diff --git a/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html b/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html
index 748ee64f..d45ff154 100644
--- a/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html
+++ b/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Crashpad: Class List
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
@@ -94,35 +94,35 @@ var searchBox = new SearchBox("searchBox", "search",false,'Search');
► N internal The internal namespace, not for public use
C CheckedAddressRangeGeneric Ensures that a range, composed of a base and a size, does not overflow the pointer type of the process it describes a range in
C ClientData The context data for registered threadpool waits
- C CrashReportUploadHelperThread
- C ExceptionSnapshotMac An ExceptionSnapshot of an exception sustained by a running (or crashed) process on a Mac OS X system
- C ExceptionSnapshotWin
- C LocalAllocTraits
- C MachOImageSymbolTableReaderInitializer The internal implementation for MachOImageSymbolTableReader
- C MemoryMapRegionSnapshotWin
- C MemorySnapshotMac A MemorySnapshot of a memory region in a process on the running system, when the system runs Mac OS X
- C MemorySnapshotWin A MemorySnapshot of a memory region in a process on the running system, when the system runs Windows
- C MinidumpModuleCodeViewRecordPDBLinkWriter The base class for writers of CodeView records that serve as links to .pdb
(program database) files
- C MinidumpRVAListWriter The writer for a MinidumpRVAList object in a minidump file, containing a list of RVA pointers
- C MinidumpStreamWriter The base class for all second-level objects (“streams”) in a minidump file
- C MinidumpStringListWriter The writer for a MinidumpRVAList object in a minidump file, containing a list of MinidumpStringWriterType objects
- C MinidumpStringWriter Writes a variable-length string to a minidump file in accordance with the string type’s characteristics
- C MinidumpUTF16StringWriter Writes a variable-length UTF-16-encoded MINIDUMP_STRING to a minidump file
- C MinidumpUTF8StringWriter Writes a variable-length UTF-8-encoded MinidumpUTF8String to a minidump file
- C MinidumpWritable The base class for all content that might be written to a minidump file
- C MinidumpWriterUtil A collection of utility functions used by the MinidumpWritable family of classes
- C ModuleSnapshotMac A ModuleSnapshot of a code module (binary image) loaded into a running (or crashed) process on a Mac OS X system
- C ModuleSnapshotMinidump A ModuleSnapshot based on a module in a minidump file
- C ModuleSnapshotWin A ModuleSnapshot of a code module (binary image) loaded into a running (or crashed) process on a Windows system
- C PipeServiceContext Context information for the named pipe handler threads
- C ScopedFileHANDLECloseTraits
- C ScopedKernelHANDLECloseTraits
- C ScopedLockedFileHandleTraits
- C SystemSnapshotMac A SystemSnapshot of the running system, when the system runs Mac OS X
- C SystemSnapshotWin A SystemSnapshot of the running system, when the system runs Windows
- C ThreadSnapshotMac A ThreadSnapshot of a thread in a running (or crashed) process on a Mac OS X system
- C ThreadSnapshotWin A ThreadSnapshot of a thread in a running (or crashed) process on a Windows system
- C UniversalMachExcServerImpl
+ C ExceptionSnapshotMac An ExceptionSnapshot of an exception sustained by a running (or crashed) process on a Mac OS X system
+ C ExceptionSnapshotWin
+ C LocalAllocTraits
+ C MachOImageSymbolTableReaderInitializer The internal implementation for MachOImageSymbolTableReader
+ C MemoryMapRegionSnapshotWin
+ C MemorySnapshotMac A MemorySnapshot of a memory region in a process on the running system, when the system runs Mac OS X
+ C MemorySnapshotWin A MemorySnapshot of a memory region in a process on the running system, when the system runs Windows
+ C MinidumpModuleCodeViewRecordPDBLinkWriter The base class for writers of CodeView records that serve as links to .pdb
(program database) files
+ C MinidumpRVAListWriter The writer for a MinidumpRVAList object in a minidump file, containing a list of RVA pointers
+ C MinidumpStreamWriter The base class for all second-level objects (“streams”) in a minidump file
+ C MinidumpStringListWriter The writer for a MinidumpRVAList object in a minidump file, containing a list of MinidumpStringWriterType objects
+ C MinidumpStringWriter Writes a variable-length string to a minidump file in accordance with the string type’s characteristics
+ C MinidumpUTF16StringWriter Writes a variable-length UTF-16-encoded MINIDUMP_STRING to a minidump file
+ C MinidumpUTF8StringWriter Writes a variable-length UTF-8-encoded MinidumpUTF8String to a minidump file
+ C MinidumpWritable The base class for all content that might be written to a minidump file
+ C MinidumpWriterUtil A collection of utility functions used by the MinidumpWritable family of classes
+ C ModuleSnapshotMac A ModuleSnapshot of a code module (binary image) loaded into a running (or crashed) process on a Mac OS X system
+ C ModuleSnapshotMinidump A ModuleSnapshot based on a module in a minidump file
+ C ModuleSnapshotWin A ModuleSnapshot of a code module (binary image) loaded into a running (or crashed) process on a Windows system
+ C PipeServiceContext Context information for the named pipe handler threads
+ C ScopedFileHANDLECloseTraits
+ C ScopedKernelHANDLECloseTraits
+ C ScopedLockedFileHandleTraits
+ C SystemSnapshotMac A SystemSnapshot of the running system, when the system runs Mac OS X
+ C SystemSnapshotWin A SystemSnapshot of the running system, when the system runs Windows
+ C ThreadSnapshotMac A ThreadSnapshot of a thread in a running (or crashed) process on a Mac OS X system
+ C ThreadSnapshotWin A ThreadSnapshot of a thread in a running (or crashed) process on a Windows system
+ C UniversalMachExcServerImpl
+ C WorkerThreadImpl
► N process_types
► N internal
C Traits32
@@ -292,37 +292,40 @@ var searchBox = new SearchBox("searchBox", "search",false,'Search');
C ProcessSnapshotWin A ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a Windows system
