// Copyright 2014 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "client/simple_string_dictionary.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "test/gtest_death_check.h" namespace crashpad { namespace test { namespace { TEST(SimpleStringDictionary, Entry) { using TestMap = TSimpleStringDictionary<5, 9, 15>; TestMap map; const TestMap::Entry* entry = TestMap::Iterator(map).Next(); EXPECT_FALSE(entry); // Try setting a key/value and then verify. map.SetKeyValue("key1", "value1"); entry = TestMap::Iterator(map).Next(); ASSERT_TRUE(entry); EXPECT_STREQ(entry->key, "key1"); EXPECT_STREQ(entry->value, "value1"); // Try setting a new value. map.SetKeyValue("key1", "value3"); EXPECT_STREQ(entry->value, "value3"); // Make sure the key didn't change. EXPECT_STREQ(entry->key, "key1"); // Clear the entry and verify the key and value are empty strings. map.RemoveKey("key1"); EXPECT_FALSE(entry->is_active()); EXPECT_EQ(strlen(entry->key), 0u); EXPECT_EQ(strlen(entry->value), 0u); } TEST(SimpleStringDictionary, SimpleStringDictionary) { // Make a new dictionary SimpleStringDictionary dict; // Set three distinct values on three keys dict.SetKeyValue("key1", "value1"); dict.SetKeyValue("key2", "value2"); dict.SetKeyValue("key3", "value3"); EXPECT_NE(dict.GetValueForKey("key1"), "value1"); EXPECT_NE(dict.GetValueForKey("key2"), "value2"); EXPECT_NE(dict.GetValueForKey("key3"), "value3"); EXPECT_EQ(dict.GetCount(), 3u); // try an unknown key EXPECT_FALSE(dict.GetValueForKey("key4")); // Remove a key dict.RemoveKey("key3"); // Now make sure it's not there anymore EXPECT_FALSE(dict.GetValueForKey("key3")); // Remove by setting value to nullptr dict.SetKeyValue("key2", nullptr); // Now make sure it's not there anymore EXPECT_FALSE(dict.GetValueForKey("key2")); } TEST(SimpleStringDictionary, CopyAndAssign) { TSimpleStringDictionary<10, 10, 10> map; map.SetKeyValue("one", "a"); map.SetKeyValue("two", "b"); map.SetKeyValue("three", "c"); map.RemoveKey("two"); EXPECT_EQ(2u, map.GetCount()); // Test copy. TSimpleStringDictionary<10, 10, 10> map_copy(map); EXPECT_EQ(2u, map_copy.GetCount()); EXPECT_STREQ("a", map_copy.GetValueForKey("one")); EXPECT_STREQ("c", map_copy.GetValueForKey("three")); map_copy.SetKeyValue("four", "d"); EXPECT_STREQ("d", map_copy.GetValueForKey("four")); EXPECT_FALSE(map.GetValueForKey("four")); // Test assign. TSimpleStringDictionary<10, 10, 10> map_assign; map_assign = map; EXPECT_EQ(2u, map_assign.GetCount()); EXPECT_STREQ("a", map_assign.GetValueForKey("one")); EXPECT_STREQ("c", map_assign.GetValueForKey("three")); map_assign.SetKeyValue("four", "d"); EXPECT_STREQ("d", map_assign.GetValueForKey("four")); EXPECT_FALSE(map.GetValueForKey("four")); map.RemoveKey("one"); EXPECT_FALSE(map.GetValueForKey("one")); EXPECT_STREQ("a", map_copy.GetValueForKey("one")); EXPECT_STREQ("a", map_assign.GetValueForKey("one")); } // Add a bunch of values to the dictionary, remove some entries in the middle, // and then add more. TEST(SimpleStringDictionary, Iterator) { SimpleStringDictionary* dict = new SimpleStringDictionary; ASSERT_TRUE(dict); char key[SimpleStringDictionary::key_size]; char value[SimpleStringDictionary::value_size]; const int kDictionaryCapacity = SimpleStringDictionary::num_entries; const int kPartitionIndex = kDictionaryCapacity - 5; // We assume at least this size in the tests below ASSERT_GE(kDictionaryCapacity, 64); // We'll keep track of the number of key/value pairs we think should be in the // dictionary int expectedDictionarySize = 0; // Set a bunch of key/value pairs like key0/value0, key1/value1, ... for (int i = 0; i < kPartitionIndex; ++i) { sprintf(key, "key%d", i); sprintf(value, "value%d", i); dict->SetKeyValue(key, value); } expectedDictionarySize = kPartitionIndex; // set a couple of the keys twice (with the same value) - should be nop dict->SetKeyValue("key2", "value2"); dict->SetKeyValue("key4", "value4"); dict->SetKeyValue("key15", "value15"); // Remove some random elements in the middle dict->RemoveKey("key7"); dict->RemoveKey("key18"); dict->RemoveKey("key23"); dict->RemoveKey("key31"); expectedDictionarySize -= 4; // we just removed four key/value pairs // Set some more key/value pairs like