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synced 2025-03-19 09:53:47 +00:00
TEST=util_test ChildPortServer.*:ExcServerVariants.*:MachMessageUtil.* R=rsesek@chromium.org Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/755313004
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// Copyright 2014 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "util/mach/child_port_server.h"
namespace crashpad {
namespace test {
namespace {
class ChildPortHandshakeTest;
} // namespace
} // namespace test
//! \brief Implements a handshake protocol that allows a parent process to
//! obtain a Mach port right from a child process.
//! Ordinarily, there is no way for parent and child processes to exchange port
//! rights, outside of the rights that children inherit from their parents.
//! These include task-special ports and exception ports, but all of these have
//! system-defined uses, and cannot reliably be replaced: in a multi-threaded
//! parent, it is impossible to temporarily change one an inheritable port while
//! maintaining a guarantee that another thread will not attempt to use it, and
//! in children, it difficult to guarantee that nothing will attempt to use an
//! inheritable port before it can be replaced with the correct one. This latter
//! concern is becoming increasingly more pronounced as system libraries perform
//! more operations that rely on an inheritable port in module initializers.
//! The protocol implemented by this class involves a server that runs in the
//! parent process. The server is published with the bootstrap server, which the
//! child has access to because the bootstrap port is one of the inherited
//! task-special ports. The parent and child also share a pipe, which the parent
//! can write to and the child can read from. After launching a child process,
//! the parent will write a random token to this pipe, along with the name under
//! which its server has been registered with the bootstrap server. The child
//! can then obtain a send right to this server with `bootstrap_look_up()`, and
//! send a check-in message containing the token value and the port right of its
//! choice by calling `child_port_check_in()`.
//! The inclusion of the token authenticates the child to its parent. This is
//! necessary because the service is published with the bootstrap server, which
//! opens up access to it to more than the child process. Because the token is
//! passed to the child by a shared pipe, it constitutes a shared secret not
//! known by other processes that may have incidental access to the server. The
//! ChildPortHandshake server considers its randomly-generated token valid until
//! a client checks in with it. This mechanism is used instead of examining the
//! request message’s audit trailer to verify the sender’s process ID because in
//! some process architectures, it may be impossible to verify the child’s
//! process ID. This may happen when the child disassociates from the parent
//! with a double fork(), and the actual client is the parent’s grandchild. In
//! this case, the child would not check in, but the grandchild, in possession
//! of the token, would check in.
//! The shared pipe serves another purpose: the server monitors it for an
//! end-of-file (no readers) condition. Once detected, it will stop its blocking
//! wait for a client to check in. This mechanism was chosen over monitoring a
//! child process directly for exit to account for the possibility that the
//! child might disassociate with a double fork().
//! This class can be used to allow a child process to provide its parent with
//! a send right to its task port, in cases where it is desirable for the parent
//! to have such access. It can also be used to allow a child process to
//! establish its own server and provide its parent with a send right to that
//! server, for cases where a service is provided and it is undesirable or
//! impossible to provide it via the bootstrap or launchd interfaces.
class ChildPortHandshake : public ChildPortServer::Interface {
//! \brief Initializes the server.
//! This creates the pipe so that the “read” side can be obtained by calling
//! ReadPipeFD().
//! \brief Obtains the “read” side of the pipe, to be used by the client.
//! Callers must obtain this file descriptor and arrange for the caller to
//! have access to it before calling RunServer().
//! \return The file descriptor that the client should read from.
int ReadPipeFD() const;
//! \brief Runs the server.
//! This method performs these tasks:
//! - Closes the “read” side of the pipe in-process, so that the client
//! process holds the only file descriptor that can read from the pipe.
//! - Creates a random token and sends it via the pipe.
//! - Checks its service in with the bootstrap server, and sends the name
//! of its bootstrap service mapping via the pipe.
//! - Simultaneously receives messages on its Mach server and monitors the
//! pipe for end-of-file. This is a blocking operation.
