Copyright (C) 1997 Gregory Pietsch

[These files] are hereby placed in the public domain without restrictions. Just
give the author credit, don't claim you wrote it or prevent anyone else from
using it.

#ifndef GETOPT_H
#define GETOPT_H

/* include files needed by this include file */

/* macros defined by this include file */
#define no_argument       0
#define required_argument 1
#define OPTIONAL_ARG      2

/* types defined by this include file */

namespace crashpad {

/* GETOPT_LONG_OPTION_T: The type of long option */
typedef struct GETOPT_LONG_OPTION_T
  const char *name;             /* the name of the long option */
  int has_arg;                  /* one of the above macros */
  int *flag;                    /* determines if getopt_long() returns a
                                 * value for a long option; if it is
                                 * non-NULL, 0 is returned as a function
                                 * value and the value of val is stored in
                                 * the area pointed to by flag.  Otherwise,
                                 * val is returned. */
  int val;                      /* determines the value to return if flag is
                                 * NULL. */

typedef GETOPT_LONG_OPTION_T option;

/* externally-defined variables */
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;
extern int opterr;
extern int optopt;

/* function prototypes */
int getopt(int argc, char** argv, char* optstring);
int getopt_long(int argc,
                char** argv,
                const char* shortopts,
                const GETOPT_LONG_OPTION_T* longopts,
                int* longind);
int getopt_long_only(int argc,
                     char** argv,
                     const char* shortopts,
                     const GETOPT_LONG_OPTION_T* longopts,
                     int* longind);

}  // namespace crashpad

#endif /* GETOPT_H */

/* END OF FILE getopt.h */