// Copyright 2014 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#include <stdint.h>

#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "snapshot/cpu_context.h"
#include "util/numeric/int128.h"

namespace crashpad {

//! \brief Architecture-independent flags for `context_flags` fields in Minidump
//!    context structures.
// http://zachsaw.blogspot.com/2010/11/wow64-bug-getthreadcontext-may-return.html#c5639760895973344002
enum MinidumpContextFlags : uint32_t {
  //! \brief The thread was executing a trap handler in kernel mode
  //! If this bit is set, it indicates that the context is from a thread that
  //! was executing a trap handler in the kernel. This bit is only valid when
  //! ::kMinidumpContextExceptionReporting is also set. This bit is only used on
  //! Windows.
  kMinidumpContextExceptionActive = 0x08000000,

  //! \brief The thread was executing a system call in kernel mode
  //! If this bit is set, it indicates that the context is from a thread that
  //! was executing a system call in the kernel. This bit is only valid when
  //! ::kMinidumpContextExceptionReporting is also set. This bit is only used on
  //! Windows.
  kMinidumpContextServiceActive = 0x10000000,

  //! \brief Kernel-mode state reporting is desired
  //! This bit is not used in context structures containing snapshots of thread
  //! CPU context. It used when calling `GetThreadContext()` on Windows to
  //! specify that kernel-mode state reporting
  //! (::kMinidumpContextExceptionReporting) is desired in the returned context
  //! structure.
  kMinidumpContextExceptionRequest = 0x40000000,

  //! \brief Kernel-mode state reporting is provided
  //! If this bit is set, it indicates that the bits indicating how the thread
  //! had entered kernel mode (::kMinidumpContextExceptionActive and
  //! and ::kMinidumpContextServiceActive) are valid. This bit is only used on
  //! Windows.
  kMinidumpContextExceptionReporting = 0x80000000,

//! \brief 32-bit x86-specifc flags for MinidumpContextX86::context_flags.
enum MinidumpContextX86Flags : uint32_t {
  //! \brief Identifies the context structure as 32-bit x86. This is the same as
  //!     `CONTEXT_i386` and `CONTEXT_i486` on Windows for this architecture.
  kMinidumpContextX86 = 0x00010000,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of control registers (`CONTEXT_CONTROL`).
  //! The `ebp`, `eip`, `cs`, `eflags`, `esp`, and `ss` fields are valid.
  kMinidumpContextX86Control = kMinidumpContextX86 | 0x00000001,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of non-control integer registers
  //!     (`CONTEXT_INTEGER`).
  //! The `edi`, `esi`, `ebx`, `edx`, `ecx, and `eax` fields are valid.
  kMinidumpContextX86Integer = kMinidumpContextX86 | 0x00000002,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of non-control segment registers
  //!     (`CONTEXT_SEGMENTS`).
  //! The `gs`, `fs`, `es`, and `ds` fields are valid.
  kMinidumpContextX86Segment = kMinidumpContextX86 | 0x00000004,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of floating-point state
  //! The `float_save` field is valid.
  kMinidumpContextX86FloatingPoint = kMinidumpContextX86 | 0x00000008,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of debug registers
  //! The `dr0` through `dr3`, `dr6`, and `dr7` fields are valid.
  kMinidumpContextX86Debug = kMinidumpContextX86 | 0x00000010,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of extended registers in `fxsave` format
  //! The `extended_registers` field is valid and contains `fxsave` data.
  kMinidumpContextX86Extended = kMinidumpContextX86 | 0x00000020,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of `xsave` data (`CONTEXT_XSTATE`).
  //! The context contains `xsave` data. This is used with an extended context
  //! structure not currently defined here.
  kMinidumpContextX86Xstate = kMinidumpContextX86 | 0x00000040,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of control, integer, and segment registers.
  //!     (`CONTEXT_FULL`).
  kMinidumpContextX86Full = kMinidumpContextX86Control |
                            kMinidumpContextX86Integer |

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of all registers except `xsave` data.
  //!     (`CONTEXT_ALL`).
  kMinidumpContextX86All = kMinidumpContextX86Full |
                           kMinidumpContextX86FloatingPoint |
                           kMinidumpContextX86Debug |

//! \brief A 32-bit x86 CPU context (register state) carried in a minidump file.
//! This is analogous to the `CONTEXT` structure on Windows when targeting
//! 32-bit x86. This structure is used instead of `CONTEXT` to make it available
//! when targeting other architectures.
//! \note This structure doesn’t carry `dr4` or `dr5`, which are obsolete and
//!     normally alias `dr6` and `dr7`, respectively. See Intel Software
//!     Developer’s Manual, Volume 3B: System Programming, Part 2 (253669-052),
//!     17.2.2 “Debug Registers DR4 and DR5”.
struct MinidumpContextX86 {
  //! \brief A bitfield composed of values of #MinidumpContextFlags and
  //!     #MinidumpContextX86Flags.
  //! This field identifies the context structure as a 32-bit x86 CPU context,
  //! and indicates which other fields in the structure are valid.
  uint32_t context_flags;

  uint32_t dr0;
  uint32_t dr1;
  uint32_t dr2;
  uint32_t dr3;
  uint32_t dr6;
  uint32_t dr7;

  struct {
    uint32_t control_word;
    uint32_t status_word;
    uint32_t tag_word;
    uint32_t error_offset;
    uint32_t error_selector;
    uint32_t data_offset;
    uint32_t data_selector;
    uint8_t register_area[80];
    uint32_t spare_0;
  } float_save;

  uint32_t gs;
  uint32_t fs;
  uint32_t es;
  uint32_t ds;

  uint32_t edi;
  uint32_t esi;
  uint32_t ebx;
  uint32_t edx;
  uint32_t ecx;
  uint32_t eax;

  uint32_t ebp;
  uint32_t eip;
  uint32_t cs;
  uint32_t eflags;
  uint32_t esp;
  uint32_t ss;

