mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 09:53:47 +00:00
Solves two problems with having the macros inline: 1. Deduplicates some of the logic (in this case, the name of the histogram, and whether it should be divided by 1024); 2. More useful check for compilation. As the macros are no-ops in Crashpad, it was easy to use the wrong name for a variable in the arguments to the macros (see .mm!) This way, we have some better chance of at least having code that compiles when built in Chromium if all the arguments are passed to Metrics::Something() in a standalone build. Also rolls mini_chromium DEPS to include: 99213eb Mark histogram arguments as unused to avoid warnings R=mark@chromium.org BUG=crashpad:100 Change-Id: I9f7fc3b85854fd61c1ebdf0084d728a7b690c2f1 Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/380445 Reviewed-by: Mark Mentovai <mark@chromium.org>
906 lines
31 KiB
906 lines
31 KiB
// Copyright 2015 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "client/crash_report_database.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_math.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "client/settings.h"
#include "util/misc/initialization_state_dcheck.h"
#include "util/misc/metrics.h"
namespace crashpad {
namespace {
const wchar_t kReportsDirectory[] = L"reports";
const wchar_t kMetadataFileName[] = L"metadata";
const wchar_t kSettings[] = L"settings.dat";
const wchar_t kCrashReportFileExtension[] = L"dmp";
const uint32_t kMetadataFileHeaderMagic = 'CPAD';
const uint32_t kMetadataFileVersion = 1;
using OperationStatus = CrashReportDatabase::OperationStatus;
// Helpers ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds a string to the string table and returns the byte index where it was
// added.
uint32_t AddStringToTable(std::string* string_table, const std::string& str) {
uint32_t offset = base::checked_cast<uint32_t>(string_table->size());
*string_table += str;
*string_table += '\0';
return offset;
// Converts |str| to UTF8, adds the result to the string table and returns the
// byte index where it was added.
uint32_t AddStringToTable(std::string* string_table,
const base::string16& str) {
return AddStringToTable(string_table, base::UTF16ToUTF8(str));
// Reads from the current file position to EOF and returns as a string of bytes.
std::string ReadRestOfFileAsString(FileHandle file) {
FileOffset read_from = LoggingSeekFile(file, 0, SEEK_CUR);
FileOffset end = LoggingSeekFile(file, 0, SEEK_END);
FileOffset original = LoggingSeekFile(file, read_from, SEEK_SET);
if (read_from == -1 || end == -1 || original == -1 || read_from == end)
return std::string();
DCHECK_EQ(read_from, original);
DCHECK_GT(end, read_from);
size_t data_length = static_cast<size_t>(end - read_from);
std::string buffer(data_length, '\0');
return LoggingReadFile(file, &buffer[0], data_length) ? buffer
: std::string();
// Helper structures, and conversions ------------------------------------------
// The format of the on disk metadata file is a MetadataFileHeader, followed by
// a number of fixed size records of MetadataFileReportRecord, followed by a
// string table in UTF8 format, where each string is \0 terminated.
struct MetadataFileHeader {
uint32_t magic;
uint32_t version;
uint32_t num_records;
uint32_t padding;
struct ReportDisk;
enum class ReportState {
//! \brief Created and filled out by caller, owned by database.
//! \brief In the process of uploading, owned by caller.
//! \brief Upload completed or skipped, owned by database.
enum {
//! \brief Corresponds to uploaded bit of the report state.
kAttributeUploaded = 1 << 0,
//! \brief Corresponds to upload_explicity_requested bit of the report state.
kAttributeUploadExplicitlyRequested = 1 << 1,
struct MetadataFileReportRecord {
// Note that this default constructor does no initialization. It is used only
// to create an array of records that are immediately initialized by reading
// from disk in Metadata::Read().
MetadataFileReportRecord() {}
// Constructs from a ReportDisk, adding to |string_table| and storing indices
// as strings into that table.
MetadataFileReportRecord(const ReportDisk& report, std::string* string_table);
UUID uuid; // UUID is a 16 byte, standard layout structure.
uint32_t file_path_index; // Index into string table. File name is relative
// to the reports directory when on disk.
uint32_t id_index; // Index into string table.
int64_t creation_time; // Holds a time_t.
int64_t last_upload_attempt_time; // Holds a time_t.
int32_t upload_attempts;
int32_t state; // A ReportState.
uint8_t attributes; // Bitfield of kAttribute*.
uint8_t padding[7];
//! \brief A private extension of the Report class that includes additional data
//! that's stored on disk in the metadata file.
struct ReportDisk : public CrashReportDatabase::Report {
ReportDisk(const MetadataFileReportRecord& record,
const base::FilePath& report_dir,
const std::string& string_table);
ReportDisk(const UUID& uuid,
const base::FilePath& path,
time_t creation_tim,
ReportState state);
//! \brief The current state of the report.
