Victor Zarubkin
Added GraphicsScrollbar (still in development phase) for big graphics scene. Standard QScrollBar's int value gets overflow very fast when doing zoom-in for graphics scene. So it is necessary to create a Scrollbar with double value.
2016-07-10 01:31:45 +03:00
Victor Zarubkin
Highly optimized painting algorithm and memory consumption for Profiler GraphicsView
2016-06-30 02:57:57 +03:00
Victor Zarubkin
(Graphics view) Disabled border lines painting because of vertical lines painting bug;
* (Graphics view) Changed height of blocks. Variable thread-block height;
* (Tree widget) Disabled sorting by name to save order of threads displayed on graphics view;
* (Profiler reader) Changed type of value returned by fillTreesFromFile().
2016-06-27 23:22:12 +03:00
Victor Zarubkin
(Tree widget) Added possibility to colorize rows with profiler blocks' colors;
* (Tree widget) Added displaying frame statistics for blocks.
2016-06-27 22:11:26 +03:00
Victor Zarubkin
added main window with both graphics view and tree widget;
* further improvement of graphics view: highly improved scene scaling and added scene drag with left mouse button pressed.
2016-06-26 20:54:16 +03:00