# Developing Crashpad ## Status [Project status](status.md) information has moved to its own page. ## Introduction Crashpad is a [Chromium project](https://www.chromium.org/Home). Most of its development practices follow Chromium’s. In order to function on its own in other projects, Crashpad uses [mini_chromium](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/mini_chromium/), a small, self-contained library that provides many of Chromium’s useful low-level base routines. [mini_chromium’s README](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/mini_chromium/+/master/README.md) provides more detail. ## Prerequisites To develop Crashpad, the following tools are necessary, and must be present in the `$PATH` environment variable: * Appropriate development tools. * On macOS, install [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/). The latest version is generally recommended. * On Windows, install [Visual Studio](https://www.visualstudio.com/) with C++ support and the Windows SDK. MSVS 2015 and MSVS 2017 are both supported. Some tests also require the CDB debugger, installed with [Debugging Tools for Windows](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/). * Chromium’s [depot_tools](https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools). * [Git](https://git-scm.com/). This is provided by Xcode on macOS and by depot_tools on Windows. * [Python](https://www.python.org/). This is provided by the operating system on macOS, and by depot_tools on Windows. ## Getting the Source Code The main source code repository is a Git repository hosted at https://chromium.googlesource.com/crashpad/crashpad. Although it is possible to check out this repository directly with `git clone`, Crashpad’s dependencies are managed by [`gclient`](https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools#TOC-gclient) instead of Git submodules, so to work on Crashpad, it is best to use `fetch` to get the source code. `fetch` and `gclient` are part of the [depot_tools](https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools). There’s no need to install them separately. ### Initial Checkout ``` $ mkdir ~/crashpad $ cd ~/crashpad $ fetch crashpad ``` `fetch crashpad` performs the initial `git clone` and `gclient sync`, establishing a fully-functional local checkout. ### Subsequent Checkouts ``` $ cd ~/crashpad/crashpad $ git pull -r $ gclient sync ``` ## Building ### Windows, Mac, Linux, Fuchsia On Windows, Mac, Linux, and Fuchsia Crashpad uses [GN](https://gn.googlesource.com/gn) to generate [Ninja](https://ninja-build.org/) build files. For example, ``` $ cd ~/crashpad/crashpad $ gn gen out/Default $ ninja -C out/Default ``` You can then use `gn args out/Default` or edit `out/Default/args.gn` to configure the build, for example things like `is_debug=true` or `target_cpu="x86"`. GN and Ninja are part of the [depot_tools](https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools). There’s no need to install them separately. ### Android Crashpad’s Android port is in its early stages. This build relies on cross-compilation. It’s possible to develop Crashpad for Android on any platform that the [Android NDK (Native Development Kit)](https://developer.android.com/ndk/) runs on. If it’s not already present on your system, [download the NDK package for your system](https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads/) and expand it to a suitable location. These instructions assume that it’s been expanded to `~/android-ndk-r16`. To build Crashpad, portions of the NDK must be reassembled into a [standalone toolchain](https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/standalone_toolchain.html). This is a repackaged subset of the NDK suitable for cross-compiling for a single Android architecture (such as `arm`, `arm64`, `x86`, and `x86_64`) targeting a specific [Android API level](https://source.android.com/source/build-numbers.html). The standalone toolchain only needs to be built from the NDK one time for each set of options desired. To build a standalone toolchain targeting 64-bit ARM and API level 21 (Android 5.0 “Lollipop”), run: ``` $ cd ~ $ python android-ndk-r16/build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py \ --arch=arm64 --api=21 --install-dir=android-ndk-r16_arm64_api21 ``` Note that Chrome uses Android API level 21 for 64-bit platforms and 16 for 32-bit platforms. See Chrome’s [`build/config/android/config.gni`](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/build/config/android/config.gni) which sets `_android_api_level` and `_android64_api_level`. To configure a Crashpad build for Android using the standalone toolchain assembled above, use `gyp_crashpad_android.py`. This script is a wrapper for `gyp_crashpad.py` that sets several environment variables directing the build to the standalone toolchain, and several GYP options to identify an Android build. This must be done after any `gclient sync`, or instead of any `gclient runhooks` operation. ``` $ cd ~/crashpad/crashpad $ python build/gyp_crashpad_android.py \ --ndk ~/android-ndk-r16_arm64_api21 \ --generator-output out/android_arm64_api21 ``` `gyp_crashpad_android.py` detects the build type based on the characteristics of the standalone toolchain given in its `--ndk` argument. `gyp_crashpad_android.py` sets the build up to use Clang by default. It’s also possible to use GCC by providing the `--compiler=gcc` argument to `gyp_crashpad_android.py`. The Android port is incomplete, but targets known to be working include `crashpad_test`, `crashpad_util`, and their tests. This list will grow over time. To build, direct `ninja` to the specific `out` directory chosen by the `--generator-output` argument to `gyp_crashpad_android.py`. ``` $ ninja -C out/android_arm64_api21/out/Debug \ crashpad_test_test crashpad_util_test ``` ## Testing Crashpad uses [Google Test](https://github.com/google/googletest/) as