//! - When a Mach message is received, calls HandleChildPortCheckIn() to
//! interpret and validate it, and if the message is valid, returns the
//! port right extracted from the message. If the message is not valid,
//! this method will continue waiting for a valid message. Valid messages
//! are properly formatted and have the correct token. If a valid message
//! carries a send or send-once right, it will be returned. If a valid
//! message contains a receive right, it will be destroyed and
//! `MACH_PORT_NULL` will be returned. If a message is not valid, this
//! method will continue waiting for pipe EOF or a valid message.
//! - When notified of pipe EOF, returns `MACH_PORT_NULL`.
//! - Regardless of return value, destroys the server’s receive right and
//! closes the pipe.
//! \return On success, the send or send-once right to the port provided by
//! the client. The caller takes ownership of this right. On failure,
//! `MACH_PORT_NULL`, indicating that the client did not check in properly
//! before terminating, where termination is detected by noticing that the
//! read side of the shared pipe has closed. On failure, a message
//! indiciating the nature of the failure will be logged.
mach_port_t RunServer();
// ChildPortServer::Interface:
kern_return_t HandleChildPortCheckIn(child_port_server_t server,
child_port_token_t token,
mach_port_t port,
mach_msg_type_name_t right_type,
const mach_msg_trailer_t* trailer,
bool* destroy_complex_request) override;
//! \brief Runs the client.
//! This function performs these tasks:
//! - Reads the token from the pipe.
//! - Reads the bootstrap service name from the pipe.
//! - Obtains a send right to the server by calling `bootstrap_look_up()`.
//! - Sends a check-in message to the server by calling
//! `child_port_check_in()`, providing the token and the user-supplied port
//! right.
//! - Deallocates the send right to the server, and closes the pipe.
//! There is no return value because `child_port_check_in()` is a MIG
//! `simpleroutine`, and the server does not send a reply. This allows
//! check-in to occur without blocking to wait for a reply.
//! \param[in] pipe_read The “read” side of the pipe shared with the server
//! process.
//! \param[in] port The port that will be passed to the server by
//! `child_port_check_in()`.
//! \param[in] right_type The right type to furnish the parent with. If \a
//! port is a send right, this can be `MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND` or
//! `MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND`. If \a port is a send-once right, this can
//! be `MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE`. If \a port is a receive right,
//! is supported by the client interface but will be silently rejected by
//! server run by RunServer(), which expects to receive only send or
//! send-once rights.
static void RunClient(int pipe_read,
mach_port_t port,
mach_msg_type_name_t right_type);
//! \brief Runs the read-from-pipe portion of the client’s side of the
//! handshake. This is an implementation detail of RunClient and is only
//! exposed for testing purposes.
//! \param[in] pipe_read The “read” side of the pipe shared with the server
//! process.
//! \param[out] token The token value read from \a pipe_read.
//! \param[out] service_name The service name as registered with the bootstrap
//! server, read from \a pipe_read.
static void RunClientInternal_ReadPipe(int pipe_read,
child_port_token_t* token,
std::string* service_name);
//! \brief Runs the check-in portion of the client’s side of the handshake.
//! This is an implementation detail of RunClient and is only exposed for
//! testing purposes.
//! \param[in] service_name The service name as registered with the bootstrap
//! server, to be looked up with `bootstrap_look_up()`.
//! \param[in] token The token value to provide during check-in.
//! \param[in] port The port that will be passed to the server by
//! `child_port_check_in()`.
//! \param[in] right_type The right type to furnish the parent with.
static void RunClientInternal_SendCheckIn(const std::string& service_name,
child_port_token_t token,
mach_port_t port,
mach_msg_type_name_t right_type);
// Communicates the token from RunServer(), where it’s generated, to
// HandleChildPortCheckIn(), where it’s validated.
child_port_token_t token_;
base::ScopedFD pipe_read_;
base::ScopedFD pipe_write_;
// Communicates the port received from the client from
// HandleChildPortCheckIn(), where it’s received, to RunServer(), where it’s
// returned. This is strongly-owned, but ownership is transferred to
// RunServer()’s caller.
mach_port_t child_port_;
// Communicates that a check-in with a valid token was received by
// HandleChildPortCheckIn(), and that the value of child_port_ should be
// returned to RunServer()’s caller.
bool checked_in_;
friend class test::ChildPortHandshakeTest;
} // namespace crashpad