mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 23:42:29 +00:00
_dyld_get_all_image_infos() was only used in test code in Crashpad. This addresses two related problems. When running on 10.13 or later, _dyld_get_all_image_infos() is not available. It appears to still be implemented in dyld, but its symbol is now private. This was always known to be an “internal” interface. When it’s not available, fall back to obtaining the address of the process’ dyld_all_image_infos structure by calling task_info(…, TASK_DYLD_INFO, …). Note that this is the same thing that the code being tested does, although the tests are not rendered entirely pointless because the code being tested consumes dyld_all_image_infos through its own implementation of an out-of-process reader interface, while the dyld_all_image_infos data obtained by _dyld_get_all_image_infos() is handled strictly in-process by ordinary memory reads. This is covered by bug 187. When building with the 10.13 SDK, no _dyld_get_all_image_infos symbol is available to link against. In this case, access the symbol strictly at runtime via dlopen() if it may be available, or when expecting to only run on 10.13 and later, don’t even bother looking for this symbol. This is covered by part of bug 188. Bug: crashpad:185, crashpad:187, crashpad:188 Change-Id: Ib283e070faf5d1ec35deee420213b53ec24fb1d3 Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/534633 Reviewed-by: Robert Sesek <rsesek@chromium.org>
841 lines
29 KiB
841 lines
29 KiB
// Copyright 2014 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "snapshot/mac/process_reader.h"
#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#include <mach-o/dyld_images.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <OpenCL/opencl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/mac/scoped_mach_port.h"
#include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "snapshot/mac/mach_o_image_reader.h"
#include "test/errors.h"
#include "test/mac/dyld.h"
#include "test/mac/mach_errors.h"
#include "test/mac/mach_multiprocess.h"
#include "util/file/file_io.h"
#include "util/mac/mac_util.h"
#include "util/mach/mach_extensions.h"
#include "util/misc/from_pointer_cast.h"
#include "util/stdlib/pointer_container.h"
#include "util/synchronization/semaphore.h"
extern "C" {
// Redeclare a typedef whose availability (OS X 10.10) is newer than the
// deployment target.
typedef struct _cl_device_id* cl_device_id;
} // extern "C"
namespace crashpad {
namespace test {
namespace {
const char kDyldPath[] = "/usr/lib/dyld";
TEST(ProcessReader, SelfBasic) {
ProcessReader process_reader;
#if !defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS)
EXPECT_EQ(process_reader.ProcessID(), getpid());
EXPECT_EQ(process_reader.ParentProcessID(), getppid());
const char kTestMemory[] = "Some test memory";
char buffer[arraysize(kTestMemory)];
EXPECT_STREQ(kTestMemory, buffer);
const char kTestMemory[] = "Read me from another process";
class ProcessReaderChild final : public MachMultiprocess {
ProcessReaderChild() : MachMultiprocess() {}
~ProcessReaderChild() {}
void MachMultiprocessParent() override {
ProcessReader process_reader;
#if !defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS)
EXPECT_EQ(process_reader.ParentProcessID(), getpid());
EXPECT_EQ(process_reader.ProcessID(), ChildPID());
FileHandle read_handle = ReadPipeHandle();
mach_vm_address_t address;
CheckedReadFileExactly(read_handle, &address, sizeof(address));
std::string read_string;
ASSERT_TRUE(process_reader.Memory()->ReadCString(address, &read_string));
EXPECT_EQ(read_string, kTestMemory);
void MachMultiprocessChild() override {
FileHandle write_handle = WritePipeHandle();
mach_vm_address_t address = FromPointerCast<mach_vm_address_t>(kTestMemory);
CheckedWriteFile(write_handle, &address, sizeof(address));
// Wait for the parent to signal that it’s OK to exit by closing its end of
// the pipe.
TEST(ProcessReader, ChildBasic) {
ProcessReaderChild process_reader_child;
// Returns a thread ID given a pthread_t. This wraps pthread_threadid_np() but
// that function has a cumbersome interface because it returns a success value.