ReportState state;
MetadataFileReportRecord::MetadataFileReportRecord(const ReportDisk& report,
std::string* string_table)
: uuid(report.uuid),
AddStringToTable(string_table, report.file_path.BaseName().value())),
id_index(AddStringToTable(string_table, report.id)),
attributes((report.uploaded ? kAttributeUploaded : 0) |
? kAttributeUploadExplicitlyRequested
: 0)) {
memset(&padding, 0, sizeof(padding));
ReportDisk::ReportDisk(const MetadataFileReportRecord& record,
const base::FilePath& report_dir,
const std::string& string_table)
: Report() {
uuid = record.uuid;
file_path = report_dir.Append(
id = &string_table[record.id_index];
creation_time = record.creation_time;
last_upload_attempt_time = record.last_upload_attempt_time;
upload_attempts = record.upload_attempts;
state = static_cast<ReportState>(record.state);
uploaded = (record.attributes & kAttributeUploaded) != 0;
upload_explicitly_requested =
(record.attributes & kAttributeUploadExplicitlyRequested) != 0;
ReportDisk::ReportDisk(const UUID& uuid,
const base::FilePath& path,
time_t creation_time,
ReportState state)
: Report() {
this->uuid = uuid;
this->file_path = path;
this->creation_time = creation_time;
this->state = state;
// Metadata --------------------------------------------------------------------
//! \brief Manages the metadata for the set of reports, handling serialization
//! to disk, and queries.
class Metadata {
//! \brief Writes any changes if necessary, unlocks and closes the file
//! handle.
static std::unique_ptr<Metadata> Create(const base::FilePath& metadata_file,
const base::FilePath& report_dir);
//! \brief Adds a new report to the set.
//! \param[in] new_report_disk The record to add. The #state field must be set
//! to kPending.
void AddNewRecord(const ReportDisk& new_report_disk);
//! \brief Finds all reports in a given state. The \a reports vector is only
//! valid when CrashReportDatabase::kNoError is returned.
//! \param[in] desired_state The state to match.
//! \param[out] reports Matching reports, must be empty on entry.
OperationStatus FindReports(
ReportState desired_state,
std::vector<CrashReportDatabase::Report>* reports) const;
//! \brief Finds the report matching the given UUID.
//! The returned report is only valid if CrashReportDatabase::kNoError is
//! returned.
//! \param[in] uuid The report identifier.
//! \param[out] report_disk The found report, valid only if
//! CrashReportDatabase::kNoError is returned. Ownership is not
//! transferred to the caller, and the report may not be modified.
OperationStatus FindSingleReport(const UUID& uuid,
const ReportDisk** report_disk) const;
//! \brief Finds a single report matching the given UUID and in the desired
//! state, and returns a mutable ReportDisk* if found.
//! This marks the metadata as dirty, and on destruction, changes will be
//! written to disk via Write().
//! \return #kNoError on success. #kReportNotFound if there was no report with
//! the specified UUID. #kBusyError if the report was not in the specified
//! state.
OperationStatus FindSingleReportAndMarkDirty(const UUID& uuid,
ReportState desired_state,
ReportDisk** report_disk);
//! \brief Removes a report from the metadata database, without touching the
//! on-disk file.
//! The returned report is only valid if CrashReportDatabase::kNoError is
//! returned. This will mark the database as dirty. Future metadata
//! operations for this report will not succeed.
//! \param[in] uuid The report identifier to remove.
//! \param[out] report_path The found report's file_path, valid only if
//! CrashReportDatabase::kNoError is returned.
