// Copyright 2015 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "client/prune_crash_reports.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h" #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "test/scoped_temp_dir.h" #include "util/file/file_io.h" namespace crashpad { namespace test { namespace { class MockDatabase : public CrashReportDatabase { public: // CrashReportDatabase: MOCK_METHOD0(GetSettings, Settings*()); MOCK_METHOD1(PrepareNewCrashReport, OperationStatus(std::unique_ptr*)); MOCK_METHOD2(LookUpCrashReport, OperationStatus(const UUID&, Report*)); MOCK_METHOD1(GetPendingReports, OperationStatus(std::vector*)); MOCK_METHOD1(GetCompletedReports, OperationStatus(std::vector*)); MOCK_METHOD3(GetReportForUploading, OperationStatus(const UUID&, std::unique_ptr*, bool report_metrics)); MOCK_METHOD3(RecordUploadAttempt, OperationStatus(UploadReport*, bool, const std::string&)); MOCK_METHOD2(SkipReportUpload, OperationStatus(const UUID&, Metrics::CrashSkippedReason)); MOCK_METHOD1(DeleteReport, OperationStatus(const UUID&)); MOCK_METHOD1(RequestUpload, OperationStatus(const UUID&)); // gmock doesn't support mocking methods with non-copyable types such as // unique_ptr. OperationStatus FinishedWritingCrashReport(std::unique_ptr report, UUID* uuid) override { return kNoError; } }; time_t NDaysAgo(int num_days) { return time(nullptr) - (num_days * 60 * 60 * 24); } TEST(PruneCrashReports, AgeCondition) { CrashReportDatabase::Report report_80_days; report_80_days.creation_time = NDaysAgo(80); CrashReportDatabase::Report report_10_days; report_10_days.creation_time = NDaysAgo(10); CrashReportDatabase::Report report_30_days; report_30_days.creation_time = NDaysAgo(30); AgePruneCondition condition(30); EXPECT_TRUE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_80_days)); EXPECT_FALSE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_10_days)); EXPECT_FALSE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_30_days)); } TEST(PruneCrashReports, SizeCondition) { CrashReportDatabase::Report report_1k; report_1k.total_size = 1024u; CrashReportDatabase::Report report_3k; report_3k.total_size = 1024u * 3u; CrashReportDatabase::Report report_unset_size; { DatabaseSizePruneCondition condition(/*max_size_in_kb=*/1); // |report_1k| should not be pruned as the cumulated size is not past 1kB // yet. EXPECT_FALSE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_1k)); // |report_3k| should be pruned as the cumulated size is now past 1kB. EXPECT_TRUE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_3k)); } { DatabaseSizePruneCondition condition(/*max_size_in_kb=*/1); // |report_3k| should be pruned as the cumulated size is already past 1kB. EXPECT_TRUE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_3k)); } { DatabaseSizePruneCondition condition(/*max_size_in_kb=*/6); // |report_3k| should not be pruned as the cumulated size is not past 6kB // yet. EXPECT_FALSE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_3k)); // |report_3k| should not be pruned as the cumulated size is not past 6kB // yet. EXPECT_FALSE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_3k)); // |report_1k| should be pruned as the cumulated size is now past 6kB. EXPECT_TRUE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_1k)); } { DatabaseSizePruneCondition condition(/*max_size_in_kb=*/0); // |report_unset_size| should not be pruned as its size is 0, regardless of // how many times we try to prune it. EXPECT_FALSE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_unset_size)); EXPECT_FALSE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_unset_size)); EXPECT_FALSE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_unset_size)); EXPECT_FALSE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_unset_size)); EXPECT_FALSE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_unset_size)); // |report_1k| should be pruned as the cumulated size is now past 0kB. EXPECT_TRUE(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report_1k)); } } class StaticCondition final : public PruneCondition { public: explicit StaticCondition(bool value) : value_(value), did_execute_(false) {} ~StaticCondition() {} bool ShouldPruneReport(const CrashReportDatabase::Report& report) override { did_execute_ = true; return value_; } bool did_execute() const { return did_execute_; } private: const bool value_; bool did_execute_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StaticCondition); }; TEST(PruneCrashReports, BinaryCondition) { static constexpr struct { const char* name; BinaryPruneCondition::Operator op; bool lhs_value; bool rhs_value; bool cond_result; bool lhs_executed; bool rhs_executed; } kTests[] = { {"false && false", BinaryPruneCondition::AND, false, false, false, true, false}, {"false && true", BinaryPruneCondition::AND, false, true, false, true, false}, {"true && false", BinaryPruneCondition::AND, true, false, false, true, true}, {"true && true", BinaryPruneCondition::AND, true, true, true, true, true}, {"false || false", BinaryPruneCondition::OR, false, false, false, true, true}, {"false || true", BinaryPruneCondition::OR, false, true, true, true, true}, {"true || false", BinaryPruneCondition::OR, true, false, true, true, false}, {"true || true", BinaryPruneCondition::OR, true, true, true, true, false}, }; for (const auto& test : kTests) { SCOPED_TRACE(test.name); auto lhs = new StaticCondition(test.lhs_value); auto rhs = new StaticCondition(test.rhs_value); BinaryPruneCondition condition(test.op, lhs, rhs); CrashReportDatabase::Report report; EXPECT_EQ(condition.ShouldPruneReport(report), test.cond_result); EXPECT_EQ(lhs->did_execute(), test.lhs_executed); EXPECT_EQ(rhs->did_execute(), test.rhs_executed); } } MATCHER_P(TestUUID, data_1, "") { return arg.data_1 == data_1; } TEST(PruneCrashReports, PruneOrder) { using ::testing::_; using ::testing::DoAll; using ::testing::Return; using ::testing::SetArgPointee; std::vector reports; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { CrashReportDatabase::Report temp; temp.uuid.data_1 = i; temp.creation_time = NDaysAgo(i * 10); reports.push_back(temp); } std::mt19937 urng(std::random_device{}()); std::shuffle(reports.begin(), reports.end(), urng); std::vector pending_reports( reports.begin(), reports.begin() + 5); std::vector completed_reports( reports.begin() + 5, reports.end()); MockDatabase db; EXPECT_CALL(db, GetPendingReports(_)).WillOnce(DoAll( SetArgPointee<0>(pending_reports), Return(CrashReportDatabase::kNoError))); EXPECT_CALL(db, GetCompletedReports(_)).WillOnce(DoAll( SetArgPointee<0>(completed_reports), Return(CrashReportDatabase::kNoError))); for (size_t i = 0; i < reports.size(); ++i) { EXPECT_CALL(db, DeleteReport(TestUUID(i))) .WillOnce(Return(CrashReportDatabase::kNoError)); } StaticCondition delete_all(true); PruneCrashReportDatabase(&db, &delete_all); } } // namespace } // namespace test } // namespace crashpad