// Copyright 2015 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "snapshot/win/pe_image_reader.h" #include #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "client/crashpad_info.h" #include "snapshot/win/pe_image_resource_reader.h" #include "util/misc/from_pointer_cast.h" #include "util/misc/pdb_structures.h" #include "util/win/process_structs.h" namespace crashpad { namespace { // Map from Traits to an IMAGE_NT_HEADERSxx. template struct NtHeadersForTraits; template <> struct NtHeadersForTraits { using type = IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32; }; template <> struct NtHeadersForTraits { using type = IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64; }; } // namespace PEImageReader::PEImageReader() : module_subrange_reader_(), initialized_() { } PEImageReader::~PEImageReader() { } bool PEImageReader::Initialize(ProcessReaderWin* process_reader, WinVMAddress address, WinVMSize size, const std::string& module_name) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_SET_INITIALIZING(initialized_); if (!module_subrange_reader_.Initialize( process_reader, address, size, module_name)) { return false; } INITIALIZATION_STATE_SET_VALID(initialized_); return true; } template bool PEImageReader::GetCrashpadInfo( process_types::CrashpadInfo* crashpad_info) const { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER section; if (!GetSectionByName::type>("CPADinfo", §ion)) { return false; } if (section.Misc.VirtualSize < sizeof(process_types::CrashpadInfo)) { LOG(WARNING) << "small crashpad info section size " << section.Misc.VirtualSize << ", " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } ProcessSubrangeReader crashpad_info_subrange_reader; const WinVMAddress crashpad_info_address = Address() + section.VirtualAddress; if (!crashpad_info_subrange_reader.InitializeSubrange( module_subrange_reader_, crashpad_info_address, section.Misc.VirtualSize, "crashpad_info")) { return false; } if (!crashpad_info_subrange_reader.ReadMemory( crashpad_info_address, sizeof(process_types::CrashpadInfo), crashpad_info)) { LOG(WARNING) << "could not read crashpad info from " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } if (crashpad_info->signature != CrashpadInfo::kSignature || crashpad_info->version < 1) { LOG(WARNING) << "unexpected crashpad info data in " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } return true; } bool PEImageReader::DebugDirectoryInformation(UUID* uuid, DWORD* age, std::string* pdbname) const { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY data_directory; if (!ImageDataDirectoryEntry(IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG, &data_directory)) return false; IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY debug_directory; if (data_directory.Size % sizeof(debug_directory) != 0) return false; for (size_t offset = 0; offset < data_directory.Size; offset += sizeof(debug_directory)) { if (!module_subrange_reader_.ReadMemory( Address() + data_directory.VirtualAddress + offset, sizeof(debug_directory), &debug_directory)) { LOG(WARNING) << "could not read data directory from " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } if (debug_directory.Type != IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW) continue; if (debug_directory.AddressOfRawData) { if (debug_directory.SizeOfData < sizeof(CodeViewRecordPDB70)) { LOG(WARNING) << "CodeView debug entry of unexpected size in " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); continue; } std::unique_ptr data(new char[debug_directory.SizeOfData]); if (!module_subrange_reader_.ReadMemory( Address() + debug_directory.AddressOfRawData, debug_directory.SizeOfData, data.get())) { LOG(WARNING) << "could not read debug directory from " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } if (*reinterpret_cast(data.get()) != CodeViewRecordPDB70::kSignature) { LOG(WARNING) << "encountered non-7.0 CodeView debug record in " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); continue; } CodeViewRecordPDB70* codeview = reinterpret_cast(data.get()); *uuid = codeview->uuid; *age = codeview->age; // This is a NUL-terminated string encoded in the codepage of the system // where the binary was linked. We have no idea what that was, so we just // assume ASCII. *pdbname = std::string(reinterpret_cast(&codeview->pdb_name[0])); return true; } else if (debug_directory.PointerToRawData) { // This occurs for non-PDB based debug information. We simply ignore these // as we don't expect to encounter modules that will be in this format // for which we'll actually have symbols. See // https://crashpad.chromium.org/bug/47. } } return false; } bool PEImageReader::VSFixedFileInfo( VS_FIXEDFILEINFO* vs_fixed_file_info) const { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY data_directory; if (!ImageDataDirectoryEntry(IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE, &data_directory)) { return false; } PEImageResourceReader resource_reader; if (!resource_reader.Initialize(module_subrange_reader_, data_directory)) { return false; } WinVMAddress address; WinVMSize size; if (!resource_reader.FindResourceByID( FromPointerCast(VS_FILE_INFO), // RT_VERSION VS_VERSION_INFO, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL), &address, &size, nullptr)) { return false; } // This structure is not declared