// Copyright 2017 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#include "base/macros.h"
#include "util/linux/exception_handler_protocol.h"
#include "util/linux/ptrace_connection.h"
#include "util/linux/ptracer.h"
#include "util/linux/scoped_ptrace_attach.h"
#include "util/linux/thread_info.h"
#include "util/misc/address_types.h"

namespace crashpad {

//! \brief Implements a PtraceConnection over a socket.
//! This class is the server half of the connection. The broker should be run
//! in a process with `ptrace` capabilities for the target process and may run
//! in a compromised context.
class PtraceBroker {
#pragma pack(push, 1)
  //! \brief A request sent to a PtraceBroker from a PtraceClient.
  struct Request {
    static constexpr uint16_t kVersion = 1;

    //! \brief The version number for this Request.
    uint16_t version = kVersion;

    //! \brief The type of request to serve.
    enum Type : uint16_t {
      //! \brief `ptrace`-attach the specified thread ID. Responds with
      //!     kBoolTrue on success, otherwise kBoolFalse, followed by an Errno.

      //! \brief Responds with kBoolTrue if the target process is 64-bit.
      //!     Otherwise, kBoolFalse.

      //! \brief Responds with a GetThreadInfoResponse containing a ThreadInfo
      //!     for the specified thread ID. If an error occurs,
      //!     GetThreadInfoResponse::success is set to kBoolFalse and is
      //!     followed by an Errno.

      //! \brief Reads memory from the attached process. The data is returned in
      //!     a series of messages. Each message begins with a VMSize indicating
      //!     the number of bytes being returned in this message, followed by
      //!     the requested bytes. The broker continues to send messages until
      //!     either all of the requested memory has been sent or an error
      //!     occurs, in which case it sends a message containing a VMSize equal
      //!     to zero, followed by an Errno.

      //! \brief Causes the broker to return from Run(), detaching all attached
      //!     threads. Does not respond.
    } type;

    //! \brief The thread ID associated with this request. Valid for kTypeAttach,
    //!     kTypeGetThreadInfo, and kTypeReadMemory.
    pid_t tid;

    //! \brief Specifies the memory region to read for a kTypeReadMemory request.
    struct {
      //! \brief The base address of the memory region.
      VMAddress base;

      //! \brief The size of the memory region.
      VMSize size;
    } iov;

  //! \brief The response sent for a Request with type kTypeGetThreadInfo.
  struct GetThreadInfoResponse {
    //! \brief Information about the specified thread. Only valid if #success
    //!     is kBoolTrue.
    ThreadInfo info;

    //! \brief Specifies the success or failure of this call.
    Bool success;
#pragma pack(pop)

  //! \brief Constructs this object.
  //! \param[in] sock A socket on which to read requests from a connected
  //!     PtraceClient. Does not take ownership of the socket.
  //! \param[in] is_64_bit Whether this broker should be configured to trace a
  //!     64-bit process.
  PtraceBroker(int sock, bool is_64_bit);


  //! \brief Begin serving requests on the configured socket.
  //! This method returns when a PtraceBrokerRequest with type kTypeExit is
  //! received or an error is encountered on the socket.
  //! This method calls `sbrk`, which may break other memory management tools,
  //! such as `malloc`.
  //! \return 0 if Run() exited due to an exit request. Otherwise an error code.
  int Run();

  int RunImpl();
  int SendMemory(pid_t pid, VMAddress address, VMSize size);
  bool AllocateAttachments();
  void ReleaseAttachments();

  Ptracer ptracer_;
  ScopedPtraceAttach* attachments_;
  size_t attach_count_;
  size_t attach_capacity_;
  int sock_;


}  // namespace crashpad