// Copyright 2022 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #import "test/ios/host/handler_forbidden_allocators.h" #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h> #include <malloc/malloc.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <limits> #include "base/mac/mach_logging.h" #include "client/crashpad_client.h" #include "util/ios/raw_logging.h" namespace crashpad { namespace test { namespace { uint64_t g_main_thread = 0; uint64_t g_mach_exception_thread = 0; malloc_zone_t g_old_zone; bool is_handler_thread() { uint64_t thread_self; pthread_threadid_np(pthread_self(), &thread_self); return (thread_self == g_main_thread || thread_self == g_mach_exception_thread); } void* handler_forbidden_malloc(struct _malloc_zone_t* zone, size_t size) { if (is_handler_thread()) { CRASHPAD_RAW_LOG("handler_forbidden_malloc allocator used in handler."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return g_old_zone.malloc(zone, size); } void* handler_forbidden_calloc(struct _malloc_zone_t* zone, size_t num_items, size_t size) { if (is_handler_thread()) { CRASHPAD_RAW_LOG("handler_forbidden_calloc allocator used in handler."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return g_old_zone.calloc(zone, num_items, size); } void* handler_forbidden_valloc(struct _malloc_zone_t* zone, size_t size) { if (is_handler_thread()) { CRASHPAD_RAW_LOG("handler_forbidden_valloc allocator used in handler."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return g_old_zone.valloc(zone, size); } void handler_forbidden_free(struct _malloc_zone_t* zone, void* ptr) { if (is_handler_thread()) { CRASHPAD_RAW_LOG("handler_forbidden_free allocator used in handler."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } g_old_zone.free(zone, ptr); } void* handler_forbidden_realloc(struct _malloc_zone_t* zone, void* ptr, size_t size) { if (is_handler_thread()) { CRASHPAD_RAW_LOG("handler_forbidden_realloc allocator used in handler."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return g_old_zone.realloc(zone, ptr, size); } void handler_forbidden_destroy(struct _malloc_zone_t* zone) { if (is_handler_thread()) { CRASHPAD_RAW_LOG("handler_forbidden_destroy allocator used in handler."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } g_old_zone.destroy(zone); } void* handler_forbidden_memalign(struct _malloc_zone_t* zone, size_t alignment, size_t size) { if (is_handler_thread()) { CRASHPAD_RAW_LOG("handler_forbidden_memalign allocator used in handler."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return g_old_zone.memalign(zone, alignment, size); } unsigned handler_forbidden_batch_malloc(struct _malloc_zone_t* zone, size_t size, void** results, unsigned num_requested) { if (is_handler_thread()) { CRASHPAD_RAW_LOG( "handler_forbidden_batch_malloc allocator used in handler."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return g_old_zone.batch_malloc(zone, size, results, num_requested); } void handler_forbidden_batch_free(struct _malloc_zone_t* zone, void** to_be_freed, unsigned num_to_be_freed) { if (is_handler_thread()) { CRASHPAD_RAW_LOG("handler_forbidden_batch_free allocator used in handler."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } g_old_zone.batch_free(zone, to_be_freed, num_to_be_freed); } void handler_forbidden_free_definite_size(struct _malloc_zone_t* zone, void* ptr, size_t size) { if (is_handler_thread()) { CRASHPAD_RAW_LOG( "handler_forbidden_free_definite_size allocator used in handler."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } g_old_zone.free_definite_size(zone, ptr, size); } size_t handler_forbidden_pressure_relief(struct _malloc_zone_t* zone, size_t goal) { if (is_handler_thread()) { CRASHPAD_RAW_LOG( "handler_forbidden_pressure_relief allocator used in handler."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return g_old_zone.pressure_relief(zone, goal); } boolean_t handler_forbidden_claimed_address(struct _malloc_zone_t* zone, void* ptr) { if (is_handler_thread()) { CRASHPAD_RAW_LOG( "handler_forbidden_claimed_address allocator used in handler."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return g_old_zone.claimed_address(zone, ptr); } size_t handler_forbidden_size(struct _malloc_zone_t* zone, const void* ptr) { if (is_handler_thread()) { CRASHPAD_RAW_LOG("handler_forbidden_size allocator used in handler."