key59/value59, key60/value60, ... for (int i = kPartitionIndex; i < kDictionaryCapacity; ++i) { sprintf(key, "key%d", i); sprintf(value, "value%d", i); dict->SetKeyValue(key, value); } expectedDictionarySize += kDictionaryCapacity - kPartitionIndex; // Now create an iterator on the dictionary SimpleStringDictionary::Iterator iter(*dict); // We then verify that it iterates through exactly the number of key/value // pairs we expect, and that they match one-for-one with what we would expect. // The ordering of the iteration does not matter... // used to keep track of number of occurrences found for key/value pairs int count[kDictionaryCapacity]; memset(count, 0, sizeof(count)); int totalCount = 0; const SimpleStringDictionary::Entry* entry; while ((entry = iter.Next())) { totalCount++; // Extract keyNumber from a string of the form key int keyNumber; sscanf(entry->key, "key%d", &keyNumber); // Extract valueNumber from a string of the form value int valueNumber; sscanf(entry->value, "value%d", &valueNumber); // The value number should equal the key number since that's how we set them EXPECT_EQ(keyNumber, valueNumber); // Key and value numbers should be in proper range: 0 <= keyNumber < // kDictionaryCapacity bool isKeyInGoodRange = (keyNumber >= 0 && keyNumber < kDictionaryCapacity); bool isValueInGoodRange = (valueNumber >= 0 && valueNumber < kDictionaryCapacity); EXPECT_TRUE(isKeyInGoodRange); EXPECT_TRUE(isValueInGoodRange); if (isKeyInGoodRange && isValueInGoodRange) { ++count[keyNumber]; } } // Make sure each of the key/value pairs showed up exactly one time, except // for the ones which we removed. for (size_t i = 0; i < kDictionaryCapacity; ++i) { // Skip over key7, key18, key23, and key31, since we removed them if (!(i == 7 || i == 18 || i == 23 || i == 31)) { EXPECT_EQ(count[i], 1); } } // Make sure the number of iterations matches the expected dictionary size. EXPECT_EQ(totalCount, expectedDictionarySize); } TEST(SimpleStringDictionary, AddRemove) { TSimpleStringDictionary<5, 7, 6> map; map.SetKeyValue("rob", "ert"); map.SetKeyValue("mike", "pink"); map.SetKeyValue("mark", "allays"); EXPECT_EQ(3u, map.GetCount()); EXPECT_STREQ("ert", map.GetValueForKey("rob")); EXPECT_STREQ("pink", map.GetValueForKey("mike")); EXPECT_STREQ("allays", map.GetValueForKey("mark")); map.RemoveKey("mike"); EXPECT_EQ(2u, map.GetCount()); EXPECT_FALSE(map.GetValueForKey("mike")); map.SetKeyValue("mark", "mal"); EXPECT_EQ(2u, map.GetCount()); EXPECT_STREQ("mal", map.GetValueForKey("mark")); map.RemoveKey("mark"); EXPECT_EQ(1u, map.GetCount()); EXPECT_FALSE(map.GetValueForKey("mark")); } TEST(SimpleStringDictionary, Serialize) { using TestMap = TSimpleStringDictionary<4, 5, 7>; TestMap map; map.SetKeyValue("one", "abc"); map.SetKeyValue("two", "def"); map.SetKeyValue("tre", "hig"); EXPECT_STREQ("abc", map.GetValueForKey("one")); EXPECT_STREQ("def", map.GetValueForKey("two")); EXPECT_STREQ("hig", map.GetValueForKey("tre")); const SerializedSimpleStringDictionary* serialized; size_t size = map.Serialize(&serialized); SerializedSimpleStringDictionary* serialized_copy = reinterpret_cast(malloc(size)); ASSERT_TRUE(serialized_copy); memcpy(serialized_copy, serialized, size); TestMap deserialized(serialized_copy, size); free(serialized_copy); EXPECT_EQ(3u, deserialized.GetCount()); EXPECT_STREQ("abc", deserialized.GetValueForKey("one")); EXPECT_STREQ("def", deserialized.GetValueForKey("two")); EXPECT_STREQ("hig", deserialized.GetValueForKey("tre")); } // Running out of space shouldn't crash. TEST(SimpleStringDictionary, OutOfSpace) { TSimpleStringDictionary<3, 2, 2> map; map.SetKeyValue("a", "1"); map.SetKeyValue("b", "2"); map.SetKeyValue("c", "3"); EXPECT_EQ(2u, map.GetCount()); EXPECT_FALSE(map.GetValueForKey("c")); } #if DCHECK_IS_ON() TEST(SimpleStringDictionaryDeathTest, NullKey) { TSimpleStringDictionary<4, 6, 6> map; ASSERT_DEATH_CHECK(map.SetKeyValue(nullptr, "hello"), "key"); map.SetKeyValue("hi", "there"); ASSERT_DEATH_CHECK(map.GetValueForKey(nullptr), "key"); EXPECT_STREQ("there", map.GetValueForKey("hi")); ASSERT_DEATH_CHECK(map.GetValueForKey(nullptr), "key"); map.RemoveKey("hi"); EXPECT_EQ(0u, map.GetCount()); } #endif } // namespace } // namespace test } // namespace crashpad