// Copyright 2017 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "util/linux/ptrace_broker.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h" namespace crashpad { namespace { size_t FormatPID(char* buffer, pid_t pid) { DCHECK_GE(pid, 0); char pid_buf[16]; size_t length = 0; do { DCHECK_LT(length, sizeof(pid_buf)); pid_buf[length] = '0' + pid % 10; pid /= 10; ++length; } while (pid > 0); for (size_t index = 0; index < length; ++index) { buffer[index] = pid_buf[length - index - 1]; } return length; } } // namespace PtraceBroker::PtraceBroker(int sock, pid_t pid, bool is_64_bit) : ptracer_(is_64_bit, /* can_log= */ false), file_root_(file_root_buffer_), attachments_(nullptr), attach_count_(0), attach_capacity_(0), memory_file_(), sock_(sock), memory_pid_(pid), tried_opening_mem_file_(false) { AllocateAttachments(); static constexpr char kProc[] = "/proc/"; size_t root_length = strlen(kProc); memcpy(file_root_buffer_, kProc, root_length); if (pid >= 0) { root_length += FormatPID(file_root_buffer_ + root_length, pid); DCHECK_LT(root_length, sizeof(file_root_buffer_)); file_root_buffer_[root_length] = '/'; ++root_length; } DCHECK_LT(root_length, sizeof(file_root_buffer_)); file_root_buffer_[root_length] = '\0'; } PtraceBroker::~PtraceBroker() = default; void PtraceBroker::SetFileRoot(const char* new_root) { DCHECK_EQ(new_root[strlen(new_root) - 1], '/'); memory_pid_ = -1; file_root_ = new_root; } int PtraceBroker::Run() { int result = RunImpl(); ReleaseAttachments(); return result; } bool PtraceBroker::AllocateAttachments() { constexpr size_t page_size = 4096; constexpr size_t alloc_size = (sizeof(ScopedPtraceAttach) + page_size - 1) & ~(page_size - 1); void* alloc = sbrk(alloc_size); if (reinterpret_cast(alloc) == -1) { return false; } if (attachments_ == nullptr) { attachments_ = reinterpret_cast(alloc); } attach_capacity_ += alloc_size / sizeof(ScopedPtraceAttach); return true; } void PtraceBroker::ReleaseAttachments() { for (size_t index = 0; index < attach_count_; ++index) { attachments_[index].Reset(); } } int PtraceBroker::RunImpl() { while (true) { Request request = {}; if (!ReadFileExactly(sock_, &request, sizeof(request))) { return errno; } if (request.version != Request::kVersion) { return EINVAL; } switch (request.type) { case Request::kTypeAttach: { ScopedPtraceAttach* attach; ScopedPtraceAttach stack_attach; bool attach_on_stack = false; if (attach_capacity_ > attach_count_ || AllocateAttachments()) { attach = new (&attachments_[attach_count_]) ScopedPtraceAttach; } else { attach = &stack_attach; attach_on_stack = true; } Bool status = kBoolFalse; if (attach->ResetAttach(request.tid)) { status = kBoolTrue; if (!attach_on_stack) { ++attach_count_; } } if (!WriteFile(sock_, &status, sizeof(status))) { return errno; } if (status == kBoolFalse) { Errno error = errno; if (!WriteFile(sock_, &error, sizeof(error))) { return errno; } } if (attach_on_stack && status == kBoolTrue) { return RunImpl(); } continue; } case Request::kTypeIs64Bit: { Bool is_64_bit = ptracer_.Is64Bit() ? kBoolTrue : kBoolFalse; if (!WriteFile(sock_, &is_64_bit, sizeof(is_64_bit))) { return errno; } continue; } case Request::kTypeGetThreadInfo: { GetThreadInfoResponse response; response.success = ptracer_.GetThreadInfo(request.tid, &response.info) ? kBoolTrue : kBoolFalse; if (!WriteFile(sock_, &response, sizeof(response))) { return errno; } if (response.success == kBoolFalse) { Errno error = errno; if (!WriteFile(sock_, &error, sizeof(error))) { return errno; } } continue; } case Request::kTypeReadFile: { ScopedFileHandle handle; int result = ReceiveAndOpenFilePath(request.path.path_length, /* is_directory= */ false, &handle); if (result != 0) { return result; } if (!handle.is_valid()) { continue; } result = SendFileContents(handle.get()); if (result != 0) { return result; } continue; } case Request::kTypeReadMemory: { int result = SendMemory(request.tid, request.iov.base, request.iov.size); if (result != 0) { return result; } continue; } case Request::kTypeListDirectory: { ScopedFileHandle handle; int result = ReceiveAndOpenFilePath(request.path.path_length, /* is_directory= */ true, &handle); if (result != 0) { return result; } if (!handle.is_valid()) { continue; } result = SendDirectory(handle.get()); if (result != 0) { return result; } continue; } case Request::kTypeExit: return 0; } DCHECK(false); return EINVAL; } } int PtraceBroker::SendError(Errno err) { return WriteFile(sock_, &err, sizeof(err)) ? 