// This function CHECKs success and returns the thread ID directly.
uint64_t PthreadToThreadID(pthread_t pthread) {
uint64_t thread_id;
int rv = pthread_threadid_np(pthread, &thread_id);
CHECK_EQ(rv, 0);
return thread_id;
TEST(ProcessReader, SelfOneThread) {
ProcessReader process_reader;
const std::vector<ProcessReader::Thread>& threads = process_reader.Threads();
// If other tests ran in this process previously, threads may have been
// created and may still be running. This check must look for at least one
// thread, not exactly one thread.
ASSERT_GE(threads.size(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(threads[0].id, PthreadToThreadID(pthread_self()));
thread_t thread_self = MachThreadSelf();
EXPECT_EQ(threads[0].port, thread_self);
EXPECT_EQ(threads[0].suspend_count, 0);
class TestThreadPool {
struct ThreadExpectation {
mach_vm_address_t stack_address;
int suspend_count;
TestThreadPool() : thread_infos_() {
// Resumes suspended threads, signals each thread’s exit semaphore asking it
// to exit, and joins each thread, blocking until they have all exited.
~TestThreadPool() {
for (ThreadInfo* thread_info : thread_infos_) {
thread_t thread_port = pthread_mach_thread_np(thread_info->pthread);
while (thread_info->suspend_count > 0) {
kern_return_t kr = thread_resume(thread_port);
EXPECT_EQ(kr, KERN_SUCCESS) << MachErrorMessage(kr, "thread_resume");
for (ThreadInfo* thread_info : thread_infos_) {
for (const ThreadInfo* thread_info : thread_infos_) {
int rv = pthread_join(thread_info->pthread, nullptr);
CHECK_EQ(0, rv);
// Starts |thread_count| threads and waits on each thread’s ready semaphore,
// so that when this function returns, all threads have been started and have
// all run to the point that they’ve signalled that they are ready.
void StartThreads(size_t thread_count) {
for (size_t thread_index = 0; thread_index < thread_count; ++thread_index) {
ThreadInfo* thread_info = new ThreadInfo();
int rv = pthread_create(&thread_info->pthread,
ASSERT_EQ(rv, 0);
for (ThreadInfo* thread_info : thread_infos_) {
// If present, suspend the thread at indices 1 through 3 the same number of
// times as their index. This tests reporting of suspend counts.
for (size_t thread_index = 1;
thread_index < thread_infos_.size() && thread_index < 4;
++thread_index) {
thread_t thread_port =
for (size_t suspend_count = 0;
suspend_count < thread_index;
++suspend_count) {
kern_return_t kr = thread_suspend(thread_port);
EXPECT_EQ(kr, KERN_SUCCESS) << MachErrorMessage(kr, "thread_suspend");
if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) {
uint64_t GetThreadInfo(size_t thread_index,
ThreadExpectation* expectation) {
CHECK_LT(thread_index, thread_infos_.size());
const ThreadInfo* thread_info = thread_infos_[thread_index];
expectation->stack_address = thread_info->stack_address;
expectation->suspend_count = thread_info->suspend_count;
return PthreadToThreadID(thread_info->pthread);
struct ThreadInfo {
: pthread(nullptr),
suspend_count(0) {
~ThreadInfo() {}
// The thread’s ID, set at the time the thread is created.
pthread_t pthread;
// An address somewhere within the thread’s stack. The thread sets this in
// its ThreadMain().
mach_vm_address_t stack_address;
// The worker thread signals ready_semaphore to indicate that it’s done
// setting up its ThreadInfo structure. The main thread waits on this
// semaphore before using any data that the worker thread is responsible for
// setting.
Semaphore ready_semaphore;
// The worker thread waits on exit_semaphore to determine when it’s safe to
// exit. The main thread signals exit_semaphore when it no longer needs the
// worker thread.
Semaphore exit_semaphore;
// The thread’s suspend count.
int suspend_count;
static void* ThreadMain(void* argument) {
ThreadInfo* thread_info = static_cast<ThreadInfo*>(argument);
thread_info->stack_address =
// Check this here after everything’s known to be synchronized, otherwise
// there’s a race between the parent thread storing this thread’s pthread_t
// in thread_info_pthread and this thread starting and attempting to access
// it.