OperationStatus DeleteReport(const UUID& uuid,
base::FilePath* report_path);
Metadata(FileHandle handle, const base::FilePath& report_dir);
bool Rewind();
void Read();
void Write();
//! \brief Confirms that the corresponding report actually exists on disk
//! (that is, the dump file has not been removed), and that the report is
//! in the given state.
static OperationStatus VerifyReport(const ReportDisk& report_disk,
ReportState desired_state);
//! \brief Confirms that the corresponding report actually exists on disk
//! (that is, the dump file has not been removed).
static OperationStatus VerifyReportAnyState(const ReportDisk& report_disk);
ScopedFileHandle handle_;
const base::FilePath report_dir_;
bool dirty_; //! \brief `true` when a Write() is required on destruction.
std::vector<ReportDisk> reports_;
Metadata::~Metadata() {
if (dirty_)
// Not actually async, UnlockFileEx requires the Offset fields.
OVERLAPPED overlapped = {0};
if (!UnlockFileEx(handle_.get(), 0, MAXDWORD, MAXDWORD, &overlapped))
PLOG(ERROR) << "UnlockFileEx";
// static
std::unique_ptr<Metadata> Metadata::Create(const base::FilePath& metadata_file,
const base::FilePath& report_dir) {
// It is important that dwShareMode be non-zero so that concurrent access to
// this file results in a successful open. This allows us to get to LockFileEx
// which then blocks to guard access.
FileHandle handle = CreateFile(metadata_file.value().c_str(),
if (handle == kInvalidFileHandle)
return std::unique_ptr<Metadata>();
// Not actually async, LockFileEx requires the Offset fields.
OVERLAPPED overlapped = {0};
if (!LockFileEx(handle,
&overlapped)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "LockFileEx";
return std::unique_ptr<Metadata>();
std::unique_ptr<Metadata> metadata(new Metadata(handle, report_dir));
// If Read() fails, for whatever reason (corruption, etc.) metadata will not
// have been modified and will be in a clean empty state. We continue on and
// return an empty database to hopefully recover. This means that existing
// crash reports have been orphaned.
return metadata;
void Metadata::AddNewRecord(const ReportDisk& new_report_disk) {
DCHECK(new_report_disk.state == ReportState::kPending);
dirty_ = true;
OperationStatus Metadata::FindReports(
ReportState desired_state,
std::vector<CrashReportDatabase::Report>* reports) const {
for (const auto& report : reports_) {
if (report.state == desired_state &&
VerifyReport(report, desired_state) == CrashReportDatabase::kNoError) {
return CrashReportDatabase::kNoError;
OperationStatus Metadata::FindSingleReport(
const UUID& uuid,
const ReportDisk** out_report) const {
auto report_iter = std::find_if(
reports_.begin(), reports_.end(), [uuid](const ReportDisk& report) {
return report.uuid == uuid;
if (report_iter == reports_.end())
return CrashReportDatabase::kReportNotFound;
OperationStatus os = VerifyReportAnyState(*report_iter);
if (os == CrashReportDatabase::kNoError)
*out_report = &*report_iter;
return os;
OperationStatus Metadata::FindSingleReportAndMarkDirty(
const UUID& uuid,
ReportState desired_state,
ReportDisk** report_disk) {
auto report_iter = std::find_if(
reports_.begin(), reports_.end(), [uuid](const ReportDisk& report) {
return report.uuid == uuid;
if (report_iter == reports_.end())
return CrashReportDatabase::kReportNotFound;
OperationStatus os = VerifyReport(*report_iter, desired_state);
if (os == CrashReportDatabase::kNoError) {
dirty_ = true;
*report_disk = &*report_iter;
return os;
OperationStatus Metadata::DeleteReport(const UUID& uuid,
base::FilePath* report_path) {
auto report_iter = std::find_if(
reports_.begin(), reports_.end(), [uuid](const ReportDisk& report) {
return report.uuid == uuid;
if (report_iter == reports_.end())
return CrashReportDatabase::kReportNotFound;
*report_path = report_iter->file_path;
dirty_ = true;
return CrashReportDatabase::kNoError;
Metadata::Metadata(FileHandle handle, const base::FilePath& report_dir)
: handle_(handle), report_dir_(report_dir), dirty_(false), reports_() {
bool Metadata::Rewind() {
FileOffset result = LoggingSeekFile(handle_.get(), 0, SEEK_SET);
DCHECK_EQ(result, 0);
return result == 0;
void Metadata::Read() {
FileOffset length = LoggingSeekFile(handle_.get(), 0, SEEK_END);
if (length <= 0) // Failed, or empty: Abort.