0 : errno; } int PtraceBroker::SendReadError(ReadError error) { int32_t rv = -1; return WriteFile(sock_, &rv, sizeof(rv)) && WriteFile(sock_, &error, sizeof(error)) ? 0 : errno; } int PtraceBroker::SendOpenResult(OpenResult result) { return WriteFile(sock_, &result, sizeof(result)) ? 0 : errno; } int PtraceBroker::SendFileContents(FileHandle handle) { char buffer[4096]; int32_t rv; do { rv = ReadFile(handle, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (rv < 0) { return SendReadError(static_cast(errno)); } if (!WriteFile(sock_, &rv, sizeof(rv))) { return errno; } if (rv > 0) { if (!WriteFile(sock_, buffer, static_cast(rv))) { return errno; } } } while (rv > 0); return 0; } void PtraceBroker::TryOpeningMemFile() { if (tried_opening_mem_file_) { return; } tried_opening_mem_file_ = true; if (memory_pid_ < 0) { return; } char mem_path[32]; size_t root_length = strlen(file_root_buffer_); static constexpr char kMem[] = "mem"; DCHECK_LT(root_length + strlen(kMem) + 1, sizeof(mem_path)); memcpy(mem_path, file_root_buffer_, root_length); // Include the trailing NUL. memcpy(mem_path + root_length, kMem, strlen(kMem) + 1); memory_file_.reset( HANDLE_EINTR(open(mem_path, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC | O_NOCTTY))); } int PtraceBroker::SendMemory(pid_t pid, VMAddress address, VMSize size) { if (memory_pid_ >= 0 && pid != memory_pid_) { return SendReadError(kReadErrorAccessDenied); } TryOpeningMemFile(); auto read_memory = [this, pid](VMAddress address, size_t size, char* buffer) { return this->memory_file_.is_valid() ? HANDLE_EINTR( pread64(this->memory_file_.get(), buffer, size, address)) : this->ptracer_.ReadUpTo(pid, address, size, buffer); }; char buffer[4096]; while (size > 0) { size_t to_read = std::min(size, VMSize{sizeof(buffer)}); int32_t bytes_read = read_memory(address, to_read, buffer); if (bytes_read < 0) { return SendReadError(static_cast(errno)); } if (!WriteFile(sock_, &bytes_read, sizeof(bytes_read))) { return errno; } if (bytes_read == 0) { return 0; } if (!WriteFile(sock_, buffer, bytes_read)) { return errno; } size -= bytes_read; address += bytes_read; } return 0; } int PtraceBroker::SendDirectory(FileHandle handle) { char buffer[4096]; int rv; do { rv = syscall(SYS_getdents64, handle, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (rv < 0) { return SendReadError(static_cast(errno)); } if (!WriteFile(sock_, &rv, sizeof(rv))) { return errno; } if (rv > 0) { if (!WriteFile(sock_, buffer, static_cast(rv))) { return errno; } } } while (rv > 0); return 0; } int PtraceBroker::ReceiveAndOpenFilePath(VMSize path_length, bool is_directory, ScopedFileHandle* handle) { char path[std::max(4096, PATH_MAX)]; if (path_length >= sizeof(path)) { return SendOpenResult(kOpenResultTooLong); } if (!ReadFileExactly(sock_, path, path_length)) { return errno; } path[path_length] = '\0'; if (strncmp(path, file_root_, strlen(file_root_)) != 0) { return SendOpenResult(kOpenResultAccessDenied); } int flags = O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC | O_NOCTTY; if (is_directory) { flags |= O_DIRECTORY; } ScopedFileHandle local_handle(HANDLE_EINTR(open(path, flags))); if (!local_handle.is_valid()) { return SendOpenResult(static_cast(errno)); } handle->reset(local_handle.release()); return SendOpenResult(kOpenResultSuccess); } } // namespace crashpad