# Copyright 2014 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. vars = { 'chromium_git': 'https://chromium.googlesource.com', 'pull_linux_clang': False } deps = { 'buildtools': Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/buildtools.git@' + '6fe4a3251488f7af86d64fc25cf442e817cf6133', 'crashpad/third_party/gtest/gtest': Var('chromium_git') + '/external/github.com/google/googletest@' + 'd175c8bf823e709d570772b038757fadf63bc632', 'crashpad/third_party/gyp/gyp': Var('chromium_git') + '/external/gyp@' + '5e2b3ddde7cda5eb6bc09a5546a76b00e49d888f', 'crashpad/third_party/mini_chromium/mini_chromium': Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/mini_chromium@' + '987bde826c04158c11190f3764db6b9f5ce870bb', 'crashpad/third_party/zlib/zlib': Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/src/third_party/zlib@' + '13dc246a58e4b72104d35f9b1809af95221ebda7', } hooks = [ { 'name': 'clang_format_mac', 'pattern': '.', 'condition': 'host_os == "mac"', 'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage', '--no_resume', '--no_auth', '--bucket=chromium-clang-format', '--sha1_file', 'buildtools/mac/clang-format.sha1', ], }, { 'name': 'clang_format_linux', 'pattern': '.', 'condition': 'host_os == "linux"', 'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage', '--no_resume', '--no_auth', '--bucket=chromium-clang-format', '--sha1_file', 'buildtools/linux64/clang-format.sha1', ], }, { 'name': 'clang_format_win', 'pattern': '.', 'condition': 'host_os == "win"', 'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage', '--no_resume', '--no_auth', '--bucket=chromium-clang-format', '--sha1_file', 'buildtools/win/clang-format.exe.sha1', ], }, { 'name': 'gn_mac', 'pattern': '.', 'condition': 'host_os == "mac"', 'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage', '--no_resume', '--no_auth', '--bucket=chromium-gn', '--sha1_file', 'buildtools/mac/gn.sha1', ], }, { 'name': 'gn_linux', 'pattern': '.', 'condition': 'host_os == "linux"', 'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage', '--no_resume', '--no_auth', '--bucket=chromium-gn', '--sha1_file', 'buildtools/linux64/gn.sha1', ], }, { 'name': 'gn_win', 'pattern': '.', 'condition': 'host_os == "win"', 'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage', '--no_resume', '--no_auth', '--bucket=chromium-gn', '--sha1_file', 'buildtools/win/gn.exe.sha1', ], }, { # This uses “cipd install” so that mac-amd64 and linux-amd64 can coexist # peacefully. “cipd ensure” would remove the macOS package when running on a # Linux build host and vice-versa. https://crbug.com/789364. This package is # only updated when the solution in .gclient includes an entry like: # "custom_vars": { "pull_linux_clang": True } 'name': 'clang_linux', 'pattern': '.', 'condition': 'checkout_linux and pull_linux_clang', 'action': [ 'cipd', 'install', # sic, using Fuchsia team's generic build of clang for linux-amd64 to # build for linux-amd64 target too. 'fuchsia/clang/linux-amd64', 'latest', '-root', 'crashpad/third_party/linux/clang/linux-amd64', '-log-level', 'info', ], }, { # If using a local clang ("pull_linux_clang" above), also pull down a # sysroot. 'name': 'clang_linux', 'pattern': '.', 'condition': 'checkout_linux and pull_linux_clang', 'action': [ 'crashpad/build/install_linux_sysroot.py', ], }, { # Same rationale for using "install" rather than "ensure" as for first clang # package. https://crbug.com/789364. 'name': 'fuchsia_clang_mac', 'pattern': '.', 'condition': 'checkout_fuchsia and host_os == "mac"', 'action': [ 'cipd', 'install', 'fuchsia/clang/mac-amd64', 'latest', '-root', 'crashpad/third_party/fuchsia/clang/mac-amd64', '-log-level', 'info', ], }, { # Same rationale for using "install" rather than "ensure" as for first clang # package. https://crbug.com/789364. 'name': 'fuchsia_clang_linux', 'pattern': '.', 'condition': 'checkout_fuchsia and host_os == "linux"', 'action': [ 'cipd', 'install', 'fuchsia/clang/linux-amd64', 'latest', '-root', 'crashpad/third_party/fuchsia/clang/linux-amd64', '-log-level', 'info', ], }, { # Same rationale for using "install" rather than "ensure" as for clang # packages. https://crbug.com/789364. 'name': 'fuchsia_qemu_mac', 'pattern': '.', 'condition': 'checkout_fuchsia and host_os == "mac"', 'action': [ 'cipd', 'install', 'fuchsia/qemu/mac-amd64', 'latest', '-root', 'crashpad/third_party/fuchsia/qemu/mac-amd64', '-log-level', 'info', ], }, { # Same rationale for using "install" rather than "ensure" as for clang # packages. https://crbug.com/789364. 'name': 'fuchsia_qemu_linux', 'pattern': '.', 'condition': 'checkout_fuchsia and host_os == "linux"', 'action': [ 'cipd', 'install', 'fuchsia/qemu/linux-amd64', 'latest', '-root', 'crashpad/third_party/fuchsia/qemu/linux-amd64', '-log-level', 'info', ], }, { # The SDK is keyed to the host system because it contains build tools. # Currently, linux-amd64 is the only SDK published (see # https://chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com/#/?path=fuchsia/sdk). As long as # this is the case, use that SDK package even on other build hosts. The # sysroot (containing headers and libraries) and other components are # related to the target and should be functional with an appropriate # toolchain that runs on the build host (fuchsia_clang, above). 'name': 'fuchsia_sdk', 'pattern': '.', 'condition': 'checkout_fuchsia', 'action': [ 'cipd', 'install', 'fuchsia/sdk/linux-amd64', 'latest', '-root', 'crashpad/third_party/fuchsia/sdk/linux-amd64', '-log-level', 'info', ], }, { 'name': 'gyp', 'pattern': '\.gypi?$', 'action': ['python', 'crashpad/build/gyp_crashpad.py'], }, ] recursedeps = [ 'buildtools', ]