Justin Cohen c367128a85 ios: Don't use POSIX file locks for iOS intermediate dumps.
Instead use a custom mechanism based on the filename. Rather than a
filename of <uuid>, instead name the file <bundle-id>|<uuid>[.locked].
A locked file will have the optional .locked extension. Files can be
unlocked after writing an intermediate dump, or during initialization by
looking for matching bundle-ids.

Clients that call ProcessIntermediateDumps() will clean up any leftover
locked intermediate dumps. Clients that never call
ProcessIntermediateDumps, such as extensions that leave this up to the
main application, will be cleaned up in a followup change.

Bug: crashpad:31
Change-Id: Icd4aaa3b79351870fbe9b8463cfbdf7cff7d5f87
Commit-Queue: Justin Cohen <>
Reviewed-by: Mark Mentovai <>
Reviewed-by: Rohit Rao <>
2021-10-19 18:23:51 +00:00

203 lines
8.1 KiB

// Copyright 2021 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "handler/crash_report_upload_thread.h"
#include "snapshot/ios/process_snapshot_ios_intermediate_dump.h"
#include "util/ios/ios_intermediate_dump_writer.h"
#include "util/ios/ios_system_data_collector.h"
#include "util/misc/initialization_state_dcheck.h"
namespace crashpad {
namespace internal {
//! \brief Manage intermediate minidump generation, and own the crash report
//! upload thread and database.
class InProcessHandler {
InProcessHandler(const InProcessHandler&) = delete;
InProcessHandler& operator=(const InProcessHandler&) = delete;
//! \brief Initializes the in-process handler.
//! This method must be called only once, and must be successfully called
//! before any other method in this class may be called.
//! \param[in] database The path to a Crashpad database.
//! \param[in] url The URL of an upload server.
//! \param[in] annotations Process annotations to set in each crash report.
//! \param[in] system_data An object containing various system data points.
//! \return `true` if a handler to a pending intermediate dump could be
//! opened.
bool Initialize(const base::FilePath& database,
const std::string& url,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& annotations,
const IOSSystemDataCollector& system_data);
//! \brief Generate an intermediate dump from a signal handler exception.
//! \param[in] system_data An object containing various system data points.
//! \param[in] siginfo A pointer to a `siginfo_t` object received by a signal
//! handler.
//! \param[in] context A pointer to a `ucontext_t` object received by a
//! signal.
void DumpExceptionFromSignal(const IOSSystemDataCollector& system_data,
siginfo_t* siginfo,
ucontext_t* context);
//! \brief Generate an intermediate dump from a mach exception.
//! \param[in] system_data An object containing various system data points.
//! \param[in] behavior
//! \param[in] thread
//! \param[in] exception
//! \param[in] code
//! \param[in] code_count
//! \param[in,out] flavor
//! \param[in] old_state
//! \param[in] old_state_count
void DumpExceptionFromMachException(const IOSSystemDataCollector& system_data,
exception_behavior_t behavior,
thread_t thread,
exception_type_t exception,
const mach_exception_data_type_t* code,
mach_msg_type_number_t code_count,
thread_state_flavor_t flavor,
ConstThreadState old_state,
mach_msg_type_number_t old_state_count);
//! \brief Generate an intermediate dump from an uncaught NSException.
//! When the ObjcExceptionPreprocessor does not detect an NSException as it is
//! thrown, the last-chance uncaught exception handler passes a list of call
//! stack frame addresses. Record them in the intermediate dump so a minidump
//! with a 'fake' call stack is generated.
//! \param[in] system_data An object containing various system data points.
//! \param[in] frames An array of call stack frame addresses.
//! \param[in] num_frames The number of frames in |frames|.
void DumpExceptionFromNSExceptionFrames(
const IOSSystemDataCollector& system_data,
const uint64_t* frames,
const size_t num_frames);
//! \brief Requests that the handler convert all intermediate dumps into
//! minidumps and trigger an upload if possible.
//! \param[in] annotations Process annotations to set in each crash report.
void ProcessIntermediateDumps(
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& annotations);
//! \brief Requests that the handler convert a specific intermediate dump into
//! a minidump and trigger an upload if possible.
//! \param[in] path Path to the specific intermediate dump.
//! \param[in] annotations Process annotations to set in each crash report.
void ProcessIntermediateDump(
const base::FilePath& path,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& annotations = {});
//! \brief Requests that the handler begin in-process uploading of any
//! pending reports.
void StartProcessingPendingReports();
//! \brief Helper that swaps out the InProcessHandler's |writer_| with an
//! alternate writer so DumpWithContext does not interfere with the
//! |writer_| created on startup. This is useful for -DumpWithoutCrash,
//! which may write to an alternate location.
class ScopedAlternateWriter {
ScopedAlternateWriter(InProcessHandler* handler);
ScopedAlternateWriter(const ScopedAlternateWriter&) = delete;
ScopedAlternateWriter& operator=(const ScopedAlternateWriter&) = delete;
//! \brief Open's an alternate dump writer in the same directory as the
//! default InProcessHandler's dump writer, so the file will be
//! processed with -ProcessIntermediateDumps()
bool Open();
//! \brief Open's an alternate dump writer in the client provided |path|.
//! The file will only be processed by calling
//! ProcessIntermediateDump(path)
bool OpenAtPath(const base::FilePath& path);
//! \brief The path of the alternate dump writer.
const base::FilePath& path() { return path_; }
InProcessHandler* handler_;
std::unique_ptr<IOSIntermediateDumpWriter> original_writer_;
base::FilePath path_;
//! \brief Helper to start and end intermediate reports.
class ScopedReport {
ScopedReport(IOSIntermediateDumpWriter* writer,
const IOSSystemDataCollector& system_data,
const uint64_t* frames = nullptr,
const size_t num_frames = 0);
~ScopedReport() {}
ScopedReport(const ScopedReport&) = delete;
ScopedReport& operator=(const ScopedReport&) = delete;
IOSIntermediateDumpWriter::ScopedRootMap rootMap_;
std::unique_ptr<IOSIntermediateDumpWriter> GetWriter() {
return std::move(writer_);
void SetWriter(std::unique_ptr<IOSIntermediateDumpWriter> writer) {
writer_ = std::move(writer);
void SetOpenNewFileAfterReport(bool open_new_file_after_report) {
open_new_file_after_report_ = open_new_file_after_report;
void ProcessIntermediateDumpWithCompleteAnnotations(
const base::FilePath& file,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& annotations);
void SaveSnapshot(ProcessSnapshotIOSIntermediateDump& process_snapshot);
std::vector<base::FilePath> PendingFiles();
bool OpenNewFile();
void PostReportCleanup();
bool upload_thread_started_ = false;
bool open_new_file_after_report_ = true;
std::map<std::string, std::string> annotations_;
base::FilePath base_dir_;
base::FilePath current_file_;
std::unique_ptr<IOSIntermediateDumpWriter> writer_;
std::unique_ptr<IOSIntermediateDumpWriter> alternate_mach_writer_;
std::unique_ptr<CrashReportUploadThread> upload_thread_;
std::unique_ptr<CrashReportDatabase> database_;
std::string bundle_identifier_and_seperator_;
InitializationStateDcheck initialized_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace crashpad