// Copyright 2018 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "client/crash_report_database.h" #include #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "client/settings.h" #include "util/file/directory_reader.h" #include "util/file/filesystem.h" #include "util/misc/initialization_state_dcheck.h" namespace crashpad { namespace { // Reads from the current file position to EOF and returns as a string of bytes. bool ReadRestOfFileAsString(FileHandle handle, std::string* contents) { char buffer[4096]; FileOperationResult rv; std::string local_contents; while ((rv = ReadFile(handle, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { local_contents.append(buffer, rv); } if (rv < 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "ReadFile"; return false; } contents->swap(local_contents); return true; } base::FilePath ReplaceFinalExtension( const base::FilePath& path, const base::FilePath::StringType extension) { return base::FilePath(path.RemoveFinalExtension().value() + extension); } using OperationStatus = CrashReportDatabase::OperationStatus; constexpr base::FilePath::CharType kSettings[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("settings.dat"); constexpr base::FilePath::CharType kCrashReportExtension[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".dmp"); constexpr base::FilePath::CharType kMetadataExtension[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".meta"); constexpr base::FilePath::CharType kLockExtension[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".lock"); constexpr base::FilePath::CharType kNewDirectory[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("new"); constexpr base::FilePath::CharType kPendingDirectory[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("pending"); constexpr base::FilePath::CharType kCompletedDirectory[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("completed"); constexpr const base::FilePath::CharType* kReportDirectories[] = { kNewDirectory, kPendingDirectory, kCompletedDirectory, }; enum { //! \brief Corresponds to uploaded bit of the report state. kAttributeUploaded = 1 << 0, //! \brief Corresponds to upload_explicity_requested bit of the report state. kAttributeUploadExplicitlyRequested = 1 << 1, }; struct ReportMetadata { static constexpr int32_t kVersion = 1; int32_t version = kVersion; int32_t upload_attempts = 0; int64_t last_upload_attempt_time = 0; time_t creation_time = 0; uint8_t attributes = 0; }; // A lock held while using database resources. class ScopedLockFile { public: ScopedLockFile() = default; ~ScopedLockFile() = default; ScopedLockFile& operator=(ScopedLockFile&& other) { lock_file_.reset(other.lock_file_.release()); return *this; } // Attempt to acquire a lock for the report at report_path. // Return `true` on success, otherwise `false`. bool ResetAcquire(const base::FilePath& report_path) { lock_file_.reset(); base::FilePath lock_path(report_path.RemoveFinalExtension().value() + kLockExtension); ScopedFileHandle lock_fd(LoggingOpenFileForWrite( lock_path, FileWriteMode::kCreateOrFail, FilePermissions::kOwnerOnly)); if (!lock_fd.is_valid()) { return false; } lock_file_.reset(lock_path); time_t timestamp = time(nullptr); if (!LoggingWriteFile(lock_fd.get(), ×tamp, sizeof(timestamp))) { return false; } return true; } // Returns `true` if the lock is held. bool is_valid() const { return lock_file_.is_valid(); } // Returns `true` if the lockfile at lock_path has expired. static bool IsExpired(const base::FilePath& lock_path, time_t lockfile_ttl) { time_t now = time(nullptr); timespec filetime; if (FileModificationTime(lock_path, &filetime) && filetime.tv_sec > now + lockfile_ttl) { return false; } ScopedFileHandle lock_fd(LoggingOpenFileForReadAndWrite( lock_path, FileWriteMode::kReuseOrFail, FilePermissions::kOwnerOnly)); if (!lock_fd.is_valid()) { return false; } time_t timestamp; if (!LoggingReadFileExactly(lock_fd.get(), ×tamp, sizeof(timestamp))) { return false; } return now >= timestamp + lockfile_ttl; } private: ScopedRemoveFile lock_file_; }; } // namespace class CrashReportDatabaseGeneric : public CrashReportDatabase { public: CrashReportDatabaseGeneric(); ~CrashReportDatabaseGeneric() override; bool Initialize(const base::FilePath& path, bool may_create); // CrashReportDatabase: Settings* GetSettings() override; OperationStatus PrepareNewCrashReport( std::unique_ptr* report) override; OperationStatus FinishedWritingCrashReport(std::unique_ptr report, UUID* uuid) override; OperationStatus LookUpCrashReport(const UUID& uuid, Report* report) override; OperationStatus