if (!Rewind()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to rewind to read";
MetadataFileHeader header;
if (!LoggingReadFile(handle_.get(), &header, sizeof(header))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to read header";
if (header.magic != kMetadataFileHeaderMagic ||
header.version != kMetadataFileVersion) {
LOG(ERROR) << "unexpected header";
base::CheckedNumeric<uint32_t> records_size =
base::CheckedNumeric<uint32_t>(header.num_records) *
if (!records_size.IsValid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "record size out of range";
std::vector<ReportDisk> reports;
if (header.num_records > 0) {
std::vector<MetadataFileReportRecord> records(header.num_records);
if (!LoggingReadFile(
handle_.get(), &records[0], records_size.ValueOrDie())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to read records";
std::string string_table = ReadRestOfFileAsString(handle_.get());
if (string_table.empty() || string_table.back() != '\0') {
LOG(ERROR) << "bad string table";
for (const auto& record : records) {
if (record.file_path_index >= string_table.size() ||
record.id_index >= string_table.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "invalid string table index";
reports.push_back(ReportDisk(record, report_dir_, string_table));
void Metadata::Write() {
if (!Rewind()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to rewind to write";
// Truncate to ensure that a partial write doesn't cause a mix of old and new
// data causing an incorrect interpretation on read.
if (!SetEndOfFile(handle_.get())) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to truncate";
size_t num_records = reports_.size();
// Fill and write out the header.
MetadataFileHeader header = {0};
header.magic = kMetadataFileHeaderMagic;
header.version = kMetadataFileVersion;
header.num_records = base::checked_cast<uint32_t>(num_records);
if (!LoggingWriteFile(handle_.get(), &header, sizeof(header))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to write header";
if (num_records == 0)
// Build the records and string table we're going to write.
std::string string_table;
std::vector<MetadataFileReportRecord> records;
for (const auto& report : reports_) {
const base::FilePath& path = report.file_path;
if (path.DirName() != report_dir_) {
LOG(ERROR) << path.value().c_str() << " expected to start with "
<< base::UTF16ToUTF8(report_dir_.value());
records.push_back(MetadataFileReportRecord(report, &string_table));
if (!LoggingWriteFile(handle_.get(),
records.size() * sizeof(MetadataFileReportRecord))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to write records";
if (!LoggingWriteFile(
handle_.get(), string_table.c_str(), string_table.size())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to write string table";
// static
OperationStatus Metadata::VerifyReportAnyState(const ReportDisk& report_disk) {
DWORD fileattr = GetFileAttributes(report_disk.file_path.value().c_str());
return CrashReportDatabase::kReportNotFound;
return (fileattr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
? CrashReportDatabase::kFileSystemError
: CrashReportDatabase::kNoError;
// static
OperationStatus Metadata::VerifyReport(const ReportDisk& report_disk,
ReportState desired_state) {
return (report_disk.state == desired_state)
? VerifyReportAnyState(report_disk)
: CrashReportDatabase::kBusyError;
bool EnsureDirectory(const base::FilePath& path) {
DWORD fileattr = GetFileAttributes(path.value().c_str());
if (fileattr == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "GetFileAttributes " << base::UTF16ToUTF8(path.value());
return false;
if ((fileattr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "GetFileAttributes "
<< base::UTF16ToUTF8(path.value())
<< ": not a directory";
return false;
return true;
//! \brief Ensures that the node at path is a directory, and creates it if it
//! does not exist.
//! \return If the path points to a file, rather than a directory, or the
//! directory could not be created, returns `false`. Otherwise, returns
//! `true`, indicating that path already was or now is a directory.
