8 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Mark Mentovai
7f939285de win: Rename CrashpadClient::SetHandler() to SetHandlerIPCPipe()
In https://codereview.chromium.org/1414533006/, I'm adding a few
Mac-specific SetHandler() variants, so it makes sense to name each
SetHandler() variant for what it does.

I'm also making it take a wstring argument, which seems like a more
natural fit for what it does. There should be fewer string conversions
this way.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1406993008 .
2015-11-02 17:00:06 -05:00
Mark Mentovai
740c668e87 win: Implement CrashpadClient::StartHandler()

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1428803006 .
2015-11-02 13:59:36 -05:00
Mark Mentovai
d075a9eb2e win: Add and use GET_FUNCTION() and GET_FUNCTION_REQUIRED()
These wrap the GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary(), …) idiom into macros that
are much less wordy.

TEST=crashpad_util_test GetFunction.GetFunction and all others

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1405323003 .
2015-10-19 14:32:07 -04:00
Scott Graham
d1e49bd221 Fix CRITICAL_SECTION test
I thought I had confirmed that this still allocated and ignored the flag
on older OSs, but I must have not had the PLOG active yet? I'm not sure
what I did. (I might try to blame VMware as it has an annoying habit of
caching old binaries when you use it's "Shared Folders" feature to point
at the dev machine's build dir.)

I confirmed that it does work on Win8 and Win10 but doesn't on Win XP
and Win 7.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1405243002 .
2015-10-16 14:55:14 -07:00
Scott Graham
4893a9b76d win: Capture some CRITICAL_SECTION debugging data
Capture the memory for the loader lock (can be inspected by !cs), as
well as all locks that were created with .DebugInfo which can be viewed
with !locks.


0:000> !cs ntdll!LdrpLoaderLock
Critical section   = 0x778d6410 (ntdll!LdrpLoaderLock+0x0)
DebugInfo          = 0x778d6b6c
LockSemaphore      = 0x0
SpinCount          = 0x04000000

0:000> !locks -v

CritSec ntdll!RtlpProcessHeapsListLock+0 at 778d7620
LockCount          NOT LOCKED
RecursionCount     0
OwningThread       0
EntryCount         0
ContentionCount    0

CritSec +7a0248 at 007a0248
LockCount          NOT LOCKED
RecursionCount     0
OwningThread       0
EntryCount         0
ContentionCount    0

CritSec crashy_program!g_critical_section_with_debug_info+0 at 01342c48
LockCount          NOT LOCKED
RecursionCount     0
OwningThread       0
EntryCount         0
ContentionCount    0

CritSec crashy_program!crashpad::`anonymous namespace'::g_test_critical_section+0 at 01342be0
WaiterWoken        No
LockCount          0
RecursionCount     1
OwningThread       34b8
EntryCount         0
ContentionCount    0
*** Locked

Scanned 4 critical sections


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1392093003 .
2015-10-15 13:18:08 -07:00
Scott Graham
019a0cec8b win: Write memory map info as MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO[_LIST]
Makes !vprot work in windbg, e.g.

0:000> !vprot 0x970000
BaseAddress:       00970000
AllocationBase:    00970000
AllocationProtect: 00000004  PAGE_READWRITE
RegionSize:        00001000
State:             00001000  MEM_COMMIT
Protect:           00000001  PAGE_NOACCESS
Type:              00020000  MEM_PRIVATE


0:000> !vprot 0x97a000
BaseAddress:       0097a000
AllocationBase:    00970000
AllocationProtect: 00000004  PAGE_READWRITE
RegionSize:        00001000
State:             00001000  MEM_COMMIT
Protect:           00000140  PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE + PAGE_GUARD
Type:              00020000  MEM_PRIVATE

Follows https://codereview.chromium.org/1377133006.

BUG=crashpad:20, crashpad:46

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1379873005 .
2015-10-13 13:15:44 -07:00
Scott Graham
ecf3b37863 win: Save contents of TEBs allowing !teb and !gle to work in windbg
crashy_program's log looks something like this now:

0:000> .ecxr
eax=00000007 ebx=7f24e000 ecx=7f24d000 edx=00000000 esi=00497ec8 edi=00d39ca0
eip=00cf5d12 esp=001ffcd8 ebp=001ffcdc iopl=0         nv up ei ng nz ac po cy
cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010293
00cf5d12 ??              ???
0:000> !teb
TEB at 7f24d000
    ExceptionList:        001ff548
    StackBase:            00200000
    StackLimit:           001fd000
    SubSystemTib:         00000000
    FiberData:            00001e00
    ArbitraryUserPointer: 00000000
    Self:                 7f24d000
    EnvironmentPointer:   00000000
    ClientId:             00003658 . 00004630
    RpcHandle:            00000000
    Tls Storage:          7f24d02c
    PEB Address:          7f24e000
    LastErrorValue:       2
    LastStatusValue:      c000000f
    Count Owned Locks:    0
    HardErrorMode:        0
0:000> !gle
LastErrorValue: (Win32) 0x2 (2) - The system cannot find the file specified.
LastStatusValue: (NTSTATUS) 0xc000000f - {File Not Found}  The file %hs does not exist.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1364803004 .
2015-10-01 14:04:49 -07:00
Scott Graham
5de461e8c8 Refactor handler/main for Windows, implement CrashHandlerExceptionServer

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1314093002 .
2015-09-03 13:31:19 -07:00