Now you can use EASY_FRAME_COUNTER (which is only frame-counter) or EASY_FRAME (which is EASY_FRAME_COUNTER + EASY_BLOCK) or EASY_FRAME_FUNCTION (which is EASY_FRAME_COUNTER + EASY_FUNCTION) to measure frame time even if profiler is disabled.
To get frame time you can use profiler::main_thread::frameTimeLocalMax to get maximum frame duration since last call or profiler::main_thread::frameTime to get last frame time.
--- NOTE: You have to put EASY_MAIN_THREAD to your main thread to be able to use profiler::main_thread functions.
If you do not want to then you can use same functions from profiler::this_thread, but you will have to call them from your main thread.
- Disables warnings for no-braced-scalar-init which shows up for ATOMIC_VAR_INIT.
- Fixes compile warnings, mostly "moving a temporary objects prevents
copy elision" (-Wpessimizing-move) and unused variables.
- Adds some necessary fields to make the sample compile after having
build the core library.
* Reading blocks from stream without temporary file;
* Reading blocks description from stream;
* Control blocks statuses over network: connect to the application, refresh blocks list, change block's status, launch profiling.
(profiler_core) Optimized storeBlock() algorithm, removed unnecessary std::vector;
(profiler_core) Writing to std::stringstream and then to file (prepare for streaming over WAN/LAN);
(profiler_core) Moved hached_cstr into separate header.
(EasyGraphicsView) Selected item's text is now painted bold + removed selected item color, but made selected item's border more wide.
(profiler_gui) Colors adjustment.
(profiler_gui) Moving sources into separate files;
(profiler_gui) Rename Prof* classes into Easy*;
(EasyGraphicsView) Optimized performance by not painting items which were not expanded in TreeWidget. While there are no range selected for TreeWidget, only top-level blocks are painted on scene.
* (Graphics view) Changed height of blocks. Variable thread-block height;
* (Tree widget) Disabled sorting by name to save order of threads displayed on graphics view;
* (Profiler reader) Changed type of value returned by fillTreesFromFile().