CHECK_EQ(pthread_self(), thread_info->pthread);
return nullptr;
// This is a PointerVector because the address of a ThreadInfo object is
// passed to each thread’s ThreadMain(), so they cannot move around in memory.
PointerVector<ThreadInfo> thread_infos_;
using ThreadMap = std::map<uint64_t, TestThreadPool::ThreadExpectation>;
// Verifies that all of the threads in |threads|, obtained from ProcessReader,
// agree with the expectation in |thread_map|. If |tolerate_extra_threads| is
// true, |threads| is allowed to contain threads that are not listed in
// |thread_map|. This is useful when testing situations where code outside of
// the test’s control (such as system libraries) may start threads, or may have
// started threads prior to a test’s execution.
void ExpectSeveralThreads(ThreadMap* thread_map,
const std::vector<ProcessReader::Thread>& threads,
const bool tolerate_extra_threads) {
if (tolerate_extra_threads) {
ASSERT_GE(threads.size(), thread_map->size());
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(threads.size(), thread_map->size());
for (size_t thread_index = 0; thread_index < threads.size(); ++thread_index) {
const ProcessReader::Thread& thread = threads[thread_index];
mach_vm_address_t thread_stack_region_end =
thread.stack_region_address + thread.stack_region_size;
const auto& iterator = thread_map->find(thread.id);
if (!tolerate_extra_threads) {
// Make sure that the thread is in the expectation map.
ASSERT_NE(iterator, thread_map->end());
if (iterator != thread_map->end()) {
EXPECT_GE(iterator->second.stack_address, thread.stack_region_address);
EXPECT_LT(iterator->second.stack_address, thread_stack_region_end);
EXPECT_EQ(thread.suspend_count, iterator->second.suspend_count);
// Remove the thread from the expectation map since it’s already been
// found. This makes it easy to check for duplicate thread IDs, and makes
// it easy to check that all expected threads were found.
// Make sure that this thread’s ID, stack region, and port don’t conflict
// with any other thread’s. Each thread should have a unique value for its
// ID and port, and each should have its own stack that doesn’t touch any
// other thread’s stack.
for (size_t other_thread_index = 0;
other_thread_index < threads.size();
++other_thread_index) {
if (other_thread_index == thread_index) {
const ProcessReader::Thread& other_thread = threads[other_thread_index];
EXPECT_NE(other_thread.id, thread.id);
EXPECT_NE(other_thread.port, thread.port);
mach_vm_address_t other_thread_stack_region_end =
other_thread.stack_region_address + other_thread.stack_region_size;
thread.stack_region_address >= other_thread.stack_region_address &&
thread.stack_region_address < other_thread_stack_region_end);
thread_stack_region_end > other_thread.stack_region_address &&
thread_stack_region_end <= other_thread_stack_region_end);
// Make sure that each expected thread was found.
TEST(ProcessReader, SelfSeveralThreads) {
// Set up the ProcessReader here, before any other threads are running. This
// tests that the threads it returns are lazily initialized as a snapshot of
// the threads at the time of the first call to Threads(), and not at the
// time the ProcessReader was created or initialized.
ProcessReader process_reader;
TestThreadPool thread_pool;
const size_t kChildThreads = 16;
// Build a map of all expected threads, keyed by each thread’s ID. The values
// are addresses that should lie somewhere within each thread’s stack.
ThreadMap thread_map;
const uint64_t self_thread_id = PthreadToThreadID(pthread_self());
TestThreadPool::ThreadExpectation expectation;
expectation.stack_address = FromPointerCast<mach_vm_address_t>(&thread_map);
expectation.suspend_count = 0;
thread_map[self_thread_id] = expectation;
for (size_t thread_index = 0; thread_index < kChildThreads; ++thread_index) {
uint64_t thread_id = thread_pool.GetThreadInfo(thread_index, &expectation);
// There can’t be any duplicate thread IDs.
EXPECT_EQ(thread_map.count(thread_id), 0u);
thread_map[thread_id] = expectation;
const std::vector<ProcessReader::Thread>& threads = process_reader.Threads();
// Other tests that have run previously may have resulted in the creation of
// threads that still exist, so pass true for |tolerate_extra_threads|.
