crashpad_handler [OPTION…]
This program is Crashpad’s main exception-handling server. It is responsible for catching exceptions, writing crash reports, and uploading them to a crash report collection server. Uploads are disabled by default, and can only be enabled by a Crashpad client using the Crashpad client library, typically in response to a user requesting this behavior.
On OS X, this server may be started by its initial client, in which case it performs a handshake with this client via a pipe established by the client that is inherited by the server, referenced by the --handshake-fd argument. During the handshake, the server furnishes the client with a send right that the client may use as an exception port. The server retains the corresponding receive right, which it monitors for exception messages. When the receive right loses all senders, the server exits after allowing any upload in progress to complete.
Alternatively, on OS X, this server may be started from launchd(8), where it receives the Mach service name in a --mach-service argument. It checks in with the bootstrap server under this service name, and clients may look it up with the bootstrap server under this service name. It monitors this service for exception messages. Upon receipt of SIGTERM, the server exits after allowing any upload in progress to complete. SIGTERM is normally sent by launchd(8) when it determines that the server should exit.
On Windows, clients register with this server by communicating with it via the named pipe identified by the --pipe-name argument. Alternatively, the server can create a new pipe with a random name and inform a client of this name via the --handshake-handle mechanism; clients may then register by communicating with it via that named pipe. During registration, a client provides the server with an OS event object that it will signal should it crash. The server obtains the client’s process handle and waits on the crash event object for a crash, as well as the client’s process handle for the client to exit cleanly without crashing. When a server started via the --handshake-handle mechanism loses all of its clients, it exits after allowing any upload in progress to complete.
It is not normally appropriate to invoke this program directly. Usually, it will be invoked by a Crashpad client using the Crashpad client library, or started by another system service. On OS X, arbitrary programs may be run with a Crashpad handler by using run_with_crashpad(1) to establish the Crashpad client environment before running a program.
- --annotation=KEY=VALUE
Sets a process-level annotation mapping KEY to VALUE in each crash report that is written. This option may appear zero, one, or multiple times.
Most annotations should be provided by the Crashpad client as module-level annotations instead of process-level annotations. Module-level annotations are more flexible in that they can be modified and cleared during the client program’s lifetime. Module-level annotations can be set via the Crashpad client library. Process-level annotations are useful for annotations that the collection server requires be present, that have fixed values, and for cases where a program that does not use the Crashpad client library is being monitored.
Breakpad-type collection servers only require the "prod" and "ver" annotations, which should be set to the product name or identifier and product version, respectively. It is unusual to specify other annotations as process-level annotations via this argument.
- --database=PATH
Use PATH as the path to the Crashpad crash report database. This option is required. Crash reports are written to this database, and if uploads are enabled, uploaded from this database to a crash report collection server. If the database does not exist, it will be created, provided that the parent directory of PATH exists.
- --handshake-fd=FD
Perform the handshake with the initial client on the file descriptor at FD. Either this option or --mach-service, but not both, is required. This option is only valid on OS X.
- --mach-service=SERVICE
Check in with the bootstrap server under the name SERVICE. Either this option or --handshake-fd, but not both, is required. This option is only valid on OS X.
SERVICE may already be reserved with the bootstrap server in cases where this tool is started by launchd(8) as a result of a message being sent to a service declared in a job’s MachServices dictionary (see launchd.plist(5)). The service name may also be completely unknown to the system.
- --handshake-handle=HANDLE
Perform the handshake with the initial client on the HANDLE at HANDLE. Either this option or --pipe-name, but not both, is required. This option is only valid on Windows.
When this option is present, the server creates a new named pipe at a random name and informs its client of the name. The server waits for at least one client to register, and exits when all clients have exited, after waiting for any uploads in progress to complete.
- --pipe-name=PIPE
Listen on the given pipe name for connections from clients. PIPE must be of the form \\.\pipe\<somename>. Either this option or --handshake-handle, but not both, is required. This option is only valid on Windows.
When this option is present, the server creates a named pipe at PIPE, a name known to both the server and its clients. The server continues running even after all clients have exited.
- --reset-own-crash-exception-port-to-system-default
Causes the exception handler server to set its own crash handler to the system default before beginning operation. This is only expected to be useful in cases where the server inherits an inappropriate crash handler from its parent process. This option is only valid on OS X. Use of this option is discouraged. It should not be used absent extraordinary circumstances.
- --url=URL
If uploads are enabled, sends crash reports to the Breakpad-type crash report collection server at URL. Uploads are disabled by default, and can only be enabled for a database by a Crashpad client using the Crashpad client library, typically in response to a user requesting this behavior. If this option is not specified, this program will behave as if uploads are disabled.
- --help
Display help and exit.
- --version
Output version information and exit.
Exit Status
- 0
- 1
Failure, with a message printed to the standard error stream.
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Copyright 2014 The Crashpad Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.