GetPendingReports(std::vector* reports) override; OperationStatus GetCompletedReports(std::vector* reports) override; OperationStatus GetReportForUploading( const UUID& uuid, std::unique_ptr* report) override; OperationStatus SkipReportUpload(const UUID& uuid, Metrics::CrashSkippedReason reason) override; OperationStatus DeleteReport(const UUID& uuid) override; OperationStatus RequestUpload(const UUID& uuid) override; int CleanDatabase(time_t lockfile_ttl) override; private: struct LockfileUploadReport : public UploadReport { ScopedLockFile lock_file; }; enum ReportState : int32_t { kUninitialized = -1, // Being created by a caller of PrepareNewCrashReport(). kNew, // Created by FinishedWritingCrashReport(), but not yet uploaded. kPending, // Upload completed or skipped. kCompleted, // Specifies either kPending or kCompleted. kSearchable, }; // CrashReportDatabase: OperationStatus RecordUploadAttempt(UploadReport* report, bool successful, const std::string& id) override; // Builds a filepath for the report with the specified uuid and state. base::FilePath ReportPath(const UUID& uuid, ReportState state); // Locates the report with id uuid and returns its file path in path and a // lock for the report in lock_file. This method succeeds as long as the // report file exists and the lock can be acquired. No validation is done on // the existence or content of the metadata file. OperationStatus LocateAndLockReport(const UUID& uuid, ReportState state, base::FilePath* path, ScopedLockFile* lock_file); // Locates, locks, and reads the metadata for the report with the specified // uuid and state. This method will fail and may remove reports if invalid // metadata is detected. state may be kPending, kCompleted, or kSearchable. OperationStatus CheckoutReport(const UUID& uuid, ReportState state, base::FilePath* path, ScopedLockFile* lock_file, Report* report); // Reads metadata for all reports in state and returns it in reports. OperationStatus ReportsInState(ReportState state, std::vector* reports); // Cleans lone metadata, reports, or expired locks in a particular state. int CleanReportsInState(ReportState state, time_t lockfile_ttl); // Reads the metadata for a report from path and returns it in report. static bool ReadMetadata(const base::FilePath& path, Report* report); // Wraps ReadMetadata and removes the report from the database on failure. static bool CleaningReadMetadata(const base::FilePath& path, Report* report); // Writes metadata for a new report to the filesystem at path. static bool WriteNewMetadata(const base::FilePath& path); // Writes the metadata for report to the filesystem at path. static bool WriteMetadata(const base::FilePath& path, const Report& report); base::FilePath base_dir_; Settings settings_; InitializationStateDcheck initialized_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CrashReportDatabaseGeneric); }; CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::CrashReportDatabaseGeneric() = default; CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::~CrashReportDatabaseGeneric() = default; bool CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::Initialize(const base::FilePath& path, bool may_create) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_SET_INITIALIZING(initialized_); base_dir_ = path; if (!IsDirectory(base_dir_, true) && !(may_create && LoggingCreateDirectory(base_dir_, FilePermissions::kOwnerOnly, true))) { return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kReportDirectories); ++i) { if (!LoggingCreateDirectory(base_dir_.Append(kReportDirectories[i]), FilePermissions::kOwnerOnly, true)) { return false; } } if (!settings_.Initialize(base_dir_.Append(kSettings))) { return false; } INITIALIZATION_STATE_SET_VALID(initialized_); return true; } // static std::unique_ptr CrashReportDatabase::Initialize( const base::FilePath& path) { auto database = std::make_unique(); return database->Initialize(path, true) ? std::move(database) : nullptr; } // static std::unique_ptr CrashReportDatabase::InitializeWithoutCreating(const base::FilePath& path) { auto database = std::make_unique(); return database->Initialize(path, false) ? std::move(database) : nullptr; } Settings* CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::GetSettings() { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); return &settings_; } OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::PrepareNewCrashReport( std::unique_ptr* report) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); auto new_report = std::make_unique(); if (!new_report->Initialize(base_dir_.Append(kNewDirectory), kCrashReportExtension)) { return kFileSystemError; } report->reset(new_report.release()); return kNoError; } OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::FinishedWritingCrashReport( std::unique_ptr report, UUID* uuid) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); base::FilePath path = ReportPath(report->ReportID(), kPending); ScopedLockFile lock_file; if (!lock_file.ResetAcquire(path)) { return kBusyError; } if (!WriteNewMetadata(ReplaceFinalExtension(path, kMetadataExtension))) { return kDatabaseError; } FileOffset size = report->Writer()->Seek(0, SEEK_END); report->Writer()->Close(); if (!MoveFileOrDirectory(report->file_remover_.get(), path)) { return kFileSystemError; } // We've moved the report to pending, so it no longer needs to be removed. ignore_result(report->file_remover_.release()); *uuid = report->ReportID(); Metrics::CrashReportPending(Metrics::PendingReportReason::kNewlyCreated); Metrics::CrashReportSize(size); return kNoError; } OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::LookUpCrashReport(const UUID& uuid, Report* report) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); ScopedLockFile lock_file; base::FilePath path; return CheckoutReport(uuid, kSearchable, &path, &lock_file, report); } OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::GetPendingReports( std::vector* reports) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); return ReportsInState(kPending, reports); } OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::GetCompletedReports( std::vector* reports) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); return ReportsInState(kCompleted, reports); } OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::GetReportForUploading( const UUID& uuid, std::unique_ptr* report) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); auto upload_report = std::make_unique(); base::FilePath path; OperationStatus os = CheckoutReport( uuid, kPending, &path, &upload_report->lock_file, upload_report.get()); if (os != kNoError) { return os; } if (!upload_report->Initialize(path, this)) { return kFileSystemError; } report->reset(upload_report.release()); return kNoError; } OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::SkipReportUpload( const UUID& uuid, Metrics::CrashSkippedReason reason) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); Metrics::CrashUploadSkipped(reason); base::FilePath path; ScopedLockFile lock_file; Report report; OperationStatus os = CheckoutReport(uuid, kPending, &path, &lock_file, &report); if (os != kNoError) { return os; } base::FilePath completed_path(ReportPath(uuid, kCompleted)); ScopedLockFile completed_lock_file; if (!completed_lock_file.ResetAcquire(completed_path)) { return kBusyError; } report.upload_explicitly_requested = false; if (!WriteMetadata(completed_path, report)) { return kDatabaseError; } if (!MoveFileOrDirectory(path, completed_path)) { return kFileSystemError; } if (!LoggingRemoveFile(ReplaceFinalExtension(path, kMetadataExtension))) { return kDatabaseError; } return kNoError; } OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::DeleteReport(const UUID& uuid) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); base::FilePath path; ScopedLockFile lock_file; OperationStatus os = LocateAndLockReport(uuid, kSearchable, &path, &lock_file); if (os != kNoError) { return os; } if (!LoggingRemoveFile(path)) { return kFileSystemError; } if (!LoggingRemoveFile(ReplaceFinalExtension(path, kMetadataExtension))) { return kDatabaseError; } return kNoError; } OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::RequestUpload(const UUID& uuid) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); base::FilePath path; ScopedLockFile lock_file; Report report; OperationStatus os = CheckoutReport(uuid, kSearchable, &path, &lock_file, &report); if (os != kNoError) { return os; } if (report.uploaded) { return kCannotRequestUpload; } report.upload_explicitly_requested = true; base::FilePath pending_path = ReportPath(uuid, kPending); if (!MoveFileOrDirectory(path, pending_path)) { return kFileSystemError; } if (!WriteMetadata(pending_path, report)) { return kDatabaseError; } if (pending_path != path) { if (!LoggingRemoveFile(ReplaceFinalExtension(path, kMetadataExtension))) { return kDatabaseError; } } Metrics::CrashReportPending(Metrics::PendingReportReason::kUserInitiated); return kNoError; } int CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::CleanDatabase(time_t lockfile_ttl) { int removed = 