// Copyright 2014 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <string>

namespace crashpad {

//! \brief Submits a job to the user launchd domain as in `SMJobSubmit()`.
//! \param[in] job_cf A dictionary describing a job.
//! \return `true` if the job was submitted successfully, otherwise `false`.
//! \note This function is provided because `SMJobSubmit()` is deprecated in OS
//!     X 10.10. It may or may not be implemented using `SMJobSubmit()` from
//!     `ServiceManagement.framework`.
bool ServiceManagementSubmitJob(CFDictionaryRef job_cf);

//! \brief Removes a job from the user launchd domain as in `SMJobRemove()`.
//! \param[in] label The label for the job to remove.
//! \param[in] wait `true` if this function should block, waiting for the job to
//!     be removed. `false` if the job may be removed asynchronously.
//! \return `true` if the job was removed successfully or if an asynchronous
//!     attempt to remove the job was started successfully, otherwise `false`.
//! \note This function is provided because `SMJobRemove()` is deprecated in OS
//!     X 10.10. On OS X 10.10, observed in DP8 14A361c, it also blocks for far
//!     too long (`_block_until_job_exits()` contains a one-second `sleep()`,
//!     filed as radar 18398683) and does not signal failure via its return
//!     value when asked to remove a nonexistent job (filed as radar 18268941).
bool ServiceManagementRemoveJob(const std::string& label, bool wait);

//! \brief Determines whether a specified job is loaded in the user launchd
//!     domain.
//! \param[in] label The label for the job to look up.
//! \return `true` if the job is loaded, otherwise `false`.
//! \note A loaded job is not necessarily presently running, nor has it
//!     necessarily ever run in the past.
//! \note This function is provided because `SMJobCopyDictionary()` is
//!     deprecated in OS X 10.10. It may or may not be implemented using
//!     `SMJobCopyDictionary()` from `ServiceManagement.framework`.
bool ServiceManagementIsJobLoaded(const std::string& label);

//! \brief Determines whether a specified job is running in the user launchd
//!     domain.
//! \param[in] label The label for the job to look up.
//! \return The job’s process ID if running, otherwise `0`.
//! \note This function is provided because `SMJobCopyDictionary()` is
//!     deprecated in OS X 10.10. It may or may not be implemented using
//!     `SMJobCopyDictionary()` from `ServiceManagement.framework`.
pid_t ServiceManagementIsJobRunning(const std::string& label);

}  // namespace crashpad