ExpectSeveralThreads(&thread_map, threads, true);
// When testing in-process, verify that when this thread shows up in the
// vector, it has the expected thread port, and that this thread port only
// shows up once.
thread_t thread_self = MachThreadSelf();
bool found_thread_self = false;
for (const ProcessReader::Thread& thread : threads) {
if (thread.port == thread_self) {
found_thread_self = true;
EXPECT_EQ(thread.id, self_thread_id);
class ProcessReaderThreadedChild final : public MachMultiprocess {
explicit ProcessReaderThreadedChild(size_t thread_count)
: MachMultiprocess(),
thread_count_(thread_count) {
~ProcessReaderThreadedChild() {}
void MachMultiprocessParent() override {
ProcessReader process_reader;
FileHandle read_handle = ReadPipeHandle();
// Build a map of all expected threads, keyed by each thread’s ID, and with
// addresses that should lie somewhere within each thread’s stack as values.
// These IDs and addresses all come from the child process via the pipe.
ThreadMap thread_map;
for (size_t thread_index = 0;
thread_index < thread_count_ + 1;
++thread_index) {
uint64_t thread_id;
CheckedReadFileExactly(read_handle, &thread_id, sizeof(thread_id));
TestThreadPool::ThreadExpectation expectation;
// There can’t be any duplicate thread IDs.
EXPECT_EQ(thread_map.count(thread_id), 0u);
thread_map[thread_id] = expectation;
const std::vector<ProcessReader::Thread>& threads = process_reader.Threads();
// The child shouldn’t have any threads other than its main thread and the
// ones it created in its pool, so pass false for |tolerate_extra_threads|.
ExpectSeveralThreads(&thread_map, threads, false);
void MachMultiprocessChild() override {
TestThreadPool thread_pool;
FileHandle write_handle = WritePipeHandle();
// This thread isn’t part of the thread pool, but the parent will be able
// to inspect it. Write an entry for it.
uint64_t thread_id = PthreadToThreadID(pthread_self());
CheckedWriteFile(write_handle, &thread_id, sizeof(thread_id));
TestThreadPool::ThreadExpectation expectation;
expectation.stack_address = FromPointerCast<mach_vm_address_t>(&thread_id);
expectation.suspend_count = 0;
// Write an entry for everything in the thread pool.
for (size_t thread_index = 0;
thread_index < thread_count_;
++thread_index) {
uint64_t thread_id =
thread_pool.GetThreadInfo(thread_index, &expectation);
CheckedWriteFile(write_handle, &thread_id, sizeof(thread_id));
// Wait for the parent to signal that it’s OK to exit by closing its end of
// the pipe.
size_t thread_count_;
TEST(ProcessReader, ChildOneThread) {
// The main thread plus zero child threads equals one thread.
const size_t kChildThreads = 0;
ProcessReaderThreadedChild process_reader_threaded_child(kChildThreads);
TEST(ProcessReader, ChildSeveralThreads) {
const size_t kChildThreads = 64;
ProcessReaderThreadedChild process_reader_threaded_child(kChildThreads);
// cl_kernels images (OpenCL kernels) are weird. They’re not ld output and don’t
// exist as files on disk. On OS X 10.10 and 10.11, their Mach-O structure isn’t
// perfect. They show up loaded into many executables, so these quirks should be
// tolerated.
// Create an object of this class to ensure that at least one cl_kernels image
// is present in a process, to be able to test that all of the process-reading
// machinery tolerates them. On systems where cl_kernels modules have known
// quirks, the image that an object of this class produces will also have those
// quirks.
