Joshua Peraza c31a86a340 linux: Identify requesting threads
When a crashing process is in a different PID namespace than the
handler, the crasher doesn't have a way of knowing its own thread ID in
the handler's namespace and the kernel lacks mechanisms to perform this
translation before Linux 4.1 (where the information is present in

This patch gives the handler a way of identifying the requesting thread
by sending a stack address along with the crash dump request, which
the handler can search for in each of the process' threads.

This information is useful both for attaching exception information
to the right thread and to allow the handler to send signals to the
correct thread when using a shared socket connection.

Bug: crashpad:284, crashpad:286
Change-Id: I4fa366c8fb17f932b056265cf71a4af160ba342f
Commit-Queue: Joshua Peraza <>
Reviewed-by: Mark Mentovai <>
2019-04-16 18:29:20 +00:00

151 lines
5.9 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "snapshot/crashpad_info_client_options.h"
#include "snapshot/elf/module_snapshot_elf.h"
#include "snapshot/linux/exception_snapshot_linux.h"
#include "snapshot/linux/process_reader_linux.h"
#include "snapshot/linux/system_snapshot_linux.h"
#include "snapshot/linux/thread_snapshot_linux.h"
#include "snapshot/memory_map_region_snapshot.h"
#include "snapshot/module_snapshot.h"
#include "snapshot/process_snapshot.h"
#include "snapshot/system_snapshot.h"
#include "snapshot/thread_snapshot.h"
#include "snapshot/unloaded_module_snapshot.h"
#include "util/linux/ptrace_connection.h"
#include "util/misc/initialization_state_dcheck.h"
#include "util/misc/uuid.h"
#include "util/process/process_memory_range.h"
namespace crashpad {
//! \brief A ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a
//! Linux system.
class ProcessSnapshotLinux final : public ProcessSnapshot {
~ProcessSnapshotLinux() override;
//! \brief Initializes the object.
//! \param[in] connection A connection to the process to snapshot.
//! \return `true` if the snapshot could be created, `false` otherwise with
//! an appropriate message logged.
bool Initialize(PtraceConnection* connection);
//! \brief Finds the thread whose stack contains \a stack_address.
//! \param[in] stack_address A stack address to search for.
//! \return The thread ID of the thread whose stack contains \a stack_address
//! or -1 if no matching thread is found.
pid_t FindThreadWithStackAddress(VMAddress stack_address);
//! \brief Initializes the object's exception.
//! \param[in] exception_info The address of an ExceptionInformation in the
//! target process' address space.
bool InitializeException(LinuxVMAddress exception_info);
//! \brief Sets the value to be returned by ReportID().
//! The crash report ID is under the control of the snapshot
//! producer, which may call this method to set the report ID. If this is not
//! done, ReportID() will return an identifier consisting entirely of zeroes.
void SetReportID(const UUID& report_id) { report_id_ = report_id; }
//! \brief Sets the value to be returned by ClientID().
//! The client ID is under the control of the snapshot producer,
//! which may call this method to set the client ID. If this is not done,
//! ClientID() will return an identifier consisting entirely of zeroes.
void SetClientID(const UUID& client_id) { client_id_ = client_id; }
//! \brief Add an annotation to be returned by AnnotationsSimpleMap().
//! Most process annotations are under the control of the snapshot
//! producer, which may call this method to establish these annotations.
//! On Android Q or later, the process snapshot may add an "abort_message"
//! annotation, which will contain the abort message passed to the
//! android_set_abort_message() function. Contrast this with module
//! annotations, which are under the control of the process being snapshotted.
void AddAnnotation(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
annotations_simple_map_[key] = value;
//! \brief Returns options from CrashpadInfo structures found in modules in
//! the process.
//! \param[out] options Options set in CrashpadInfo structures in modules in
//! the process.
void GetCrashpadOptions(CrashpadInfoClientOptions* options);
// ProcessSnapshot:
pid_t ProcessID() const override;
pid_t ParentProcessID() const override;
void SnapshotTime(timeval* snapshot_time) const override;
void ProcessStartTime(timeval* start_time) const override;
void ProcessCPUTimes(timeval* user_time, timeval* system_time) const override;
void ReportID(UUID* report_id) const override;
void ClientID(UUID* client_id) const override;
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& AnnotationsSimpleMap()
const override;
const SystemSnapshot* System() const override;
std::vector<const ThreadSnapshot*> Threads() const override;
std::vector<const ModuleSnapshot*> Modules() const override;
std::vector<UnloadedModuleSnapshot> UnloadedModules() const override;
const ExceptionSnapshot* Exception() const override;
std::vector<const MemoryMapRegionSnapshot*> MemoryMap() const override;
std::vector<HandleSnapshot> Handles() const override;
std::vector<const MemorySnapshot*> ExtraMemory() const override;
const ProcessMemory* Memory() const override;
void InitializeThreads();
void InitializeModules();
void InitializeAnnotations();
std::map<std::string, std::string> annotations_simple_map_;
timeval snapshot_time_;
UUID report_id_;
UUID client_id_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<internal::ThreadSnapshotLinux>> threads_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<internal::ModuleSnapshotElf>> modules_;
std::unique_ptr<internal::ExceptionSnapshotLinux> exception_;
internal::SystemSnapshotLinux system_;
ProcessReaderLinux process_reader_;
ProcessMemoryRange memory_range_;
InitializationStateDcheck initialized_;
} // namespace crashpad