 1; } void ProfGraphicsView::test(size_t _frames_number, size_t _total_items_number_estimate, int _depth) { static_cast(scene())->test(_frames_number, _total_items_number_estimate, _depth); m_offset = 0; updateVisibleSceneRect(); setScrollbar(m_pScrollbar); } void ProfGraphicsView::onScrollbarValueChange(int) { if (!m_bUpdatingRect) updateVisibleSceneRect(); } void ProfGraphicsView::onGraphicsScrollbarValueChange(qreal _value) { m_offset = _value; if (!m_bUpdatingRect) { updateVisibleSceneRect(); updateScene(); } } void ProfGraphicsView::onFlickerTimeout() { if (m_mouseButtons & Qt::LeftButton) { // Fast slow-down and stop if mouse button is pressed, no flicking. m_flickerSpeed >>= 1; } else { // Flick when mouse button is not pressed m_bUpdatingRect = true; // Block scrollbars from updating scene rect to make it possible to do it only once m_pScrollbar->setValue(m_pScrollbar->value() - m_flickerSpeed / m_scale); m_bUpdatingRect = false; // Seems like an ugly stub, but QSignalBlocker is also a bad decision // because if scrollbar does not emit valueChanged signal then viewport does not move updateVisibleSceneRect(); // Update scene visible rect only once updateScene(); // repaint scene m_flickerSpeed -= absmin(3 * sign(m_flickerSpeed), m_flickerSpeed); } if (m_flickerSpeed == 0) { // Flicker stopped, no timer needed. m_flickerTimer.stop(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ProfGraphicsViewWidget::ProfGraphicsViewWidget(bool _test) : QWidget(nullptr) , m_scrollbar(new GraphicsHorizontalScrollbar(nullptr)) , m_view(new ProfGraphicsView(_test)) { auto lay = new QVBoxLayout(this); lay->addWidget(m_view); lay->addWidget(m_scrollbar); setLayout(lay); m_view->setScrollbar(m_scrollbar); } ProfGraphicsViewWidget::ProfGraphicsViewWidget(const thread_blocks_tree_t& _blocksTree) : QWidget(false) , m_scrollbar(new GraphicsHorizontalScrollbar(nullptr)) , m_view(new ProfGraphicsView(_blocksTree)) { auto lay = new QVBoxLayout(this); lay->addWidget(m_view); lay->addWidget(m_scrollbar); setLayout(lay); m_view->setScrollbar(m_scrollbar); } ProfGraphicsViewWidget::~ProfGraphicsViewWidget() { } ProfGraphicsView* ProfGraphicsViewWidget::view() { return m_view; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////