// https://openradar.appspot.com/20239912
class ScopedOpenCLNoOpKernel {
: context_(nullptr),
kernel_(nullptr) {
~ScopedOpenCLNoOpKernel() {
if (kernel_) {
cl_int rv = clReleaseKernel(kernel_);
EXPECT_EQ(rv, CL_SUCCESS) << "clReleaseKernel";
if (program_) {
cl_int rv = clReleaseProgram(program_);
EXPECT_EQ(rv, CL_SUCCESS) << "clReleaseProgram";
if (context_) {
cl_int rv = clReleaseContext(context_);
EXPECT_EQ(rv, CL_SUCCESS) << "clReleaseContext";
void SetUp() {
cl_platform_id platform_id;
cl_int rv = clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platform_id, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(rv, CL_SUCCESS) << "clGetPlatformIDs";
// Use CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU to ensure that the kernel would execute on the
// CPU. This is the only device type that a cl_kernels image will be created
// for.
cl_device_id device_id;
rv =
clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU, 1, &device_id, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(rv, CL_SUCCESS) << "clGetDeviceIDs";
context_ = clCreateContext(nullptr, 1, &device_id, nullptr, nullptr, &rv);
ASSERT_EQ(rv, CL_SUCCESS) << "clCreateContext";
// The goal of the program in |sources| is to produce a cl_kernels image
// that doesn’t strictly conform to Mach-O expectations. On OS X 10.10,
// cl_kernels modules show up with an __LD,__compact_unwind section, showing
// up in the __TEXT segment. MachOImageSegmentReader would normally reject
// modules for this problem, but a special exception is made when this
// occurs in cl_kernels images. This portion of the test is aimed at making
// sure that this exception works correctly.
// A true no-op program doesn’t actually produce unwind data, so there would
// be no errant __LD,__compact_unwind section on 10.10, and the test
// wouldn’t be complete. This simple no-op, which calls a built-in function,
// does produce unwind data provided optimization is disabled.
// "-cl-opt-disable" is given to clBuildProgram() below.
const char* sources[] = {
"__kernel void NoOp(void) {barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);}",
const size_t source_lengths[] = {
static_assert(arraysize(sources) == arraysize(source_lengths),
"arrays must be parallel");
program_ = clCreateProgramWithSource(
context_, arraysize(sources), sources, source_lengths, &rv);
ASSERT_EQ(rv, CL_SUCCESS) << "clCreateProgramWithSource";
rv = clBuildProgram(
program_, 1, &device_id, "-cl-opt-disable", nullptr, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(rv, CL_SUCCESS) << "clBuildProgram";
kernel_ = clCreateKernel(program_, "NoOp", &rv);
ASSERT_EQ(rv, CL_SUCCESS) << "clCreateKernel";
cl_context context_;
cl_program program_;
cl_kernel kernel_;
// Although Mac OS X 10.6 has OpenCL and can compile and execute OpenCL code,
// OpenCL kernels that run on the CPU do not result in cl_kernels images
// appearing on that OS version.
bool ExpectCLKernels() {
return true;
return MacOSXMinorVersion() >= 7;
TEST(ProcessReader, SelfModules) {
ScopedOpenCLNoOpKernel ensure_cl_kernels;
ProcessReader process_reader;
uint32_t dyld_image_count = _dyld_image_count();
const std::vector<ProcessReader::Module>& modules = process_reader.Modules();
// There needs to be at least an entry for the main executable, for a dylib,
// and for dyld.
ASSERT_GE(modules.size(), 3u);
// dyld_image_count doesn’t include an entry for dyld itself, but |modules|
// does.
ASSERT_EQ(modules.size(), dyld_image_count + 1);
bool found_cl_kernels = false;
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < dyld_image_count; ++index) {
"index %u, name %s", index, modules[index].name.c_str()));
const char* dyld_image_name = _dyld_get_image_name(index);
EXPECT_EQ(modules[index].name, dyld_image_name);
if (index == 0) {
// dyld didn’t load the main executable, so it couldn’t record its
// timestamp, and it is reported as 0.
EXPECT_EQ(modules[index].timestamp, 0);
} else if (modules[index].reader->FileType() == MH_BUNDLE &&
modules[index].name == "cl_kernels") {
// cl_kernels doesn’t exist as a file.