C ProcessSubrangeReader A wrapper for ProcessReaderWin that only allows a specific subrange to be read from
C PruneCondition An abstract base class for evaluating crash reports for deletion
- C RegistrationRequest A client registration request
- C RegistrationResponse A client registration response
- C ScopedForbidReturn Asserts that a scope must not be exited while unsafe
- C ScopedProcessSuspend Manages the suspension of another process
- C ScopedTaskSuspend Manages the suspension of another task
- C Semaphore An anonymous in-process counting sempahore
- C ServerToClientMessage The response sent back to the client via SendToCrashHandlerServer()
- ► C Settings An interface for accessing and modifying the settings of a CrashReportDatabase
- C Data
- C ShutdownRequest A message only sent to the server by itself to trigger shutdown
- C StringFile A file reader and writer backed by a virtual file, as opposed to a file on disk or other operating system file descriptor-based file
- C StringHTTPBodyStream An implementation of HTTPBodyStream that turns a fixed string into a stream
- C SystemSnapshot An abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a system, comprising an operating system, CPU architecture, and various other characteristics
- ► C TaskMemory Accesses the memory of another Mach task
- C MappedMemory A memory region mapped from another Mach task
- C Thread Basic thread abstraction. Users should derive from this class and implement ThreadMain()
- C ThreadLogMessages Captures log messages produced on the current thread during an object’s lifetime
- C ThreadSnapshot An abstract interface to a snapshot representing a thread (lightweight process) present in a snapshot process
- C ToolSupport Common functions used by command line tools
- ► C TSimpleStringDictionary A map/dictionary collection implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations
- C Entry A single entry in the map
- C Iterator An iterator to traverse all of the active entries in a TSimpleStringDictionary
- C uint128_struct Stores a 128-bit quantity
- ► C UniversalMachExcServer A server interface for the exc
and mach_exc
Mach subsystems, unified to handle exceptions delivered to either subsystem, and simplified to have only a single interface method needing implementation
- C Interface An interface that the different request messages that are a part of the exc
and mach_exc
Mach subsystems can be dispatched to
- ► C UUID A universally unique identifier (UUID)
- C InitializeWithNewTag Tag to pass to constructor to indicate it should initialize with generated data
- C WeakFileHandleFileReader A file reader backed by a FileHandle
- C WeakFileHandleFileWriter A file writer backed by a FileHandle
- C WeakStdioFileReader A file reader backed by a standard input/output FILE*
- C WritableIoVec A version of iovec
with a const
iov_base field
+ C PruneCrashReportThread A thread that periodically prunes crash reports from the database using the specified condition
+ C RegistrationRequest A client registration request
+ C RegistrationResponse A client registration response
+ C ScopedForbidReturn Asserts that a scope must not be exited while unsafe
+ C ScopedProcessSuspend Manages the suspension of another process
+ C ScopedTaskSuspend Manages the suspension of another task
+ C Semaphore An anonymous in-process counting sempahore
+ C ServerToClientMessage The response sent back to the client via SendToCrashHandlerServer()
+ ► C Settings An interface for accessing and modifying the settings of a CrashReportDatabase
+ C Data
+ C ShutdownRequest A message only sent to the server by itself to trigger shutdown
+ C StringFile A file reader and writer backed by a virtual file, as opposed to a file on disk or other operating system file descriptor-based file
+ C StringHTTPBodyStream An implementation of HTTPBodyStream that turns a fixed string into a stream
+ C SystemSnapshot An abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a system, comprising an operating system, CPU architecture, and various other characteristics
+ ► C TaskMemory Accesses the memory of another Mach task
+ C MappedMemory A memory region mapped from another Mach task
+ C Thread Basic thread abstraction. Users should derive from this class and implement ThreadMain()
+ C ThreadLogMessages Captures log messages produced on the current thread during an object’s lifetime
+ C ThreadSnapshot An abstract interface to a snapshot representing a thread (lightweight process) present in a snapshot process
+ C ToolSupport Common functions used by command line tools
+ ► C TSimpleStringDictionary A map/dictionary collection implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations
+ C Entry A single entry in the map
+ C Iterator An iterator to traverse all of the active entries in a TSimpleStringDictionary
+ C uint128_struct Stores a 128-bit quantity
+ ► C UniversalMachExcServer A server interface for the exc
and mach_exc
Mach subsystems, unified to handle exceptions delivered to either subsystem, and simplified to have only a single interface method needing implementation
+ C Interface An interface that the different request messages that are a part of the exc
and mach_exc
Mach subsystems can be dispatched to
+ ► C UUID A universally unique identifier (UUID)
+ C InitializeWithNewTag Tag to pass to constructor to indicate it should initialize with generated data
+ C WeakFileHandleFileReader A file reader backed by a FileHandle
+ C WeakFileHandleFileWriter A file writer backed by a FileHandle
+ C WeakStdioFileReader A file reader backed by a standard input/output FILE*
+ ► C WorkerThread A WorkerThread executes its Delegate 's DoWork method repeatedly on a dedicated thread at a set time interval
+ C Delegate An interface for doing work on a WorkerThread
+ C WritableIoVec A version of iovec
with a const
iov_base field
► N logging
C NtstatusLogMessage
C CPU_INFORMATION Information about the CPU (or CPUs) that ran the process that the minidump file contains a snapshot of
@@ -360,7 +363,7 @@ var searchBox = new SearchBox("searchBox", "search",false,'Search');