anywhere in the SDK, but is documented at // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms647001.aspx. struct VS_VERSIONINFO { WORD wLength; WORD wValueLength; WORD wType; // The structure documentation on MSDN doesn’t show the [16], but it does // say that it’s supposed to be L"VS_VERSION_INFO", which is is in fact a // 16-character string (including its NUL terminator). WCHAR szKey[16]; WORD Padding1; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO Value; // Don’t include Children or the Padding2 that precedes it, because they may // not be present. // WORD Padding2; // WORD Children; }; VS_VERSIONINFO version_info; if (size < sizeof(version_info)) { LOG(WARNING) << "version info size " << size << " too small for structure of size " << sizeof(version_info) << " in " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } if (!module_subrange_reader_.ReadMemory( address, sizeof(version_info), &version_info)) { LOG(WARNING) << "could not read version info from " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } if (version_info.wLength < sizeof(version_info) || version_info.wValueLength != sizeof(version_info.Value) || version_info.wType != 0 || wcsncmp(version_info.szKey, L"VS_VERSION_INFO", arraysize(version_info.szKey)) != 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "unexpected VS_VERSIONINFO in " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } if (version_info.Value.dwSignature != VS_FFI_SIGNATURE || version_info.Value.dwStrucVersion != VS_FFI_STRUCVERSION) { LOG(WARNING) << "unexpected VS_FIXEDFILEINFO in " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } *vs_fixed_file_info = version_info.Value; vs_fixed_file_info->dwFileFlags &= vs_fixed_file_info->dwFileFlagsMask; return true; } template bool PEImageReader::ReadNtHeaders(NtHeadersType* nt_headers, WinVMAddress* nt_headers_address) const { IMAGE_DOS_HEADER dos_header; if (!module_subrange_reader_.ReadMemory( Address(), sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER), &dos_header)) { LOG(WARNING) << "could not read dos header from " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } if (dos_header.e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { LOG(WARNING) << "invalid e_magic in dos header of " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } WinVMAddress local_nt_headers_address = Address() + dos_header.e_lfanew; if (!module_subrange_reader_.ReadMemory( local_nt_headers_address, sizeof(NtHeadersType), nt_headers)) { LOG(WARNING) << "could not read nt headers from " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } if (nt_headers->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) { LOG(WARNING) << "invalid signature in nt headers of " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } if (nt_headers_address) *nt_headers_address = local_nt_headers_address; return true; } template bool PEImageReader::GetSectionByName(const std::string& name, IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* section) const { if (name.size() > sizeof(section->Name)) { LOG(WARNING) << "supplied section name too long " << name; return false; } NtHeadersType nt_headers; WinVMAddress nt_headers_address; if (!ReadNtHeaders(&nt_headers, &nt_headers_address)) return false; WinVMAddress first_section_address = nt_headers_address + offsetof(NtHeadersType, OptionalHeader) + nt_headers.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader; for (DWORD i = 0; i < nt_headers.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; ++i) { WinVMAddress section_address = first_section_address + sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) * i; if (!module_subrange_reader_.ReadMemory( section_address, sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER), section)) { LOG(WARNING) << "could not read section " << i << " from " << module_subrange_reader_.name(); return false; } if (strncmp(reinterpret_cast(section->Name), name.c_str(), sizeof(section->Name)) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } bool PEImageReader::ImageDataDirectoryEntry(size_t index, IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY* entry) const { bool rv; if (module_subrange_reader_.Is64Bit()) { rv = ImageDataDirectoryEntryT(index, entry); } else { rv = ImageDataDirectoryEntryT(index, entry); } return rv && entry->VirtualAddress != 0 && entry->Size != 0; } template bool PEImageReader::ImageDataDirectoryEntryT( size_t index, IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY* entry) const { NtHeadersType nt_headers; if (!ReadNtHeaders(&nt_headers, nullptr)) { return false; } if (nt_headers.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader < offsetof(decltype(nt_headers.OptionalHeader), DataDirectory[index]) + sizeof(nt_headers.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[index]) || nt_headers.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= index) { return false; } *entry = nt_headers.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[index]; return true; } // Explicit instantiations with the only 2 valid template arguments to avoid // putting the body of the function in the header. template bool PEImageReader::GetCrashpadInfo( process_types::CrashpadInfo* crashpad_info) const; template bool PEImageReader::GetCrashpadInfo( process_types::CrashpadInfo* crashpad_info) const; } // namespace crashpad