0; time_t now = time(nullptr); DirectoryReader reader; const base::FilePath new_dir(base_dir_.Append(kNewDirectory)); if (reader.Open(new_dir)) { base::FilePath filename; DirectoryReader::Result result; while ((result = reader.NextFile(&filename)) == DirectoryReader::Result::kSuccess) { const base::FilePath filepath(new_dir.Append(filename)); timespec filetime; if (!FileModificationTime(filepath, &filetime)) { continue; } if (filetime.tv_sec <= now - lockfile_ttl) { if (LoggingRemoveFile(filepath)) { ++removed; } } } } removed += CleanReportsInState(kPending, lockfile_ttl); removed += CleanReportsInState(kCompleted, lockfile_ttl); return removed; } OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::RecordUploadAttempt( UploadReport* report, bool successful, const std::string& id) { INITIALIZATION_STATE_DCHECK_VALID(initialized_); Metrics::CrashUploadAttempted(successful); time_t now = time(nullptr); report->id = id; report->uploaded = successful; report->last_upload_attempt_time = now; ++report->upload_attempts; base::FilePath report_path(report->file_path); ScopedLockFile lock_file; if (successful) { report->upload_explicitly_requested = false; base::FilePath completed_report_path = ReportPath(report->uuid, kCompleted); if (!lock_file.ResetAcquire(completed_report_path)) { return kBusyError; } report->Reader()->Close(); if (!MoveFileOrDirectory(report_path, completed_report_path)) { return kFileSystemError; } LoggingRemoveFile(ReplaceFinalExtension(report_path, kMetadataExtension)); report_path = completed_report_path; } if (!WriteMetadata(report_path, *report)) { return kDatabaseError; } if (!settings_.SetLastUploadAttemptTime(now)) { return kDatabaseError; } return kNoError; } base::FilePath CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::ReportPath(const UUID& uuid, ReportState state) { DCHECK_NE(state, kUninitialized); DCHECK_NE(state, kSearchable); #if defined(OS_WIN) const std::wstring uuid_string = uuid.ToString16(); #else const std::string uuid_string = uuid.ToString(); #endif return base_dir_.Append(kReportDirectories[state]) .Append(uuid_string + kCrashReportExtension); } OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::LocateAndLockReport( const UUID& uuid, ReportState desired_state, base::FilePath* path, ScopedLockFile* lock_file) { std::vector searchable_states; if (desired_state == kSearchable) { searchable_states.push_back(kPending); searchable_states.push_back(kCompleted); } else { DCHECK(desired_state == kPending || desired_state == kCompleted); searchable_states.push_back(desired_state); } for (const ReportState state : searchable_states) { base::FilePath local_path(ReportPath(uuid, state)); ScopedLockFile local_lock; if (!local_lock.ResetAcquire(local_path)) { return kBusyError; } if (!IsRegularFile(local_path)) { continue; } *path = local_path; *lock_file = std::move(local_lock); return kNoError; } return kReportNotFound; } OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::CheckoutReport( const UUID& uuid, ReportState state, base::FilePath* path, ScopedLockFile* lock_file, Report* report) { ScopedLockFile local_lock; base::FilePath local_path; OperationStatus os = LocateAndLockReport(uuid, state, &local_path, &local_lock); if (os != kNoError) { return os; } if (!CleaningReadMetadata(local_path, report)) { return kDatabaseError; } *path = local_path; *lock_file = std::move(local_lock); return kNoError; } OperationStatus CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::ReportsInState( ReportState state, std::vector* reports) { DCHECK(reports->empty()); DCHECK_NE(state, kUninitialized); DCHECK_NE(state, kSearchable); DCHECK_NE(state, kNew); const base::FilePath dir_path(base_dir_.Append(kReportDirectories[state])); DirectoryReader reader; if (!reader.Open(dir_path)) { return kDatabaseError; } base::FilePath filename; DirectoryReader::Result result; while ((result = reader.NextFile(&filename)) == DirectoryReader::Result::kSuccess) { const base::FilePath::StringType extension(filename.FinalExtension()); if (extension.compare(kCrashReportExtension) != 0) { continue; } const base::FilePath filepath(dir_path.Append(filename)); ScopedLockFile lock_file; if (!lock_file.ResetAcquire(filepath)) { continue; } Report report; if (!CleaningReadMetadata(filepath, &report)) { continue; } reports->push_back(report); reports->back().file_path = filepath; } return kNoError; } int CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::CleanReportsInState(ReportState state, time_t lockfile_ttl) { const base::FilePath