// Copyright 2017 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "snapshot/linux/debug_rendezvous.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/format_macros.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_piece.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "snapshot/linux/elf_image_reader.h" #include "test/multiprocess.h" #include "util/linux/address_types.h" #include "util/linux/auxiliary_vector.h" #include "util/linux/memory_map.h" #include "util/linux/process_memory.h" #include "util/linux/process_memory_range.h" #if defined(OS_ANDROID) #include #endif namespace crashpad { namespace test { namespace { #if defined(OS_ANDROID) int AndroidRuntimeAPI() { char api_string[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; int length = __system_property_get("ro.build.version.sdk", api_string); if (length <= 0) { return -1; } int api_level; bool success = base::StringToInt(base::StringPiece(api_string, length), &api_level); return success ? api_level : -1; } #endif // OS_ANDROID void TestAgainstTarget(pid_t pid, bool is_64_bit) { // Use ElfImageReader on the main executable which can tell us the debug // address. glibc declares the symbol _r_debug in link.h which we can use to // get the address, but Android does not. AuxiliaryVector aux; ASSERT_TRUE(aux.Initialize(pid, is_64_bit)); LinuxVMAddress phdrs; ASSERT_TRUE(aux.GetValue(AT_PHDR, &phdrs)); MemoryMap mappings; ASSERT_TRUE(mappings.Initialize(pid)); const MemoryMap::Mapping* phdr_mapping = mappings.FindMapping(phdrs); ASSERT_TRUE(phdr_mapping); const MemoryMap::Mapping* exe_mapping = mappings.FindFileMmapStart(*phdr_mapping); LinuxVMAddress elf_address = exe_mapping->range.Base(); ProcessMemory memory; ASSERT_TRUE(memory.Initialize(pid)); ProcessMemoryRange range; ASSERT_TRUE(range.Initialize(&memory, is_64_bit)); ElfImageReader exe_reader; ASSERT_TRUE(exe_reader.Initialize(range, elf_address)); LinuxVMAddress debug_address; ASSERT_TRUE(exe_reader.GetDebugAddress(&debug_address)); // start the actual tests DebugRendezvous debug; ASSERT_TRUE(debug.Initialize(range, debug_address)); #if defined(OS_ANDROID) const int android_runtime_api = AndroidRuntimeAPI(); ASSERT_GE(android_runtime_api, 1); EXPECT_NE(debug.Executable()->name.find("crashpad_snapshot_test"), std::string::npos); // Android's loader never sets the dynamic array for the executable. EXPECT_EQ(debug.Executable()->dynamic_array, 0u); #else // glibc's loader implements most of the tested features that Android's was // missing but has since gained. const int android_runtime_api = std::numeric_limits::max(); // glibc's loader does not set the name for the executable. EXPECT_TRUE(debug.Executable()->name.empty()); CheckedLinuxAddressRange exe_range( is_64_bit, exe_reader.Address(), exe_reader.Size()); EXPECT_TRUE(exe_range.ContainsValue(debug.Executable()->dynamic_array)); #endif // OS_ANDROID // Android's loader doesn't set the load bias until Android 4.3 (API 18). if (android_runtime_api >= 18) { EXPECT_EQ(debug.Executable()->load_bias, exe_reader.GetLoadBias()); } else { EXPECT_EQ(debug.Executable()->load_bias, 0); } for (const DebugRendezvous::LinkEntry& module : debug.Modules()) { SCOPED_TRACE(base::StringPrintf("name %s, load_bias 0x%" PRIx64 ", dynamic_array 0x%" PRIx64, module.name.c_str(), module.load_bias, module.dynamic_array)); const bool is_android_loader = (module.name == "/system/bin/linker" || module.name == "/system/bin/linker64"); // Android's loader doesn't set its own dynamic array until Android 4.2 // (API 17). if (is_android_loader && android_runtime_api < 17) { EXPECT_EQ(module.dynamic_array, 0u); EXPECT_EQ(module.load_bias, 0); continue; } ASSERT_TRUE(module.dynamic_array); const MemoryMap::Mapping* dyn_mapping = mappings.FindMapping(module.dynamic_array); ASSERT_TRUE(dyn_mapping); const MemoryMap::Mapping* module_mapping = mappings.FindFileMmapStart(*dyn_mapping); ASSERT_TRUE(module_mapping); #if defined(OS_ANDROID) EXPECT_FALSE(module.name.empty()); #else // glibc's loader doesn't always set the name in the link map for the vdso. EXPECT_PRED4( [](const std::string mapping_name, int device, int inode, const std::string& module_name) { const bool is_vdso_mapping = device == 0 && inode == 0 && mapping_name == "[vdso]"; static constexpr char kPrefix[] = "linux-vdso.so."; return is_vdso_mapping == (module_name.empty() || module_name.compare(0, strlen(kPrefix), kPrefix) == 0); }, module_mapping->name, module_mapping->device, module_mapping->inode, module.name); #endif // OS_ANDROID ElfImageReader module_reader; ASSERT_TRUE(module_reader.Initialize(range, module_mapping->range.Base())); // Android's loader stops setting its own load bias after Android 4.4.4 // (API 20) until Android 6.0 (API 23). if (is_android_loader && android_runtime_api > 20 && android_runtime_api < 23) { EXPECT_EQ(module.load_bias, 0); } else { EXPECT_EQ(module.load_bias, module_reader.GetLoadBias()); } CheckedLinuxAddressRange module_range( is_64_bit, module_reader.Address(), module_reader.Size()); EXPECT_TRUE(module_range.ContainsValue(module.dynamic_array)); } } TEST(DebugRendezvous, Self) { #if defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS) constexpr bool is_64_bit = true; #else constexpr bool is_64_bit = false; #endif TestAgainstTarget(getpid(), is_64_bit); } class ChildTest : public Multiprocess { public: ChildTest() {} ~ChildTest() {} private: void MultiprocessParent() { #if defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS) constexpr bool is_64_bit = true; #else constexpr bool is_64_bit = false; #endif TestAgainstTarget(ChildPID(), is_64_bit); } void MultiprocessChild() { CheckedReadFileAtEOF(ReadPipeHandle()); } DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ChildTest); }; TEST(DebugRendezvous, Child) { ChildTest test; test.Run(); } } // namespace } // namespace test } // namespace crashpad