bool CreateDirectoryIfNecessary(const base::FilePath& path) {
if (CreateDirectory(path.value().c_str(), nullptr))
return true;
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "CreateDirectory " << base::UTF16ToUTF8(path.value());
return false;
return EnsureDirectory(path);
// CrashReportDatabaseWin ------------------------------------------------------
class CrashReportDatabaseWin : public CrashReportDatabase {
explicit CrashReportDatabaseWin(const base::FilePath& path);
~CrashReportDatabaseWin() override;
bool Initialize(bool may_create);
// CrashReportDatabase:
Settings* GetSettings() override;
OperationStatus PrepareNewCrashReport(NewReport** report) override;
OperationStatus FinishedWritingCrashReport(NewReport* report,
UUID* uuid) override;
OperationStatus ErrorWritingCrashReport(NewReport* report) override;
OperationStatus LookUpCrashReport(const UUID& uuid, Report* report) override;
OperationStatus GetPendingReports(std::vector<Report>* reports) override;
OperationStatus GetCompletedReports(std::vector<Report>* reports) override;
OperationStatus GetReportForUploading(const UUID& uuid,
const Report** report) override;
OperationStatus RecordUploadAttempt(const Report* report,
bool successful,
const std::string& id) override;
OperationStatus SkipReportUpload(const UUID& uuid) override;
OperationStatus DeleteReport(const UUID& uuid) override;
OperationStatus RequestUpload(const UUID& uuid) override;
std::unique_ptr<Metadata> AcquireMetadata();
base::FilePath base_dir_;
Settings settings_;
InitializationStateDcheck initialized_;
CrashReportDatabaseWin::CrashReportDatabaseWin(const base::FilePath& path)
: CrashReportDatabase(),
initialized_() {
CrashReportDatabaseWin::~CrashReportDatabaseWin() {
bool CrashReportDatabaseWin::Initialize(bool may_create) {
// Ensure the database directory exists.
if (may_create) {
if (!CreateDirectoryIfNecessary(base_dir_))
return false;
} else if (!EnsureDirectory(base_dir_)) {
return false;
// Ensure that the report subdirectory exists.
if (!CreateDirectoryIfNecessary(base_dir_.Append(kReportsDirectory)))
return false;
if (!settings_.Initialize())
return false;
return true;
Settings* CrashReportDatabaseWin::GetSettings() {
return &settings_;
OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseWin::PrepareNewCrashReport(
NewReport** report) {
std::unique_ptr<NewReport> new_report(new NewReport());
if (!new_report->uuid.InitializeWithNew())
return kFileSystemError;
new_report->path = base_dir_.Append(kReportsDirectory)
.Append(new_report->uuid.ToString16() + L"." +
new_report->handle = LoggingOpenFileForWrite(new_report->path,
if (new_report->handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return kFileSystemError;
*report = new_report.release();
return kNoError;
OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseWin::FinishedWritingCrashReport(
NewReport* report,
UUID* uuid) {
// Take ownership of the report.
std::unique_ptr<NewReport> scoped_report(report);
// Take ownership of the file handle.
ScopedFileHandle handle(report->handle);
std::unique_ptr<Metadata> metadata(AcquireMetadata());
if (!metadata)
return kDatabaseError;
*uuid = scoped_report->uuid;
return kNoError;
OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseWin::ErrorWritingCrashReport(
NewReport* report) {
// Take ownership of the report.
std::unique_ptr<NewReport> scoped_report(report);
// Close the outstanding handle.
// We failed to write, so remove the dump file. There's no entry in the
// metadata table yet.
if (!DeleteFile(scoped_report->path.value().c_str())) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "DeleteFile "
<< base::UTF16ToUTF8(scoped_report->path.value());
return kFileSystemError;
return kNoError;
OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseWin::LookUpCrashReport(const UUID& uuid,
Report* report) {
std::unique_ptr<Metadata> metadata(AcquireMetadata());
if (!metadata)
return kDatabaseError;
// Find and return a copy of the matching report.
const ReportDisk* report_disk;
OperationStatus os = metadata->FindSingleReport(uuid, &report_disk);
if (os == kNoError)
*report = *report_disk;
return os;
OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseWin::GetPendingReports(
std::vector<Report>* reports) {
std::unique_ptr<Metadata> metadata(AcquireMetadata());
return metadata ? metadata->FindReports(ReportState::kPending, reports)
: kDatabaseError;
OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseWin::GetCompletedReports(
std::vector<Report>* reports) {
std::unique_ptr<Metadata> metadata(AcquireMetadata());
return metadata ? metadata->FindReports(ReportState::kCompleted, reports)
: kDatabaseError;
OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseWin::GetReportForUploading(
const UUID& uuid,
const Report** report) {
std::unique_ptr<Metadata> metadata(AcquireMetadata());
if (!metadata)
return kDatabaseError;
// TODO(scottmg): After returning this report to the client, there is no way
// to reap this report if the uploader fails to call RecordUploadAttempt() or
// SkipReportUpload() (if it crashed or was otherwise buggy). To resolve this,
// one possibility would be to change the interface to be FileHandle based, so
// that instead of giving the file_path back to the client and changing state
// to kUploading, we return an exclusive access handle, and use that as the
// signal that the upload is pending, rather than an update to state in the
// metadata. Alternatively, there could be a "garbage collection" at startup
// where any reports that are orphaned in the kUploading state are either
// reset to kPending to retry, or discarded.