its unit-testing framework, and some tests use [Google Mock](https://github.com/google/googletest/tree/master/googlemock/) as well. Its tests are currently split up into several test executables, each dedicated to testing a different component. This may change in the future. After a successful build, the test executables will be found at `out/Debug/crashpad_*_test`. ``` $ cd ~/crashpad/crashpad $ out/Debug/crashpad_minidump_test $ out/Debug/crashpad_util_test ``` A script is provided to run all of Crashpad’s tests. It accepts a single argument, a path to the directory containing the test executables. ``` $ cd ~/crashpad/crashpad $ python build/run_tests.py out/Debug ``` ### Windows On Windows, `end_to_end_test.py` requires the CDB debugger, installed with [Debugging Tools for Windows](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/). This can be installed either as part of the [Windows Driver Kit](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p?LinkID=239721) or the [Windows SDK](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p?LinkID=271979). If the Windows SDK has already been installed (possibly with Visual Studio) but Debugging Tools for Windows is not present, it can be installed from Add or remove programs→Windows Software Development Kit. ### Android To test on Android, [ADB (Android Debug Bridge)](https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb.html) from the [Android SDK](https://developer.android.com/sdk/) must be in the `PATH`. Note that it is sufficient to install just the command-line tools from the Android SDK. The entire Android Studio IDE is not necessary to obtain ADB. When asked to test an Android build directory, `run_tests.py` will detect a single connected Android device (including an emulator). If multiple devices are connected, one may be chosen explicitly with the `ANDROID_DEVICE` environment variable. `run_tests.py` will upload test executables and data to a temporary location on the detected or selected device, run them, and clean up after itself when done. ## Contributing Crashpad’s contribution process is very similar to [Chromium’s contribution process](https://www.chromium.org/developers/contributing-code). ### Code Review A code review must be conducted for every change to Crashpad’s source code. Code review is conducted on [Chromium’s Gerrit](https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/) system, and all code reviews must be sent to an appropriate reviewer, with a Cc sent to [crashpad-dev](https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/crashpad-dev). The [`codereview.settings`](https://chromium.googlesource.com/crashpad/crashpad/+/master/codereview.settings) file specifies this environment to `git-cl`. `git-cl` is part of the [depot_tools](https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools). There’s no need to install it separately. ``` $ cd ~/crashpad/crashpad $ git checkout -b work_branch origin/master …do some work… $ git add … $ git commit $ git cl upload ``` Uploading a patch to Gerrit does not automatically request a review. You must select a reviewer on the Gerrit review page after running `git cl upload`. This action notifies your reviewer of the code review request. If you have lost track of the review page, `git cl issue` will remind you of its URL. Alternatively, you can request review when uploading to Gerrit by using `git cl upload --send-mail`. Git branches maintain their association with Gerrit reviews, so if you need to make changes based on review feedback, you can do so on the correct Git branch, committing your changes locally with `git commit`. You can then upload a new patch set with `git cl upload` and let your reviewer know you’ve addressed the feedback. The most recently uploaded patch set on a review may be tested on a [try server](https://www.chromium.org/developers/testing/try-server-usage) by running `git cl try` or by clicking the “CQ Dry Run” button in Gerrit. These set the “Commit-Queue: +1” label. This does not mean that the patch will be committed, but the try server and commit queue share infrastructure and a Gerrit label. The patch will be tested on try bots in a variety of configurations. Status information will be available on Gerrit. Try server access is available to Crashpad and Chromium committers. ### Landing Changes After code review is complete and “Code-Review: +1” has been received from all reviewers, the patch can be submitted to Crashpad’s [commit queue](https://www.chromium.org/developers/testing/commit-queue) by clicking the “Submit to CQ” button in Gerrit. This sets the “Commit-Queue: +2” label, which tests the patch on the try server before landing it. Commit queue access is available to Crashpad and Chromium committers. Although the commit queue is recommended, if needed, project members can bypass the commit queue and land patches without testing by using the “Submit” button in Gerrit or by committing via `git cl land`: ``` $ cd ~/crashpad/crashpad $ git checkout work_branch $ git cl land ``` ### External Contributions Copyright holders must complete the [Individual Contributor License Agreement](https://developers.google.com/open-source/cla/individual) or [Corporate Contributor License Agreement](https://developers.google.com/open-source/cla/corporate) as appropriate before any submission can be accepted, and must be listed in the [`AUTHORS`](https://chromium.googlesource.com/crashpad/crashpad/+/master/AUTHORS) file. Contributors may be listed in the [`CONTRIBUTORS`](https://chromium.googlesource.com/crashpad/crashpad/+/master/CONTRIBUTORS) file. ## Buildbot The [Crashpad Buildbot](https://build.chromium.org/p/client.crashpad/) performs automated builds and tests of Crashpad. Before checking out or updating the Crashpad source code, and after checking in a new change, it is prudent to check the Buildbot to ensure that “the tree is green.”