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synced 2025-03-09 22:16:13 +00:00
Stop the prune thread and the upload thread when moving to the inactive/background state. This will reduce the number of 0xdead10cc system kills from having a file lock during iOS suspend. Wait to start the prune thread when the application is active. Otherwise, for iOS prewarmed applications, the prune thread will regularly start when the application is foregrounded for the first time when the user intentionally runs the app. It's still possible for either the prune thread or the upload thread to have a file lock during iOS suspend, such as when a task started in the foreground and does not complete in time for suspension. Future work should include considering BackgroundTasks and/or NSURLSessions, which can more safely run in the background. Bug: crashpad: 400 Change-Id: Ic7d4687eb795fe585327f128aa84a5928141f4a9 Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/crashpad/crashpad/+/3517967 Reviewed-by: Robert Sesek <rsesek@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Justin Cohen <justincohen@chromium.org>
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// Copyright 2015 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "client/crash_report_database.h"
#include "util/misc/uuid.h"
#include "util/stdlib/thread_safe_vector.h"
#include "util/thread/stoppable.h"
#include "util/thread/worker_thread.h"
namespace crashpad {
//! \brief A thread that processes pending crash reports in a
//! CrashReportDatabase by uploading them or marking them as completed
//! without upload, as desired.
//! A producer of crash reports should notify an object of this class that a new
//! report has been added to the database by calling ReportPending().
//! Independently of being triggered by ReportPending(), objects of this class
//! can periodically examine the database for pending reports. This allows
//! failed upload attempts for reports left in the pending state to be retried.
//! It also catches reports that are added without a ReportPending() signal
//! being caught. This may happen if crash reports are added to the database by
//! other processes.
class CrashReportUploadThread : public WorkerThread::Delegate,
public Stoppable {
//! \brief Options to be passed to the CrashReportUploadThread constructor.
struct Options {
//! Whether client identifying parameters like product name or version
//! should be added to the URL.
bool identify_client_via_url;
//! Whether uploads should be throttled to a (currently hardcoded) rate.
bool rate_limit;
//! Whether uploads should use `gzip` compression.
bool upload_gzip;
//! Whether to periodically check for new pending reports not already known
//! to exist. When `false`, only an initial upload attempt will be made for
//! reports known to exist by having been added by the ReportPending()
//! method. No scans for new pending reports will be conducted.
bool watch_pending_reports;
//! \brief Constructs a new object.
//! \param[in] database The database to upload crash reports from.
//! \param[in] url The URL of the server to upload crash reports to.
//! \param[in] options Options for the report uploads.
CrashReportUploadThread(CrashReportDatabase* database,
const std::string& url,
const Options& options);
CrashReportUploadThread(const CrashReportUploadThread&) = delete;
CrashReportUploadThread& operator=(const CrashReportUploadThread&) = delete;
//! \brief Informs the upload thread that a new pending report has been added
//! to the database.
//! \param[in] report_uuid The unique identifier of the newly added pending
//! report.
//! This method may be called from any thread.
void ReportPending(const UUID& report_uuid);
// Stoppable:
//! \brief Starts a dedicated upload thread, which executes ThreadMain().
//! This method may only be be called on a newly-constructed object or after
//! a call to Stop().
void Start() override;
//! \brief Stops the upload thread.
//! The upload thread will terminate after completing whatever task it is
//! performing. If it is not performing any task, it will terminate
//! immediately. This method blocks while waiting for the upload thread to
//! terminate.
//! This method must only be called after Start(). If Start() has been called,
//! this method must be called before destroying an object of this class.
//! This method may be called from any thread other than the upload thread.
//! It is expected to only be called from the same thread that called Start().
void Stop() override;
//! \return `true` if the thread is running, `false` if it is not.
bool is_running() const { return thread_.is_running(); }
//! \brief The result code from UploadReport().
enum class UploadResult {
//! \brief The crash report was uploaded successfully.
//! \brief The crash report upload failed in such a way that recovery is
//! impossible.
//! No further upload attempts should be made for the report.
//! \brief The crash report upload failed, but it might succeed again if
//! retried in the future.
//! If the report has not already been retried too many times, the caller
//! may arrange to call UploadReport() for the report again in the future,
//! after a suitable delay.
//! \brief Calls ProcessPendingReport() on pending reports.
//! Assuming Stop() has not been called, this will process reports that the
//! object has been made aware of in ReportPending(). Additionally, if the
//! object was constructed with \a watch_pending_reports, it will also scan
//! the crash report database for other pending reports, and process those as
//! well.
void ProcessPendingReports();
//! \brief Processes a single pending report from the database.
//! \param[in] report The crash report to process.
//! If report upload is enabled, this method attempts to upload \a report by
//! calling UplaodReport(). If the upload is successful, the report will be
//! marked as “completed” in the database. If the upload fails and more
//! retries are desired, the report’s upload-attempt count and
//! last-upload-attempt time will be updated in the database and it will
//! remain in the “pending” state. If the upload fails and no more retries are
//! desired, or report upload is disabled, it will be marked as “completed” in
//! the database without ever having been uploaded.
void ProcessPendingReport(const CrashReportDatabase::Report& report);
//! \brief Attempts to upload a crash report.
//! \param[in] report The report to upload. The caller is responsible for
//! calling CrashReportDatabase::GetReportForUploading() before calling
//! this method, and for calling
//! CrashReportDatabase::RecordUploadComplete() after calling this method.
//! \param[out] response_body If the upload attempt is successful, this will
//! be set to the response body sent by the server. Breakpad-type servers
//! provide the crash ID assigned by the server in the response body.
//! \return A member of UploadResult indicating the result of the upload
//! attempt.
UploadResult UploadReport(const CrashReportDatabase::UploadReport* report,
std::string* response_body);
// WorkerThread::Delegate:
//! \brief Calls ProcessPendingReports() in response to ReportPending() having
//! been called on any thread, as well as periodically on a timer.
void DoWork(const WorkerThread* thread) override;
//! \brief Rate-limit uploads.
//! \param[in] report The crash report to process.
//! This currently implements very simplistic rate-limiting, compatible with
//! the Breakpad client, where the strategy is to permit one upload attempt
//! per hour, and retire reports that would exceed this limit or for which the
//! upload fails on the first attempt.
//! If upload was requested explicitly (i.e. by user action), do not throttle
//! the upload.
//! TODO(mark): Provide a proper rate-limiting strategy and allow for failed
//! upload attempts to be retried.
bool ShouldRateLimitUpload(const CrashReportDatabase::Report& report);
//! \brief Rate-limit report retries.
//! \param[in] report The crash report to process.
//! This implements a per-report retry rate limit (as opposed to per upload
//! rate limit in ShouldRateLimitUpload). When a report upload ends in a retry
//! state, an in-memory only timestamp is stored in |retry_uuid_time_map_|
//! with the next possible retry time. This timestamp is a backoff from the
//! main thread work interval, doubling on each attemt. Because this is only
//! stored in memory, on restart reports in the retry state will always be
//! tried once, and then fall back into the next backoff. This continues until
//! kRetryAttempts is reached.
bool ShouldRateLimitRetry(const CrashReportDatabase::Report& report);
const Options options_;
const std::string url_;
WorkerThread thread_;
ThreadSafeVector<UUID> known_pending_report_uuids_;
// This is not thread-safe, and only used by the worker thread.
std::map<UUID, time_t> retry_uuid_time_map_;
CrashReportDatabase* database_; // weak
} // namespace crashpad