ReportDisk* report_disk;
OperationStatus os = metadata->FindSingleReportAndMarkDirty(
uuid, ReportState::kPending, &report_disk);
if (os == kNoError) {
report_disk->state = ReportState::kUploading;
// Create a copy for passing back to client. This will be freed in
// RecordUploadAttempt.
*report = new Report(*report_disk);
return os;
OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseWin::RecordUploadAttempt(
const Report* report,
bool successful,
const std::string& id) {
// Take ownership, allocated in GetReportForUploading.
std::unique_ptr<const Report> upload_report(report);
std::unique_ptr<Metadata> metadata(AcquireMetadata());
if (!metadata)
return kDatabaseError;
ReportDisk* report_disk;
OperationStatus os = metadata->FindSingleReportAndMarkDirty(
report->uuid, ReportState::kUploading, &report_disk);
if (os != kNoError)
return os;
time_t now = time(nullptr);
report_disk->uploaded = successful;
report_disk->id = id;
report_disk->last_upload_attempt_time = now;
if (successful) {
report_disk->state = ReportState::kCompleted;
report_disk->upload_explicitly_requested = false;
} else {
report_disk->state = ReportState::kPending;
report_disk->upload_explicitly_requested =
if (!settings_.SetLastUploadAttemptTime(now))
return kDatabaseError;
return kNoError;
OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseWin::DeleteReport(const UUID& uuid) {
std::unique_ptr<Metadata> metadata(AcquireMetadata());
if (!metadata)
return kDatabaseError;
base::FilePath report_path;
OperationStatus os = metadata->DeleteReport(uuid, &report_path);
if (os != kNoError)
return os;
if (!DeleteFile(report_path.value().c_str())) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "DeleteFile "
<< base::UTF16ToUTF8(report_path.value());
return kFileSystemError;
return kNoError;
OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseWin::SkipReportUpload(const UUID& uuid) {
std::unique_ptr<Metadata> metadata(AcquireMetadata());
if (!metadata)
return kDatabaseError;
ReportDisk* report_disk;
OperationStatus os = metadata->FindSingleReportAndMarkDirty(
uuid, ReportState::kPending, &report_disk);
if (os == kNoError) {
report_disk->state = ReportState::kCompleted;
report_disk->upload_explicitly_requested = false;
return os;
std::unique_ptr<Metadata> CrashReportDatabaseWin::AcquireMetadata() {
base::FilePath metadata_file = base_dir_.Append(kMetadataFileName);
return Metadata::Create(metadata_file, base_dir_.Append(kReportsDirectory));
std::unique_ptr<CrashReportDatabase> InitializeInternal(
const base::FilePath& path,
bool may_create) {
std::unique_ptr<CrashReportDatabaseWin> database_win(
new CrashReportDatabaseWin(path));
return database_win->Initialize(may_create)
? std::move(database_win)
: std::unique_ptr<CrashReportDatabaseWin>();
OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseWin::RequestUpload(const UUID& uuid) {
std::unique_ptr<Metadata> metadata(AcquireMetadata());
if (!metadata)
return kDatabaseError;
ReportDisk* report_disk;
// TODO(gayane): Search for the report only once regardless of its state.
OperationStatus os = metadata->FindSingleReportAndMarkDirty(
uuid, ReportState::kCompleted, &report_disk);
if (os == kBusyError) {
os = metadata->FindSingleReportAndMarkDirty(
uuid, ReportState::kPending, &report_disk);
if (os != kNoError)
return os;
// If the crash report has already been uploaded, don't request new upload.
if (report_disk->uploaded)
return kCannotRequestUpload;
// Mark the crash report as having upload explicitly requested by the user,
// and move it to the pending state.
report_disk->upload_explicitly_requested = true;
report_disk->state = ReportState::kPending;
return kNoError;
} // namespace
// static
std::unique_ptr<CrashReportDatabase> CrashReportDatabase::Initialize(
const base::FilePath& path) {
return InitializeInternal(path, true);
// static
CrashReportDatabase::InitializeWithoutCreating(const base::FilePath& path) {
return InitializeInternal(path, false);
} // namespace crashpad