  // CPUContextX86::Fxsave has identical layout to what the x86 CONTEXT
  // structure places here.
  CPUContextX86::Fxsave fxsave;

//! \brief x86_64-specific flags for MinidumpContextAMD64::context_flags.
enum MinidumpContextAMD64Flags : uint32_t {
  //! \brief Identifies the context structure as x86_64. This is the same as
  //!     `CONTEXT_AMD64` on Windows for this architecture.
  kMinidumpContextAMD64 = 0x00100000,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of control registers (`CONTEXT_CONTROL`).
  //! The `cs`, `ss`, `eflags`, `rsp`, and `rip` fields are valid.
  kMinidumpContextAMD64Control = kMinidumpContextAMD64 | 0x00000001,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of non-control integer registers
  //!     (`CONTEXT_INTEGER`).
  //! The `rax`, `rcx`, `rdx`, `rbx`, `rbp`, `rsi`, `rdi`, and `r8` through
  //! `r15` fields are valid.
  kMinidumpContextAMD64Integer = kMinidumpContextAMD64 | 0x00000002,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of non-control segment registers
  //!     (`CONTEXT_SEGMENTS`).
  //! The `ds`, `es`, `fs`, and `gs` fields are valid.
  kMinidumpContextAMD64Segment = kMinidumpContextAMD64 | 0x00000004,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of floating-point state
  //! The `xmm0` through `xmm15` fields are valid.
  kMinidumpContextAMD64FloatingPoint = kMinidumpContextAMD64 | 0x00000008,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of debug registers
  //! The `dr0` through `dr3`, `dr6`, and `dr7` fields are valid.
  kMinidumpContextAMD64Debug = kMinidumpContextAMD64 | 0x00000010,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of `xsave` data (`CONTEXT_XSTATE`).
  //! The context contains `xsave` data. This is used with an extended context
  //! structure not currently defined here.
  kMinidumpContextAMD64Xstate = kMinidumpContextAMD64 | 0x00000040,

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of control, integer, and floating-point
  //!     registers (`CONTEXT_FULL`).
  kMinidumpContextAMD64Full = kMinidumpContextAMD64Control |
                              kMinidumpContextAMD64Integer |

  //! \brief Indicates the validity of all registers except `xsave` data
  //!     (`CONTEXT_ALL`).
  kMinidumpContextAMD64All = kMinidumpContextAMD64Full |
                             kMinidumpContextAMD64Segment |

//! \brief An x86_64 (AMD64) CPU context (register state) carried in a minidump
//!     file.
//! This is analogous to the `CONTEXT` structure on Windows when targeting
//! x86_64. This structure is used instead of `CONTEXT` to make it available
//! when targeting other architectures.
//! \note This structure doesn’t carry `dr4` or `dr5`, which are obsolete and
//!     normally alias `dr6` and `dr7`, respectively. See Intel Software
//!     Developer’s Manual, Volume 3B: System Programming, Part 2 (253669-052),
//!     17.2.2 “Debug Registers DR4 and DR5”.
struct ALIGNAS(16) MinidumpContextAMD64 {
  //! \brief Register parameter home address.
  //! On Windows, this field may contain the “home” address (on-stack, in the
  //! shadow area) of a parameter passed by register. This field is present for
  //! convenience but is not necessarily populated, even if a corresponding
  //! parameter was passed by register.
  //! \{
  uint64_t p1_home;
  uint64_t p2_home;
  uint64_t p3_home;
  uint64_t p4_home;
  uint64_t p5_home;
  uint64_t p6_home;
  //! \}

  //! \brief A bitfield composed of values of #MinidumpContextFlags and
  //!     #MinidumpContextAMD64Flags.
  //! This field identifies the context structure as an x86_64 CPU context, and
  //! indicates which other fields in the structure are valid.
  uint32_t context_flags;

  uint32_t mx_csr;

  uint16_t cs;
  uint16_t ds;
  uint16_t es;
  uint16_t fs;
  uint16_t gs;
  uint16_t ss;

  uint32_t eflags;

  uint64_t dr0;
  uint64_t dr1;
  uint64_t dr2;
  uint64_t dr3;
  uint64_t dr6;
  uint64_t dr7;

  uint64_t rax;
  uint64_t rcx;
  uint64_t rdx;
  uint64_t rbx;
  uint64_t rsp;
  uint64_t rbp;
  uint64_t rsi;
  uint64_t rdi;
  uint64_t r8;
  uint64_t r9;
  uint64_t r10;
  uint64_t r11;
  uint64_t r12;
  uint64_t r13;
  uint64_t r14;
  uint64_t r15;

  uint64_t rip;

  // CPUContextX86_64::Fxsave has identical layout to what the x86_64 CONTEXT
  // structure places here.
  CPUContextX86_64::Fxsave fxsave;

  uint128_struct vector_register[26];
  uint64_t vector_control;

  //! \brief Model-specific debug extension register.
  //! See Intel Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 3B: System Programming, Part
  //! 2 (253669-051), 17.4 “Last Branch, Interrupt, and Exception Recording
  //! Overview”, and AMD Architecture Programmer’s Manual, Volume 2:
  //! System Programming (24593-3.24), 13.1.6 “Control-Transfer Breakpoint
  //! Features”.
  //! \{
  uint64_t debug_control;
  uint64_t last_branch_to_rip;
  uint64_t last_branch_from_rip;
  uint64_t last_exception_to_rip;
  uint64_t last_exception_from_rip;
  //! \}

}  // namespace crashpad