EXPECT_EQ(modules[index].timestamp, 0);
found_cl_kernels = true;
} else {
// Hope that the module didn’t change on disk.
struct stat stat_buf;
int rv = stat(dyld_image_name, &stat_buf);
EXPECT_EQ(rv, 0) << ErrnoMessage("stat");
if (rv == 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(modules[index].timestamp, stat_buf.st_mtime);
EXPECT_EQ(found_cl_kernels, ExpectCLKernels());
size_t index = modules.size() - 1;
EXPECT_EQ(modules[index].name, kDyldPath);
// dyld didn’t load itself either, so it couldn’t record its timestamp, and it
// is also reported as 0.
EXPECT_EQ(modules[index].timestamp, 0);
const dyld_all_image_infos* dyld_image_infos = DyldGetAllImageInfos();
if (dyld_image_infos->version >= 2) {
class ProcessReaderModulesChild final : public MachMultiprocess {
ProcessReaderModulesChild() : MachMultiprocess() {}
~ProcessReaderModulesChild() {}
void MachMultiprocessParent() override {
ProcessReader process_reader;
const std::vector<ProcessReader::Module>& modules =
// There needs to be at least an entry for the main executable, for a dylib,
// and for dyld.
ASSERT_GE(modules.size(), 3u);
FileHandle read_handle = ReadPipeHandle();
uint32_t expect_modules;
read_handle, &expect_modules, sizeof(expect_modules));
ASSERT_EQ(modules.size(), expect_modules);
bool found_cl_kernels = false;
for (size_t index = 0; index < modules.size(); ++index) {
"index %zu, name %s", index, modules[index].name.c_str()));
uint32_t expect_name_length;
read_handle, &expect_name_length, sizeof(expect_name_length));
// The NUL terminator is not read.
std::string expect_name(expect_name_length, '\0');
CheckedReadFileExactly(read_handle, &expect_name[0], expect_name_length);
EXPECT_EQ(modules[index].name, expect_name);
mach_vm_address_t expect_address;
read_handle, &expect_address, sizeof(expect_address));
EXPECT_EQ(modules[index].reader->Address(), expect_address);
if (index == 0 || index == modules.size() - 1) {
// dyld didn’t load the main executable or itself, so it couldn’t record
// these timestamps, and they are reported as 0.
EXPECT_EQ(modules[index].timestamp, 0);
} else if (modules[index].reader->FileType() == MH_BUNDLE &&
modules[index].name == "cl_kernels") {
// cl_kernels doesn’t exist as a file.
EXPECT_EQ(modules[index].timestamp, 0);
found_cl_kernels = true;
} else {
// Hope that the module didn’t change on disk.
struct stat stat_buf;
int rv = stat(expect_name.c_str(), &stat_buf);
EXPECT_EQ(rv, 0) << ErrnoMessage("stat");
if (rv == 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(modules[index].timestamp, stat_buf.st_mtime);
EXPECT_EQ(found_cl_kernels, ExpectCLKernels());
void MachMultiprocessChild() override {
FileHandle write_handle = WritePipeHandle();
uint32_t dyld_image_count = _dyld_image_count();
const dyld_all_image_infos* dyld_image_infos = DyldGetAllImageInfos();
uint32_t write_image_count = dyld_image_count;
if (dyld_image_infos->version >= 2) {
// dyld_image_count doesn’t include an entry for dyld itself, but one will
// be written.
write_handle, &write_image_count, sizeof(write_image_count));
for (size_t index = 0; index < write_image_count; ++index) {
const char* dyld_image_name;
mach_vm_address_t dyld_image_address;
if (index < dyld_image_count) {
dyld_image_name = _dyld_get_image_name(index);
dyld_image_address =
} else {
dyld_image_name = kDyldPath;
dyld_image_address = FromPointerCast<mach_vm_address_t>(
uint32_t dyld_image_name_length = strlen(dyld_image_name);
// The NUL terminator is not written.
CheckedWriteFile(write_handle, dyld_image_name, dyld_image_name_length);
write_handle, &dyld_image_address, sizeof(dyld_image_address));
// Wait for the parent to signal that it’s OK to exit by closing its end of
// the pipe.
TEST(ProcessReader, ChildModules) {
ScopedOpenCLNoOpKernel ensure_cl_kernels;
ProcessReaderModulesChild process_reader_modules_child;
} // namespace
} // namespace test
} // namespace crashpad