dir_path(base_dir_.Append(kReportDirectories[state])); DirectoryReader reader; if (!reader.Open(dir_path)) { return 0; } int removed = 0; base::FilePath filename; DirectoryReader::Result result; while ((result = reader.NextFile(&filename)) == DirectoryReader::Result::kSuccess) { const base::FilePath::StringType extension(filename.FinalExtension()); const base::FilePath filepath(dir_path.Append(filename)); // Remove any report files without metadata. if (extension.compare(kCrashReportExtension) == 0) { const base::FilePath metadata_path( ReplaceFinalExtension(filepath, kMetadataExtension)); ScopedLockFile report_lock; if (report_lock.ResetAcquire(filepath) && !IsRegularFile(metadata_path) && LoggingRemoveFile(filepath)) { ++removed; } continue; } // Remove any metadata files without report files. if (extension.compare(kMetadataExtension) == 0) { const base::FilePath report_path( ReplaceFinalExtension(filepath, kCrashReportExtension)); ScopedLockFile report_lock; if (report_lock.ResetAcquire(report_path) && !IsRegularFile(report_path) && LoggingRemoveFile(filepath)) { ++removed; } continue; } // Remove any expired locks only if we can remove the report and metadata. if (extension.compare(kLockExtension) == 0 && ScopedLockFile::IsExpired(filepath, lockfile_ttl)) { const base::FilePath no_ext(filepath.RemoveFinalExtension()); const base::FilePath report_path(no_ext.value() + kCrashReportExtension); const base::FilePath metadata_path(no_ext.value() + kMetadataExtension); if ((IsRegularFile(report_path) && !LoggingRemoveFile(report_path)) || (IsRegularFile(metadata_path) && !LoggingRemoveFile(metadata_path))) { continue; } if (LoggingRemoveFile(filepath)) { ++removed; } continue; } } return removed; } // static bool CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::ReadMetadata(const base::FilePath& path, Report* report) { const base::FilePath metadata_path( ReplaceFinalExtension(path, kMetadataExtension)); ScopedFileHandle handle(LoggingOpenFileForRead(metadata_path)); if (!handle.is_valid()) { return false; } if (!report->uuid.InitializeFromString( path.BaseName().RemoveFinalExtension().value())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't interpret report uuid"; return false; } ReportMetadata metadata; if (!LoggingReadFileExactly(handle.get(), &metadata, sizeof(metadata))) { return false; } if (metadata.version != ReportMetadata::kVersion) { LOG(ERROR) << "metadata version mismatch"; return false; } if (!ReadRestOfFileAsString(handle.get(), &report->id)) { return false; } report->upload_attempts = metadata.upload_attempts; report->last_upload_attempt_time = metadata.last_upload_attempt_time; report->creation_time = metadata.creation_time; report->uploaded = (metadata.attributes & kAttributeUploaded) != 0; report->upload_explicitly_requested = (metadata.attributes & kAttributeUploadExplicitlyRequested) != 0; report->file_path = path; return true; } // static bool CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::CleaningReadMetadata( const base::FilePath& path, Report* report) { if (ReadMetadata(path, report)) { return true; } LoggingRemoveFile(path); LoggingRemoveFile(ReplaceFinalExtension(path, kMetadataExtension)); return false; } // static bool CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::WriteNewMetadata(const base::FilePath& path) { const base::FilePath metadata_path( ReplaceFinalExtension(path, kMetadataExtension)); ScopedFileHandle handle(LoggingOpenFileForWrite(metadata_path, FileWriteMode::kCreateOrFail, FilePermissions::kOwnerOnly)); if (!handle.is_valid()) { return false; } ReportMetadata metadata; metadata.creation_time = time(nullptr); return LoggingWriteFile(handle.get(), &metadata, sizeof(metadata)); } // static bool CrashReportDatabaseGeneric::WriteMetadata(const base::FilePath& path, const Report& report) { const base::FilePath metadata_path( ReplaceFinalExtension(path, kMetadataExtension)); ScopedFileHandle handle( LoggingOpenFileForWrite(metadata_path, FileWriteMode::kTruncateOrCreate, FilePermissions::kOwnerOnly)); if (!handle.is_valid()) { return false; } ReportMetadata metadata; metadata.creation_time = report.creation_time; metadata.last_upload_attempt_time = report.last_upload_attempt_time; metadata.upload_attempts = report.upload_attempts; metadata.attributes = (report.uploaded ? kAttributeUploaded : 0) | (report.upload_explicitly_requested ? kAttributeUploadExplicitlyRequested : 0); return LoggingWriteFile(handle.get(), &metadata, sizeof(metadata)) && LoggingWriteFile(handle.get(), report.id.c_str(), report.id.size()); } } // namespace crashpad