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return g_old_zone.size(zone, ptr); } bool DeprotectMallocZone(malloc_zone_t* default_zone, vm_address_t* reprotection_start, vm_size_t* reprotection_length, vm_prot_t* reprotection_value) { mach_port_t unused; *reprotection_start = reinterpret_cast<vm_address_t>(default_zone); struct vm_region_basic_info_64 info; mach_msg_type_number_t count = VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO_COUNT_64; kern_return_t result = vm_region_64(mach_task_self(), reprotection_start, reprotection_length, VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO_64, reinterpret_cast<vm_region_info_t>(&info), &count, &unused); if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) { MACH_LOG(ERROR, result) << "vm_region_64"; return false; } // The kernel always returns a null object for VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO_64, but // balance it with a deallocate in case this ever changes. See // the VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO_64 case in vm_map_region() in 10.15's // https://opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-6153.11.26/osfmk/vm/vm_map.c . mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), unused); if (!(info.max_protection & VM_PROT_WRITE)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid max_protection " << info.max_protection; return false; } // Does the region fully enclose the zone pointers? Possibly unwarranted // simplification used: using the size of a full version 10 malloc zone rather // than the actual smaller size if the passed-in zone is not version 10. DCHECK_LE(*reprotection_start, reinterpret_cast<vm_address_t>(default_zone)); vm_size_t zone_offset = reinterpret_cast<vm_address_t>(default_zone) - reinterpret_cast<vm_address_t>(*reprotection_start); DCHECK_LE(zone_offset + sizeof(malloc_zone_t), *reprotection_length); if (info.protection & VM_PROT_WRITE) { // No change needed; the zone is already writable. *reprotection_start = 0; *reprotection_length = 0; *reprotection_value = VM_PROT_NONE; } else { *reprotection_value = info.protection; result = vm_protect(mach_task_self(), *reprotection_start, *reprotection_length, false, info.protection | VM_PROT_WRITE); if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) { MACH_LOG(ERROR, result) << "vm_protect"; return false; } } return true; } void ReplaceZoneFunctions(malloc_zone_t* zone, const malloc_zone_t* functions) { // Remove protection. vm_address_t reprotection_start = 0; vm_size_t reprotection_length = 0; vm_prot_t reprotection_value = VM_PROT_NONE; bool success = DeprotectMallocZone( zone, &reprotection_start, &reprotection_length, &reprotection_value); if (!success) { return; } zone->size = functions->size; zone->malloc = functions->malloc; zone->calloc = functions->calloc; zone->valloc = functions->valloc; zone->free = functions->free; zone->realloc = functions->realloc; zone->destroy = functions->destroy; zone->batch_malloc = functions->batch_malloc; zone->batch_free = functions->batch_free; zone->introspect = functions->introspect; zone->memalign = functions->memalign; zone->free_definite_size = functions->free_definite_size; zone->pressure_relief = functions->pressure_relief; zone->claimed_address = functions->claimed_address; // Restore protection if it was active. if (reprotection_start) { kern_return_t result = vm_protect(mach_task_self(), reprotection_start, reprotection_length, false, reprotection_value); if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) { MACH_LOG(ERROR, result) << "vm_protect"; return; } } } } // namespace void ReplaceAllocatorsWithHandlerForbidden() { pthread_threadid_np(pthread_self(), &g_main_thread); CrashpadClient crashpad_client; g_mach_exception_thread = crashpad_client.GetThreadIdForTesting(); malloc_zone_t* default_zone = malloc_default_zone(); memcpy(&g_old_zone, default_zone, sizeof(g_old_zone)); malloc_zone_t new_functions = {}; new_functions.size = handler_forbidden_size; new_functions.malloc = handler_forbidden_malloc; new_functions.calloc = handler_forbidden_calloc; new_functions.valloc = handler_forbidden_valloc; new_functions.free = handler_forbidden_free; new_functions.realloc = handler_forbidden_realloc; new_functions.destroy = handler_forbidden_destroy; new_functions.batch_malloc = handler_forbidden_batch_malloc; new_functions.batch_free = handler_forbidden_batch_free; new_functions.memalign = handler_forbidden_memalign; new_functions.free_definite_size = handler_forbidden_free_definite_size; new_functions.pressure_relief = handler_forbidden_pressure_relief; new_functions.claimed_address = handler_forbidden_claimed_address; ReplaceZoneFunctions(default_zone, &new_functions); malloc_zone_t* purgeable_zone = malloc_default_purgeable_zone(); ReplaceZoneFunctions(purgeable_zone, &new_functions); } } // namespace test } // namespace crashpad